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Liu Xiaobo and Nobel Peace Prize are both farce


Mar 15, 2010
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The news of Nobel Peace Prize going to Liu Xiaobo, an imprisoned Chinese person, was a surprise to many Chinese people. If this prize could be given to such a guy, the Chinese people should in turn grant some westerners the “Best Idea” Award for their close and constant involvement in this clumsy show. The presentation speech for this award should go like this: for tens of years, they spared their every effort by utilizing the mean part of western wisdom to realize their unsaid dark intention towards China.

According to Sir Alfred Nobel’s will the Peace Prize is to be granted to the person “who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congress”.

What contributions along those line Liu has made to deserve the prize? Many Chinese still remember his remarks that“China needs to be colonized for 300 years.” In Liu’s opinion that Hong Kong achieves what it is proud of nowadays only after 100 years of colonization. Thus, China needs to be colonized for 300 years. Since China has a large territory, 300 years’ colonization may not be enough. His consistent political stance is to degrade the Chinese government, criticize Chinese culture and advocate Westernization in China.

Here are some of his alleged remarks from the 1980s:

-- Chinese people are totally weak both physically and psychologically.

-- What does China have? Only crap.

-- Westernization brings human rights and modernization. To pursue Westernization is to fight for living as a human being. The difference of systems between Western countries and China lies in the treatment of their citizens - whether they are treated as human beings or not. In other words, if Chinese people want to live as human beings, they should adopt the system of Western countries

-- I don’t care which hat you throw on me: a traitor or a patriot. If you say I am a traitor, then I am. I am the ungrateful child digging out the graves of his ancestors and I am proud of being such a child.

Liu won his fame by verbally abusing Li Zehou, a professor in philosophy and aesthetics. He possesses a strong desire to become famous.

Liu once said during a speech that money reflects a person’s value.

“With a certain amount of money, you can appreciate your life at a better and larger angle. I know this fact well,” Liu said, “Once at the Beijing Friendship Store, I saw a bottle of wine for 160 yuan When I stood in front of it, I felt dwarfed and totally disappointed.”

A anonymous netizen recently posted that the US government set up the National Endowment for Democracy (NET) in 1983, headquartered in Washington DC with the aim of “promoting and advocating global democracy”. NET finances nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) or social groups and gets financial support from the US government.

The Democratic China magazine sponsored by NET is “coincidently” chaired by Liu Xiaobo. Until now, Liu can get 13,000 yuan in prison for his job in that magazine. His boss is really kind to him! The Noble Peace Prize is also the “highest award” thrown to him by his western boss.

Liu’s Nobel Peach Prize demonstrates the pride and prejudice held by some westerners hostile to China and shows no respect but insults to the Chinese people. It is despising China’s national spirit through puffing up a criminal in China as a hero by some westerners.

Every nation needs its own hero. Without heroes, the nation will suffer has many national heroes. Lu Xun once said “From the early period of our nation, people who pursue rights for their countrymen and are dedicated to difficult tasks or hard work or other missions never stopped being remembered. The version of history written by the ruling class failed to wipe them out of the history or bury their fame. They are the backbones of our nation. ”

China’s national heroes include historical figures such as Wen Tianxiang, Yue Fei and Lin Zexu. Wen was a famous patriotic official in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), who chose to die rather than to surrender to invaders. His everlasting poem “As death befalls all men alike, I’ll keep a loyal heart to make a name in history” is always remembered. Yue Fei, a famous general in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), fought against invaders and died for his nation. Words inscribed on his back “utterly loyal to his nation and people” never faded from people’s minds. Patriotic Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) official Lin Zexu has been respected for his efforts in prohibiting opium-smoking and the opium trade in China.

Nobel Committee’s selection of Liu is a choice with a clear political purpose. The problem of “selective deafness” has long existed and influenced the evaluation of candidates for the prize and laid its root deep in western countries’ ideological bias and political needs.

Liu Xiaobo and some other guys like him thought since they are backed up by their western boss, so they can swagger around in China. Those so called intellectuals with a strong political speculative thought are not rare cases in China. However, more and more Chinese have felt disgusted about those guys for their ugly moves of flattering their western bosses to get money.

Westerners may are simply waiting to see how China deal with the Liu situation. If Liu is congratulating himself for his success and thinks that he would be able to accept the award with his wife in Oslo later on and deliver another speech that would likely criticize China, then he is making a serious mistake.

As old Chinese sayings go “a person may shoot himself or herself in the foot” and that “unjustness is doomed to destruction.”

A rising China has sufficient confidence and tolerance to face the situation. Liu winning the Nobel Peace Prize will serve as after-dinner jokes for some Chinese.

Liu Xiaobo and Nobel Peace Prize are both farce

WTF is with you guys' official English news agency? Instead of reading news, it's as if I'm being fed what I'm supposed to think. How do you expect Westerners to read this propaganda? Even Indians do better. SHAME
lol Nobel's first criteria

a) Are you anti russia
b) Are you anti china
c) Are you helping CIA with intelligence on WMD
d) Have you done anything against burqa recently
e) You enjoy wealth and love to spend cash
f) All above

If you choose all of above
Tell us what you did ? so we can find you a category :chilli:

Zardari went to Jail he got no Nobel Award - he just got a Property in England instead
I am perfectly willing to let the imbecile have his say but as soon as he started taking US congress money. He no longer the best interest of the common Chinese people in mind. I really do wish they just chuck him out of the country.
can we ship this guy to india instead... i'll love to see what happens to him when he starts talking about Britain and colonialism there! probably won't be as civilized as 11 years in a heated, secure room with free food!
can we ship this guy to india instead... i'll love to see what happens to him when he starts talking about Britain and colonialism there! probably won't be as civilized as 11 years in a heated, secure room with free food!

Nah we will give him a loudspeaker as in when Cameron visits India and present him as Indian from North East and get some deals done from the Britons and then send him back to China... :lol:
Nah we will give him a loudspeaker as in when Cameron visits India and present him as Indian from North East and get some deals done from the Britons and then send him back to China... :lol:

A game of pingpong? :lol:
I don't agree with the government in this case.

Liu Xiaobo was simply trying to speed up the political reforms that are currently going on in China.

Sure, he may have broken a few laws, but 11 year sentence is too harsh.

After all, he's doing what the government officials themselves are doing; speeding up reform.

And don't get me wrong, but wasn't the right to free speech part of the Chinese constitution?
I don't agree with the government in this case.

Liu Xiaobo was simply trying to speed up the political reforms that are currently going on in China.

Sure, he may have broken a few laws, but 11 year sentence is too harsh.

After all, he's doing what the government officials themselves are doing; speeding up reform.

And don't get me wrong, but wasn't the right to free speech part of the Chinese constitution?

nowaday noble peace price is a joke, only a joker can get it but i fully agree with u on your above points. though i dont think liu is doing anyhting good for china but why the gov just couldn't leave him alone?
CCP certainly made a mistake by jailing him in the first place, shipping him out of China would be a better option.

Every Chinese activist is desperate to get into CCP's jail, because being jailed by CCP is an experience that can hike the price of the activist. Those who were jailed by CCP end up pretty well, they are treated as heros.

And it is much safer staying in CCP's jail than staying outside. I am pretty sure if Liu was not being jailed and was free, he might have got beaten up by some Chinese "angery youth" for his pro-colonism remarks.
The West wants to dismember China on Soviet pattern
The West wants to dismember China on Soviet pattern - English pravda.ru

The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony, which is going to take place in Oslo on December 10, has stirred controversy already. The awarding of the prize to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has entailed harsh reactions from China. In addition, officials of 19 countries decided not to attend the upcoming ceremony in Norway.

The story began in October, when the Nobel Peace Prize Committee decided to award the prize to 54-year-old Liu Xiaobo for his continuous and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. The Chinese administration set out its concerns about the committee's choice immediately. Many news websites on mainland China were blocked.

The winner of the prize is known for his opposition to the Communist Party of China. In 1989, he participated in the infamous protest action with other dissidents on Tiananmen Square. Two years ago, Liu Xiaobo became one of the authors of Charter 08 manifesto, which urged the 1.5-billion-strong nation to introduce a multiparty system of power.

As soon as Charter 08 was made public, Liu Xiaobo was arrested and jailed. In December of 2009, he was sentenced to eleven years in prison for agitating the subversion of state power and the socialist regime. His wife was taken under house arrest. Many Western human rights activists expressed their protests against such actions, but the expressed concerns showed no influence on the leadership of China.

As a result, the West decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the dissident. China responded immediately. The Asian giant suspended commercial negotiations and warned of serious consequences that could occur for the countries which decided not to boycott the ceremony in Oslo. What is more, China is not going to let Liu Xiaobo travel to Norway to receive the prize worth 10 million Norwegian kroner.

Russian officials are not going to attend the award ceremony either. However, it was said that the Russian ambassador to Norway would have to go on a business trip which could not be delayed. Officials of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry emphasized that the decision was not connected with China's pressure.

The list of boycotters includes Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Sudan, Philippines, Cuba, Venezuela and Columbia.

Officials of all these countries resorted to various circumstances in their explanations. However, no one said a word about pressure from China.

Yevgeny Khakimullin, a Russian expert for China, said in an interview with Pravda.Ru that the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the Chinese dissident shows that the West is highly concerned about the alleged violation of human rights in China.

"The West wants to find levels of influence for China. They want China to deal with its internal issues and stay away from geopolitical questions. The speedy growth of the Chinese economy makes the nation's leadership work more actively on the international arena.

"As for the Western support of anti-Chinese forces, this type of politics was used against the Soviet Union, but with China it will not work. China does not have its Gorbachevs or Yeltsins. The Chinese administration is more or less monolithic, and it is not going to give up on its power. The Communist Party of China reasonably invests in poorly developed provinces, where the West tried to organize anti-Chinese riots. In the long run, the West is not going to ruin its relations with China because the latter will soon turn into one of the world's major superpowers.

"The fact that so many countries did not send their officials to Oslo means that China's influence in the world is growing steadily. Russia, Kazakhstan and Vietnam are China's neighbors, and they are strongly determined to develop their ties with this country in the future. Iran and Sudan are the so-called rogue states for the West, but it does not stop them from developing their own ties with the Asian power. For Cuba and Venezuela, China is the key trade partner and ally in the opposition to the USA. Pakistan sees China as its natural ally in the opposition to India.

"As for Serbia, this country has special relations with the Nobel Committee. Two years ago, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Martti Ahtisaari, who authored the plan to separate Kosovo from Serbia. China still supports the Serbians as far as this problem is concerned," the expert said.

The West destroyed Japan's economy with forcing the Yen to rise and now the West is trying the same trick on China.

The West destroyed the Soviet Union and now the West is trying the
same trick on China.

Will the West succeed in destroying China ????
The West destroyed Japan's economy with forcing the Yen to rise and now the West is trying the same trick on China.

The West destroyed the Soviet Union and now the West is trying the
same trick on China.

Will the West succeed in destroying China ????

LOL. Now that's just paranoid. I doubt west hate China or want to destroyed China(nor did they destroyed Japan's economy). Soviet can only blame it's self on cracking up like ice in the summer.
Now it's quite a different thing to say West want's what is best for China. Ofc they want a democracy in china,but they don't really care about HOW you do it. Or at what cost.
CCP's own PR department should all get fire for the Liu Xiaobo fiasko. China shouldn't react like that to a prize everyone knows it FAR FAR from "PEACE" prize. It's a politics /human right prize. By reaction like teen, they just made the news everywhere. Idiots.... :hitwall:
The West destroyed Japan's economy with forcing the Yen to rise and now the West is trying the same trick on China.

The West destroyed the Soviet Union and now the West is trying the
same trick on China.

I would say that Japan and the USSR was mostly responsible for their own demise, but I do agree that some Western powers may have helped them along as well. Particularly regarding the USSR.
It is extremely naive to think that the West is not actively trying to impede China's development. The West certainly wants to maintain the status quo, of which it is the biggest beneficiary. Another rising power poses a threat to its continued dominance. The most cost-effective and least risky strategy is to foster instability in China through so-called color revolution. Liu Xiaobo is merely a small pawn in such a grand scheme. Having said that, I do agree that the Chinese government's handling of the Nobel peace prize is too clumsy. It made too big a deal out of the whole thing.
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