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List of Banned Organizations in Pakistan

@LoveIcon Whats the point of that list here the takfiri clowns are running freely in Pakistan?

i have no info on that , and i'll be very glad if you or any other pakistani brother could provide the source to this accusation .

also , is their any shiite group responsible for any kind of terrorism in pakistan ? what are they being accused of ? is it killing innocent civilians or they are being all targeted by extremist salafists in the streets ?

You will have to go back to history during 1980s. I am not saying i have proofs of Iran's involvement i am just repeating what many Pakistanis here will say. During 1980s Sunni militants were formed to fight so called Jihad in Afghanistan. Obviously when they returned these retards also considered Shias as kafirs. Killings started by attack on Shiite mosques, usually some one on motor bikes, fire shots with automatic rifles and kill as many innocent people. Few years after Shiite groups were formed in response. Many leaders of Sunni terrorists groups were assassinated. Sunni mosques were attacked and many innocents were also killed. Suicide bombings in Pakistan started after Pakistani Army sent its forces into tribal areas. Since then Suicide bombings have targeted Shiites, Ahmadis, Sunnis and Christians too.

Although so far i have not heard any Shiite's doing suicide bombings in Pakistan. That's mostly the works of Wahabi/Deobandis.

Now this Saudi-Iran rivalry are heating up things in Pakistan. I want Pakistan to remain neutral to have good relations with both Saudi and Iran.
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I am not saying i have proofs of Iran's involvement i am just repeating what many Pakistanis here will say
thats not considered a proof my brother , a lot of pakistani members here - with all due respect - talk a lot and talk none-sense

we have nothing to do in pakistan , there is zero -0- interest in supporting any group in pakistan for iran

I want Pakistan to remain neutral to have good relations with both Saudi and Iran.
we also want our brotherly relations back !!

It's at number 14 in the list? :what:

Really cause Government officials security personals including the law minister must not have access to this list.as ASWJ freely moves around and demand things which are meet by the current and previous governments.
i have no info on that , and i'll be very glad if you or any other pakistani brother could provide the source to this accusation .

also , is their any shiite group responsible for any kind of terrorism in pakistan ? what are they being accused of ? is it killing innocent civilians or they are being all targeted by extremist salafists in the streets ?

Agha - You should ignore this thread, otherwise my thread will become KSA vs Iran festival. :frown:
All religious parties supporting racial elements of diff sect, need to be BANNED ...:coffee:

They already are banned, but the ban is only supported on some and others are allowed to work freely and leadership given taxpayers provided protection including given automatic rifles license. No other nation on the planet will issue a license to carry automatic weapons license to known terrorist never mind given them security.
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2) When Deobandi sect tops the list than why all focus on just Wahabi / Salafis?
Because roots and basic objectives are same. I would term both these as one thus taking the count 22+6=28 i.e. >50%
3) Why leadership of these organization is free? Shouldn't they also put behind bars along with ban on Organization?
Because most of the political leadership uses these leaders for their objectives. I fully support arrest of these leaders and not put behind the bars, but in front for firing squad for committing Fasad ul Arz.

4) Shouldn't we ban all religious organizations - irrespective of their purpose along with ethnic / linguistic organizations?
For the time being this can be the best thing to do in Pakistan. All religious activities, irrespective of religion or sect should be confined to the boundaries of mosques. Road side congregations, irrespective of the occasion should be banned. Processions to mark the days should not be allowed. The trend has to change instead of processions, preaching by the holy figures should be stressed and practiced. And in Islam first thing is Haqooq ul Ibad which will not be condoned. Huqooq ullah will be, as promised. These processions are disturbing the cities. People are dying in ambulances and unable to reach hospitals owing to these processions. Roads are being damaged because of tent pegs, which is a loss to public money; this amounts to usurping someone else's investment. Even prayers are not allowed on usurped place, what to talk about secondary things. All these so called Chiraghan or otherwise lighting is done on stolen electricity. Again a form of usurping, I would term it as Haram.
Because roots and basic objectives are same. I would term both these as one thus taking the count 22+6=28 i.e. >50%

This because is problem for me - basic objectives of all these terrorist are same than why only one sect should be in lime light, why we shy away from naming other sects? population who follow Deobandi sect is far larger than ones who follow selfis - and what about bralvis, these nutts are the ones who are always jumping up and down for blaspheme and frame people in this? Murder of salman taseer by qadari is also blamed on wahabis? Shias gets highlighted because when it's them than all other join hands. So, in short my point is that it's time that we should come out of delusion that only two sects are involved in it, we must admit that ba$$tards are in every sect and massive operation cleanup across the board is needed rather than just focusing on two sect (Shia & Wahabis).
This because is problem for me - basic objectives of all these terrorist are same than why only one sect should be in lime light, why we shy away from naming other sects? population who follow Deobandi sect is far larger than ones who follow selfis - and what about bralvis, these nutts are the ones who are always jumping up and down for blaspheme and frame people in this? Murder of salman taseer by qadari is also blamed on wahabis? Shias gets highlighted because when it's them than all other join hands. So, in short my point is that it's time that we should come out of delusion that only two sects are involved in it, we must admit that ba$$tards are in every sect and massive operation cleanup across the board is needed rather than just focusing on two sect (Shia & Wahabis).
My dear CAS @LoveIcon I agree that all the terrorists should be taken to gallows. I was just highlighting why one particular type is coming in limelight. Its their majority of more than 50% involved in extremist activities. It is because those involved are involved into mass murders. Tell me when Baralvis & shias have committed an act of MASS MURDER that too in mosque. I am in no way saying that they haven't done anything. I am sure they must have. Viz-a-Viz, it does not mean that all Deobandis are butchers, I am certain that majority of Deobandis are peaceful people and these "Ganda Andas" are bringing a bad name to them.
If talibans attacked the parliament and took over the govt the Deobandis will not waste a second to own them and
celebrate that day as Youm-e-Nijat
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