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‘Lockdown reaches those who imposed curfew on Kashmiris’

Pakistan Space Agency

Apr 22, 2019
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‘Lockdown reaches those who imposed curfew on Kashmiris’
Staff Reporter

March 27, 2020


LAHORE: Speaker Punjab Assembly Ch Parvez Elahi has said the lockdown has also reached the houses of Indian government which had imposed curfew on Kashmiris.

In his video message, he said the BJP extremists would have realized by now as to what was lockdown with which they were targeting the people of occupied Kashmir, he said.

Ch Parvez Elahi further said that whole of India, which was committing oppression and atrocities on the people of Kashmir, was in lockdown. International community should realize the gravity of situation and understand the miserable conditions of the Kashmiris and get Indian government oppression and suppression of Kashmiris stopped.

All the Hindu extremists who were cheering and celebrating the lockdown and annexation of Kashmir and threatening and gloating raping Muslim women in Kashmir, may Allah give all those Hindu extremists and their families Coronavirus and painful deaths.

May they all burn in Hellfire.
All the Hindu extremists who were cheering and celebrating the lockdown and annexation of Kashmir and threatening and gloating raping Muslim women in Kashmir, may Allah give all those Hindu extremists and their families Coronavirus and painful deaths.

Nothing's gonna happen to us, but I wish could have said the same about you guys. And let's keep Allah out of this.
Look, Chinese are not going to like this.
Just because everyone is blaming China for the corona virus, you cannot blame them for all lockouts as well.
Unless he meant to say China had to lockdown because they locked down Uighurs

Even uighurs under lockdown received much better treatment then Indian muslims by just living in India. Chinese government has invested alot of money uplifting primitive uighur population where as India has only invested in criminalizing its muslim population.
Yes, if uighur try to promote jihad or separation then they will receive worst treatment then if muslims were to do the same in western nation.
‘Lockdown reaches those who imposed curfew on Kashmiris’
Staff Reporter

March 27, 2020


LAHORE: Speaker Punjab Assembly Ch Parvez Elahi has said the lockdown has also reached the houses of Indian government which had imposed curfew on Kashmiris.

In his video message, he said the BJP extremists would have realized by now as to what was lockdown with which they were targeting the people of occupied Kashmir, he said.

Ch Parvez Elahi further said that whole of India, which was committing oppression and atrocities on the people of Kashmir, was in lockdown. International community should realize the gravity of situation and understand the miserable conditions of the Kashmiris and get Indian government oppression and suppression of Kashmiris stopped.


Pakistanis best hope, this lockdown reaches them too, that too real soon. Or it would be too late, for millions of them.
Allah planned it so well that Pakistan has the highest number of corona cases ( and growing exponentially) in South Asia.. .india will come out of it without much impact....for a country as big as India, it is doing extremely well in containing the spread.
The world hasbeen saying for years that Pakistan has been supporting terrorists...Pakistan has blood of so many innocent Indians on its hands...should I say god is punishing it for all those sins?
Yes...we have imposed lockdowns in Kashmir...but who wouldn't when people become violent and start throwing stones on army personnel?
Pakistan was coming out of its bad economy at a snail's pace but god has other plans...this corona has seen to it that it will not recover until another decade( even with honest and hardworking politicians it would take a decade...imagine how much time it would take with the kind of politicians you have)
Reported for trolling/insulting Pakistan, your situation even worse from Pakistan, and what do you lost some dozens innocent life, we lost 70,00+ life during 15 year and Pakistan is not responsible any Big terrorist events in India, all dramatized by your RAW to do propaganda against PAkistan at International level,
Look, Chinese are not going to like this.
Just because everyone is blaming China for the corona virus, you cannot blame them for all lockouts as well.
Unless he meant to say China had to lockdown because they locked down Uighurs
Hahaha what has China and Uighurs got to do with any of this shit? You sound terrified mate. Fk you and enjoy your final plague. You tried to curse the Kashmiris, so your own Bhagwan cursed you exactly the same. You couldn't write a better script. You fkers even invented the word for this....karma....and here is is, breaking your own door down. Bhagwan....whadda sense of irony he has.

Reported for trolling/insulting Pakistan, your situation even worse from Pakistan, and what do you lost some dozens innocent life, we lost 70,00+ life during 15 year and Pakistan is not responsible any Big terrorist events in India, all dramatized by your RAW to do propaganda against PAkistan at International level,
Let the bastards rant. They're terrified of God's vengeance! I'm actually pissing myself laughing. They don't even know that they themselves chose this fate for Hindustan the moment they "locked down" Kashmir.

Allah planned it so well that Pakistan has the highest number of corona cases ( and growing exponentially) in South Asia.. .india will come out of it without much impact....for a country as big as India, it is doing extremely well in containing the spread.
The world hasbeen saying for years that Pakistan has been supporting terrorists...Pakistan has blood of so many innocent Indians on its hands...should I say god is punishing it for all those sins?
Yes...we have imposed lockdowns in Kashmir...but who wouldn't when people become violent and start throwing stones on army personnel?
Pakistan was coming out of its bad economy at a snail's pace but god has other plans...this corona has seen to it that it will not recover until another decade( even with honest and hardworking politicians it would take a decade...imagine how much time it would take with the kind of politicians you have)
Yeah you say all that but you've gotta love that no terrorists will ever finish Pakistan off or even dent Pakistan. Meanwhile, Hindu karma will finish Hindustan. Did one of your Bollywood guys write this script?? It's pretty good.
Countries who supported Pakistan on Kashmir are paying the most price because of the virus ,China ,Iran now Pakistan did you check if they supported Kashmir lockdown and if they burned in hell.

The way I look at it looks like countries which spoke against India on Kashmir paid the highest price or are in the process of paying it, example China ,Iran and now Pakistan

China and Iran both were critical of unilateral actions taken by India in the disputed valley along with Turkey, OIC, Malaysia and Afghanistan
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