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Lockheed Martin offers F-16 Block 70, for India, from India, exported to the world


dont fall in that trap, US will give F-16's and in return they will ask you bigger. why dont they offered F-35 to India? if they think India really need that.
Well comically Russia will find it difficult to digest that F16 replaces Mig21. They will not be happy and will want a pound of flesh from india.
End result will be a big shopping bag where india will purchase lots of stuff to keep Russia happy and show case that Russia is still No1 weapons dealer choice by market share.

In short we will haphazardly spend money to keep Russia in good books. One such deal would be super sukhoi and release of funds for FGFA project with some ships purchase

They have already got their SHARE of the Pie

Super Sukhoi is already a 8 Billion dollar project

F 16 is a political deal ;

Modi Obama Bhai Bhai ; F 16 AYE AYE


In sync with Make in India, Lockheed Martin is all out to move the production facility of its F-16 next generation fighters to India. ‘We have had a round of discussions earlier this year with the U.S. government, the government of India and the Indian industry partners about this opportunity. At this stage Indian government has been supplied with all data to support an informed decision’ said Abhay Paranjape, National Executive, India of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. He however mentioned, that shifting of the assembly line is conditional to some assured orders from the India.

Highlighting the partnership strengths, Randall L. Howard from the F-16 Business Development team at Lockheed Martin added, ‘we have an unmatched Industrial partnership experience and we have established the industrial capability in country after country’. Lockheed had delivered a total of 958 fighters from its partnerships with SABCA-Belgium, Fokker-Netherlands, TAI-Turkey and KAI-Korea apart from 3616 deliveries from its facility in Fort Worth, Texas.

‘In India, we are already making components for the worldwide fleet’, added Abhay. Lockheed Martin has partnered with Tata Advanced Systems Limited.

The C-130J airlifter sold internationally contains major aero structure assemblies manufactured in India and each S-92 medium-lift helicopter built by Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, has a cabin manufactured in Hyderabad.

Describing the next gen fighter, Randall pointed on the advantages, ‘Block 70 is most advanced F-16 ever and it will be made in India with an Indian company, this next generation fighter is an evolution of the proven design of the mid-life update (MLU) and common configuration improvement programme (CCIP). The fighter is equipped with latest technology in avionics equipment, operational capabilities, joint helmet cueing systems II and has an unparalleled survivability with modern internal electronic warfare system along with certified advanced weapons onboard’.

Jayant Baranwal, Editor-in-Chief, SP Guide Publications spoke to Randall L. Howard and Abhay Paranjape of Lockheed Martin. Excerpts:


Randall L Howard
F-16 Business Development, Lockheed Martin

Abhay Paranjape
National Executive, India,
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Jayant Baranwal (Baranwal): Does F-16 Block 70 offer any kind of stealth element?

Randall L. Howard (Howard): True stealth in all aspects has to be designed within the aircraft, that’s not the kind of stuff that comes with any aircraft but for F-22 and F-35. Having said that, F-16 offers a lot of general stealth, as it is a small aircraft and it has a pretty small cross section. There is coding that can be placed on the aircraft. The fighter includes a new radar system, stealth detection capability and threat detection capability; it competes very well in its class being undetectable to the radar.

Baranwal: What exactly is the offer of Lockheed Martin, also in the context of Make in India?

Abhay Paranjape (Paranjape): We are not looking at just assembling India’s aircraft here. We are looking at establishing the complete manufacturing base and the ecosystem here in India. We are looking at transferring our entire production from our existing Fort Worth facility to India and also exporting them from here. So what that means also, is, we now have a vested interest in making sure that it succeeds. Lockheed Martin is going to be selling aircraft made here to the world and we will make sure that it succeeds.

Baranwal: Which particular programme of Indian Air Force you are aiming for with the F-16 block 70?

Paranjape: You are very well aware that the MMRCA programme was about 126 odd aircraft. The Rafale is going though in final stages right now and is apparently for much smaller number. The MMRCA proposal came out in 2007 and we are in 2016, so we definitely think there is significant number of aircraft that will be required going forward, how many, what type, what and when exactly, that is up to the Indian Air Force.

Baranwal: Can F-16 compliment the LCA induction?

Paranjape: The induction of an aircraft into the force is obviously the decision of India Air Force’. You saw the briefing from Howard, as far as the capability; you can look it up as far as LCA’s capabilities, the range and the type and compare that with F-16 and you can see.

Baranwal: What will be the turnaround time for the first delivery from the Indian facility post the decision? Can you give an exact timeline?

Howard: I think it is hard to give an exact timeline. The typical delivery period of F-16 is about 36 months range. The challenge we have is to train the workforce and put in place all the facility. We have given a notional time-line to the government on the production. To be very specific in the public forum is very hard, because there are lot of variables and dependencies. But I can say that we have done these many-many times and we have a proven track record of having it done successfully.

Baranwal: As per recent reports, we believe that you are expecting a potential business worth $15 billion in India?

Howard: According to us this is a very conservative figure. We believe if the things fall in place then the potential of business is way too bigger than $15billion.
its been a year that i am hearing this news, why is indian news always a news
Before thinking about Manufacturing capacity first resolve teething problems Tajes is currently facing, god know when will that happens. Will you wait till all Migs fall from the sky then will start planning what to do now ?:lol:.
Check not even a single stated goal/conditions are meet by HAL till date for FOC from IOC 2.
Even 30mm gun is not ready to TEST fire in air.
Bytheway How big manufacturing capacity are you expecting? 400 a day sorry year ? :lol:

Also considerable amount that is made inside the production line which we will still not be able to do
"Only the OEMs will make money.":rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Plz we already had one communist Nehru, who took us 4 decades back. No more needed. Everyone is working for money, only for profits they are making available there production line not for charity. Bytheway are you not working for profit ?
Why Modiji is pleading to MNCs to come India will they not make money ?

Ofcourse if F 16s got manufactured in India, India will gain high talented local human resource. This is only how China get highly skilled manpower. Workers who work in LM factories will learn/trained in modern Techs and known how and get experience.
This is how Hero cycle becomes Hero Motorcycle.

Why you are so doubtful about exports ? F 16 already managed to export thousands !
Still some countries flying F 7, duplicate copy of MIG 21. They and many others can be the future customers.
This is not only business but also making loyal to you for future like India is and will remain to Russia (Hoping you got my point this time)
Even Pakistan is so optimistic with JF 17 but you dont have confidence with F 16 B 70/72 :undecided:

You need to apply a bit brain, even our Pakistani members got it but poor you :tsk:

I think I'll pass.

Against a dunderhead like you, only a tunnel-digging machine can prevail.

You are on my ignore list. Jackass.
For export? who is going to buy F-16 apart from Pakistan..

Production facility is going to be closed at US..
most of the worlds airforces with big pockets are now trying to replace F-16 with new and advance and those who had small pockets USA has issues with them and don;t want to sell anything to them..

dont fall in that trap, US will give F-16's and in return they will ask you bigger. why dont they offered F-35 to India? if they think India really need that.
we pay money to buy so no nonsense possible with India
its been a year that i am hearing this news, why is indian news always a news
News is always news. Unless time passes and it becomes yesterdays news. I think this is not in any stage of winding down soon. I think the threat perception vis-a-vis our both neighbors doesn't warrant it to. I mean c'mon PAF with current state of h/w isn't much to talk about (offensive wise). I dont see PLAAF flying sorties into Indian airspace with their J series.

So we will draw this out to our best advantage. But, personally speaking I'm a little disgusted with this MMRCA tamasha & also hopeful Not, for the 36 but for the follow-up MII.

I can spot many Indian members who were earlier against F-16's entry in lieu of Rafale, but now are openly supporting the idea. What shud I call it? Desperation over delay of Rafale deal or need of hour as tough time is approaching for IAF with every passing day with further delays in acquisitions?
We dont need Rafale to replace Mig21...but surely F16 to replace Mig 21...
Because we dont have money. Accept it. Pakistan does not have resources that it can buy whatever defence.pk members wish.

we have the money to buy old planes but don't have money to buy new ones? you don't have to pay one in just 1 year neither you'll get the planes in 1 year

if Pakistan Navy can buy 8 subs of worth $5 Billion and missile boats etc whats stopping Air Force??
This is last attempt by LM to butter India after being rejected in MMRCA bid in the very initial phase.
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