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'(lips)Kiss of love' protest outside RSS office in Delhi, 70 detained

as if these coward hindus could have done same in front of some radical muslim org. :lol:
Did you handle it if your daughter or sister is kissing his bf in front of you answer boldly if yes then its you idea of morality but 98 percent of the Indian society cannot handle your Idea of of free morality. it's india but accept the truth
no need to get personal....
i think you also deserve one.
what... a kiss or a award?? if it is kiss, i will accept it on condition that the kisser is a lady and voluptuous ( like huma qureshi )... :D
Really tell these kids is they can do this so called 'kiss of love' act in front of there parents.as muslim can you do this in front of you parents if No because there are some moral values in are societies this is what makes us different from idea of morality of the West.My relationship with someone is my personal space but social norms are also reality of our culture.
real islam does not allow parents to dictate anything to their children... you will know the saying... "jab miyan biwi razi, to kya karega qazi"... what their children do is no business of parents... as long as the acts doesn't go against justice and others' freedoms.
the world needs eradication of "moral values" and bringing back of common sense and justice... it is because of "moral values" that india ( and south asia ) has such truly evil things like "honor killing" and oppressions by money.
A majority of Indian society of not mature enough for such acts in public. Though I personally have no problem as long as its limited to kiss only.
Did you handle it if your daughter or sister is kissing his bf in front of you answer boldly if yes then its you idea of morality but 98 percent of the Indian society cannot handle your Idea of of free morality. it's india but accept the truth

why is your user-name the name of a soviet ( socialist ) organization?? your views are anything but socialist...
what... a kiss or a award?? if it is kiss, i will accept it on condition that the kisser is a lady and voluptuous ( like huma qureshi )... :D

real islam does not allow parents to dictate anything to their children... you will know the saying... "jab miyan biwi razi, to kya karega qazi"... what their children do is no business of parents... as long as the acts doesn't go against justice and others' freedoms.
the world needs eradication of "moral values" and bringing back of common sense and justice... it is because of "moral values" that india ( and south asia ) has such truly evil things like "honor killing" and oppressions by money.

First get your women out of Burka then talk about moral preaching of Islam.
what... a kiss or a award?? if it is kiss, i will accept it on condition that the kisser is a lady and voluptuous ( like huma qureshi )... :D

real islam does not allow parents to dictate anything to their children... you will know the saying... "jab miyan biwi razi, to kya karega qazi"... what their children do is no business of parents... as long as the acts doesn't go against justice and others' freedoms.
the world needs eradication of "moral values" and bringing back of common sense and justice... it is because of "moral values" that india ( and south asia ) has such truly evil things like "honor killing" and oppressions by money.
Really there are evils in Western world too Usa have th highest number of crime against women in world .look there differences In morality like there difference in practice religion each one has its own way
If you want to smooch do it inside the bedroom, not in public ..
Whats next ...Intercourse of love ? Where couple gets naked and has sex in public ? I find it really grose

they were making a political protest...
Did you handle it if your daughter or sister is kissing his bf in front of you answer boldly if yes then its you idea of morality but 98 percent of the Indian society cannot handle your Idea of of free morality. it's india but accept the truth

Much better than slitting her throat and hanging her from a tree in the name of 'honor'. Please remember that your sister also happens to have an identity of her own.

Khajuraho temples anyone?

Looks, its basic human instinct.. and while public affection has been taboo in the Indian society recently.. perhaps it was not so before.

@WebMaster the mods on this forums also don't read the instructions at the top in BLUE. Make it red please.
But I'm so so soooo glad that the khajuraho pics didn't work. :lol:

Now @Oscar just because a painting or a statue of a nude man is made by Picasso doesn't mean all the men on the streets roam around naked.
In short....what was shown in statues was not happening on the streets back then.
We were always a conservatively-liberal society.

No kissing on the streets please!!
If you want to smooch do it inside the bedroom, not in public ..
Whats next ...Intercourse of love ? Where couple gets naked and has sex in public ? I find it really grose

But it tastes better out in the sunlight while the wind flowd over your eye lids. :(
We live in a world where kids are blatently burned alive in public and in broad day light while kisses must be shared in private.
There is a popular saying in India -
India is a unique place where it is perfectly socially acceptable to piss in public but not kiss.

Promoters of morality are generally....not worth wasting time on.
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