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List of 55 Pakistanis trained by RAW

This theory comes with some proof also ?

Do you really need proof now, whole world is talking about ti. Pakistan has handed over the proof to Indian Embassy. What else you need. Would you please raise your voice against RAW.
Fine, now you have got the name you may prosecute them.
Well done.
Do you really need proof now, whole world is talking about ti. Pakistan has handed over the proof to Indian Embassy. What else you need. Would you please raise your voice against RAW.
None such is there. Why these so-called proofs are not out in the open for the World to see ?
The reasons are beyond your "Paygrade" soldier.LOL.

we are "King"(and sometimes Kingmaker) in a Chessboard,sadly Pakistan always becomes a "Pawn"..now ask why??

hey Indian rat if you think your self as King maker by supporting terrorism in neighboring countries then we pakistanis are Game Changer :enjoy:

'Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers'

'Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers' - Indian Express

:angel: we will be the biggest hurdle in your way of becoming supa pawa and imagine Chinese stationed at Gawadar port along pak navy in future :lol:
Looking at PDF one Comes to the conclusion RnAW is probably the best intel agency in this world(or the worst depends on your point of view) .
I mean they seem to be able to do anything:)
hey Indian rat if you think your self as King maker by supporting terrorism in neighboring countries then we pakistanis are Game Changer :enjoy:

'Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers'

'Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers' - Indian Express

:angel: we will be the biggest hurdle in your way of becoming supa pawa and imagine Chinese stationed at Gawadar port along pak navy in future :lol:

Name calling is not allowed... :astagh:

Game Changer for sure..Only after Tamil Tiger's power waned next to nothing,Pakistan extended his help..LOL..By the way,Its not what Sri Lankan media said,its what Pakistan media bragged.but even then,fighting others war as usual.PAWN.
Fine, now you have got the name you may prosecute them.
Well done.

Can you please hand over our culprits so that we can prosecute them.

None such is there. Why these so-called proofs are not out in the open for the World to see ?

Proofs are already provided to Indian Embassy and also given to UNO, EU and USA. Now please hand over RAW chief and Modi to Pakistan.
They are Pakistanis so they must be on your soil. How can we hand them over?

Very soon you guys are also going to be on Pakistani soil we are building silicon valley in Baluchistan. More RAW will do terrorism in Pakistan more Pakistan will develop high tech cities in Pakistan. Be ready very soon you guys would be standing outside Pakistani embassy in Delhi. Indian copy cates are famour all over the world. Please come early otherwise visa window will be closed.
Very soon you guys are also going to be on Pakistani soil we are building silicon valley in Baluchistan. More RAW will do terrorism in Pakistan more Pakistan will develop high tech cities in Pakistan. Be ready very soon you guys would be standing outside Pakistani embassy in Delhi. Indian copy cates are famour all over the world. Please come early otherwise visa window will be closed.

All RIght. Good luck for that.
Thanks and start packing. Time is flying. Initially Pakistan will issue limited visas. Gradually we need more IT people.

When Pakistan will become a country where indians have to stand in queue for visa than will you not be able to develop develop IT professional yourself ? You need Indian IT professionals to shine as IT power in world? Too much dependence on India isn't it?

Any way I am a finance professional and not IT. I have some limited exposure in IT.
When Pakistan will become a country where indians have to stand in queue for visa than will you not be able to develop develop IT professional yourself ? You need Indian IT professionals to shine as IT power in world? Too much dependence on India isn't it?

Any way I am a finance professional and not IT. I have some limited exposure in IT.

It's not dependence on India. Future silicon valley in Pakistan will need thousands of professionals. It would be a good opportunity for India. As Pakistan is a second home for RAW agents, Indian professionals can also join them.

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