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Liu Xiaobo and Nobel Peace Prize are both farce

most chinese have no fantasy about the west. they are truly actively attempting to limit china's growth and keep us in "low level equilibrium". fighting a war is not out of the question, it's just that the price is too high (turning into radioactive smoke). so they use the easy way: a bunker is best broken from the inside.
most chinese have no fantasy about the west. they are truly actively attempting to limit china's growth and keep us in "low level equilibrium". fighting a war is not out of the question, it's just that the price is too high (turning into radioactive smoke). so they use the easy way: a bunker is best broken from the inside.

It is true for most sane Chinese, however, some internet warriors ccp bashing trolls are different story.

Check this article.






人家外国就算再先进也和中国人无关,人家会在乎你中国人的死活? 有些人还幻想米帝会来解放他们,真他妈的脑袋被驴给踢了。。。天朝就是这种成事不足,败事有余的屁民太多。。。


人家外国就算再先进也和中国人无关,人家会在乎你中国人的死活? 有些人还幻想米帝会来解放他们,真他妈的脑袋被驴给踢了。。。天朝就是这种成事不足,败事有余的屁民太多。。。

其实很多都是”有国际视野的“ "上层人士” - 在国内混不下去所以被老爸安排到澳大利亚混了几年,看了基本禁书,”开阔了眼界“后回来的败类。有这么多怨言的顶多只是5%的人,但是他们发言最频繁。。。
其实很多都是”有国际视野的“ "上层人士” - 在国内混不下去所以被老爸安排到澳大利亚混了几年,看了基本禁书,”开阔了眼界“后回来的败类。有这么多怨言的顶多只是5%的人,但是他们发言最频繁。。。



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It is extremely naive to think that the West is not actively trying to impede China's development. The West certainly wants to maintain the status quo, of which it is the biggest beneficiary. Another rising power poses a threat to its continued dominance. The most cost-effective and least risky strategy is to foster instability in China through so-called color revolution. Liu Xiaobo is merely a small pawn in such a grand scheme. Having said that, I do agree that the Chinese government's handling of the Nobel peace prize is too clumsy. It made too big a deal out of the whole thing.

Doubtful. And saying things like "west trying to impede china's development" sounds way to much like people's daily. I don't think EU like that,they are too busy manageing their own problems. I do think it's in american's best interest that China keep having some form of internal problems, so they can stay in power. But that China DO have many internal problem which are cause by it's own system.

Color revolution and Liu case won't happen if the country don't have that type of problem. Socialy unstable is prime fact for these type things to happen.

As I seen in this forum, I think american's would be pleased that Chinese and India hate each other. Nothing is more easy then to manipulate so call patrotic(one would also call them nationalist) of a nation to attack anoter nation, which ultimately to serve the 3'rd nation's best interest. Any confict between China and Japan or India would serve US very well. They don't even have to fire a single shot.
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Doubtful. And saying things like "west trying to impede china's development" sounds way to much like people's daily. I don't think EU like that,they are too busy manageing their own problems. I do think it's in american's best interest that China keep having some form of internal problems, so they can stay in power. But that China DO have many internal problem which are cause by it's own system.

Color revolution and Liu case won't happen if the country don't have that type of problem. Socialy unstable is prime fact for these type things to happen.

As I seen in this forum, I think american's would be pleased that Chinese and India hate each other. Nothing is more easy then to manipulate so call patrotic(one would also call them nationalist) of a nation to attack anoter nation, which ultimately to serve the 3'rd nation's best interest. Any confict between China and Japan or India would serve US very well. They don't even have to fire a single shot.

A problem, you pay attention to China's news, you go to China BBS?

Any country has its own internal affairs of trouble, you think that the United States do not? British do not? Other developing countries do not? This is not an excuse for Western interference in internal affairs, and I hope you do not try to do the work of any confusion.
LOL. Now that's just paranoid. I doubt west hate China or want to destroyed China(nor did they destroyed Japan's economy). Soviet can only blame it's self on cracking up like ice in the summer.
Now it's quite a different thing to say West want's what is best for China. Ofc they want a democracy in china,but they don't really care about HOW you do it. Or at what cost.
CCP's own PR department should all get fire for the Liu Xiaobo fiasko. China shouldn't react like that to a prize everyone knows it FAR FAR from "PEACE" prize. It's a politics /human right prize. By reaction like teen, they just made the news everywhere. Idiots.... :hitwall:

The Chinese government PR is a joke. Get some Chinese American college student in America, they will be ten times better at PR than the current CCP. Shame.

We all know the more the Chinese object, the more credit it gives the Nobel Peace Prize.

It is like a bully taunt. The more you show that you are hurt, the more they taunt. China should just be quite or run a few article bashing the Nobel Prize. No use being butthurt over a bogus "peace" prize given by a buch of white dude jerking each other at how "civilize" they are.

Seriously, no one give a **** about the Peace Prize, except for the money. It has no moral value.
I don't know why we are still talking about this very boreling topic. If you really want to talk about, here are a few points to you:

1) The five committe members are not selected by people around the world, therefore, they represent nothing but their own political standards and judgements. Most importantly, they DO NOT represent Chinese people.

2) China is moving forward and getting more and more strong and prosperous. The Nobel "Peace" Prize and its current and some former winners contribute nothing but disturbances to China's development.

3) Western democratical system is western's "medicine". We Chinese can study their "medicine", but we refuse to take any poisons. We Chinese should be confident that we can create an even better system than theirs.

4) So far, this world is dominated by a rogue group leading by the US government. Wikileak just showed us a tip of the icebug. China has the responsibility to stand up, fight againest the dark side and establish the new world order.
Doubtful. And saying things like "west trying to impede china's development" sounds way to much like people's daily. I don't think EU like that,they are too busy manageing their own problems. I do think it's in american's best interest that China keep having some form of internal problems, so they can stay in power. But that China DO have many internal problem which are cause by it's own system.

Color revolution and Liu case won't happen if the country don't have that type of problem. Socialy unstable is prime fact for these type things to happen.

As I seen in this forum, I think american's would be pleased that Chinese and India hate each other. Nothing is more easy then to manipulate so call patrotic(one would also call them nationalist) of a nation to attack anoter nation, which ultimately to serve the 3'rd nation's best interest. Any confict between China and Japan or India would serve US very well. They don't even have to fire a single shot.

enjoy your USD and use it well. don't know chinese, false flag, why don't you admit you are american and stop shaming our flag?
WTF is with you guys' official English news agency? Instead of reading news, it's as if I'm being fed what I'm supposed to think. How do you expect Westerners to read this propaganda? Even Indians do better. SHAME

It's not Chinese propaganda. It's Western propaganda. You have been listening to so much biased work that your mind is inclined to believe everything the US media says. That's normal.
Funny they think that they can stop China with this pathetic clown AKA "刘晓波".

China is destined to become the World Savior, NO ONE CAN STOP HER!!!
A problem, you pay attention to China's news, you go to China BBS?

Any country has its own internal affairs of trouble, you think that the United States do not? British do not? Other developing countries do not? This is not an excuse for Western interference in internal affairs, and I hope you do not try to do the work of any confusion.

You my friend are the one who is confused.
What's last time you talk to normal chinese people inside China?! People are annoy by many things. To hide your head in the sand,is so useful! We shouldn't ignore these social problems that is there. These things are the one's will cause China's downfall if no one cares!!

The two problems shouldn't mix with each other.

OFC Western shouldn't interference of other ppl's internal affairs,but they do that all the time. Most time CCP reaction has been way of the top(giving more bullet to westren media). Most case western can't do that much damage to China,if CCP can react calmly to critic.

1) The five committe members are not selected by people around the world, therefore, they represent nothing but their own political standards and judgements. Most importantly, they DO NOT represent Chinese people.

Actualy the price represent western value. A very typical western way.

2) China is moving forward and getting more and more strong and prosperous. The Nobel "Peace" Prize and its current and some former winners contribute nothing but disturbances to China's development.

-Well if CCP just can keep calm then everything is just fine. by reaction like what CCP did, they just justified it.

3) Western democratical system is western's "medicine". We Chinese can study their "medicine", but we refuse to take any poisons. We Chinese should be confident that we can create an even better system than theirs.

-Well that is the problem. Democracy is hardly a poison. But As the form it base on western value,and it's also base on western civilization(consider it's actualy 2000years old too). Chinese versio SHOULD be different! But still the RULE BY LAW is not optional!

4) So far, this world is dominated by a rogue group leading by the US government. Wikileak just showed us a tip of the icebug. China has the responsibility to stand up, fight againest the dark side and establish the new world order.

-Rogue group? Half the world are rogue? Even american's are not that arrogant!
-Dark side?! :D You really should read about some of the good side of democracy country...
-New world order = another hegemony claim. More bullet for western Media. NICE work!

enjoy your USD and use it well. don't know chinese, false flag, why don't you admit you are american and stop shaming our flag?

Shaming our flag? You joking,right? By been trueful is "shaming the flag"? Been a annoying nationalist is good thing? You do know book are for reading,not burning? Comment like your only show you are either ignore the facts or just a simple mind nationalist.
Also talking like that only show YOU have no idea chinese civlization as whole. If there is one fault of CCP,that is they copy the american way of education!
Congratulations been one of drones! When you have your first independent thought,call me!
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