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Lockheed to handover latest F-35/ F-16 tech to India in fighter jet bid

Correct!.......In front of Su-30MKI........F-16/ F-35 bring no improvement in capability at all.

India is not looking to procure F-16,no matter how much you paint some decals and put new headlights.The single engine tender was scrapped because Lockheed/GoUS was not willing to provide any substantive technology.Also buying F-16 to be able to buy F-35 at a future date sounds like blackmail

Qaher is not out yet, when it is, you can comment.

And your Qahir-313 will be 10 gen ahead of F-35 @Tokhme khar :lol::rofl::sarcastic::suicide::suicide2::jester::enjoy:
This news is just eyewash.

IAF should still go for the Rafale, a fighter that is going to last till 2050.
The F-16 is not junk only fools would call it junk, it could be handy for India until they 5 gen fighter jets.

A stop gap for now.
yanay kay...angoor khattay hain in ADVANCE!!!


Rafale deal with France is proof that Modi is not looking for ToT. Only out right purchase deals with no ToT would be done going forward. Same is the case with Spike deal.


India will purchase Spike Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) from Israel through the so-called government to government (G to G) route because the military wants the proven weapon, and the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has no objections to the deal as long as it does not involve transfer of technology (TOT).
The latest mark F-16's/ F-18E/F's or F-15's or even the F-35 don't hold much of a candle in front of an Su-30MKI, in case you didn't know. And the IAF operates more than 200 MKI's today. The US would literally have to offer the IAF the F-22 assembly to beat the competition.

The F-16 is not junk only fools would call it junk, it could be handy for India until they 5 gen fighter jets.

A stop gap for now.
Rafale deal with France is proof that Modi is not looking for ToT. Only out right purchase deals with no ToT would be done going forward. Same is the case with Spike deal.


India will purchase Spike Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) from Israel through the so-called government to government (G to G) route because the military wants the proven weapon, and the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has no objections to the deal as long as it does not involve transfer of technology (TOT).
first time I've heard of a country saying that we WON'T buy it if you transfer technology:woot:

as I said, angoor khattay heeeeiin in ADVANCE!!!

first time I've heard of a country saying that we WON'T buy it if you transfer technology:woot:

as I said, angoor khattay heeeeiin in ADVANCE!!!


well you may be right but India is no longer looking for ToT.
Countries like Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, SK, Egypt, Morocco, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and of course the EU will continue to operate this F-16 for another decade. US trying to sell the aftermarket parts business to the Indians. The sweetener in this is the F-35 assembly lines. Once again all US puppets in the EU, the wahabbi countries and other camel jockey puppets in the Persian Gulf will also buy from India if F-35 assembly line gets set up at HAL, just like how the US set up the F-16 line in turkey in 1980.

The only issue here is that both the F-16 and the F-35 are junk! So selling junk to puppets business.
US wouldn't offer us the production line of F-35 unless they start inducting 6th gen fighters. F-16 has reached the zenith of it's upgrade potential and the entire process of negotiations and setup of the lines for India would take around 15 years by the time where most countries of the world would have 5th gen squadrons and even pak may induct few squads of J-31 and countries like US, China, Russia would be moving to 6th gen

It would be dickhead move if India goes with US weapons systems as they come with a lot of strings attached
Correct!.......In front of Su-30MKI........F-16/ F-35 bring no improvement in capability at all.
The latest mark F-16's/ F-18E/F's or F-15's or even the F-35 don't hold much of a candle in front of an Su-30MKI, in case you didn't know. And the IAF operates more than 200 MKI's today. The US would literally have to offer the IAF the F-22 assembly to beat the competition.
LOL.... Su-30MKI has huge RCS of 15m2 clean, whereas F-16 has a 1m2 RCS wwith weapon and they have world class weapons like AMRAAM, sidewander, as for F-35 has a RCS of 00000.1 with internal weapons (air to air) and its world most electronically advance jet, USA always way way ahead to russia on system integration, senor fusion, F-16 second best jet in the world in the term of (air to air kills) after F-15 and F-35 do not need to come to close to MKI to engage a dog fight but F-35 will roast MKI in BVR arena, and last thing have to tell me that show me prove that MKI kills the enemy jet or even a UAV in wars (battle tested) nad last thing i have say F-35 AESA radar can easily jam Su-30MKI BARS radar @Tokhme khar :lol::sarcastic::help::suicide::suicide2::enjoy:
USA only offers downgraded/obsolete technology for export. Anything cutting edge, that gives USA technological edge over the rest of the World, is not for sale at any price.
Ethiopian Flankers have scored 4 kills against Eritrean Mig-29 9-12's with no losses. 3 of those kills were made with R-27T's at max BVR. Until the mid 1990's the R-73 cued to the IRST/ HMS was the best close in fighting weapon until the into of the Aim-9X. Still is one of the best in the world. IAF MK/ MKI's have performed very well against USAF F-15's in simulated combat. Plenty of articles available online. And FYI AESA is not a jammer, it is a radar. For jamming you'd require an the AN/ALQ series jammer pods or more likely the weasel EF-6 prowlers. AESA won't and can't jam shit. lol

SyAF in the 82 Bekaa valley skirmish has a number of F-16A kills using both the R-23 and R-60, in addition to many A-4's, Kfir's and F-4's.

LOL.... Su-30MKI has huge RCS of 15m2 clean, whereas F-16 has a 1m2 RCS wwith weapon and they have world class weapons like AMRAAM, sidewander, as for F-35 has a RCS of 00000.1 with internal weapons (air to air) and its world most electronically advance jet, USA always way way ahead to russia on system integration, senor fusion, F-16 second best jet in the world in the term of (air to air kills) after F-15 and F-35 do not need to come to close to MKI to engage a dog fight but F-35 will roast MKI in BVR arena, and last thing have to tell me that show me prove that MKI kills the enemy jet or even a UAV in wars (battle tested) nad last thing i have say F-35 AESA radar can easily jam Su-30MKI BARS radar @Tokhme khar :lol::sarcastic::help::suicide::suicide2::enjoy:
US had also offered to build the F-104 Starfighter(which just the F-16s,was also used by Pakistan) in India in the 1980s.India rejected it and went for Jaguars.This time it will be rejected for the Rafales(maybe competition is added to pressure Dassault to reduce price)
Ethiopian Flankers have scored 4 kills against Eritrean Mig-29 9-12's with no losses. 3 of those kills were made with R-27T's at max BVR. Until the mid 1990's the R-73 cued to the IRST/ HMS was the best close in fighting weapon until the into of the Aim-9X. Still is one of the best in the world. IAF MK/ MKI's have performed very well against USAF F-15's in simulated combat. Plenty of articles available online. And FYI AESA is not a jammer, it is a radar. For jamming you'd require an the AN/ALQ series jammer pods or more likely the weasel EF-6 prowlers. AESA won't and can't jam shit. lol

SyAF in the 82 Bekaa valley skirmish has a number of F-16A kills using both the R-23 and R-60, in addition to many A-4's, Kfir's and F-4's.
F-15 has similar RCS to MKI and F-35 RADAR has Jaming capability against jet radars and SAMs radars and you all those claims specially against Israeli jets from russian source not from neutral source, israeli claims that their jet down by SAMs/technical mishaps you fool, and i am not talking about R-27 which is 60's era semi active radar guided missiles comparable to sparrow (AIM-7) but R-77 which is comparable to AMRAAM (AIM-120), as for IAF MK/MKI and F-15 exercise all site those phrasing a performance MK/MKI is indian based give me neutral site that stated MK/MKI is better than F-15 you sh!thead @Tokhme khar yeah very few 5th gen SRAAM developed by the west pose threat by R-73, namely german IRST or may be S-darter by south africa, AIM-9X in its development/concept phase since mid 70s, same goes to UK ASRAAM @Tokhme khar :p::p:enjoy:

Really Bro ?
yes bro it has a capability to electronic attack on both jet and SAMs radars @Torch :agree:

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