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'(lips)Kiss of love' protest outside RSS office in Delhi, 70 detained

what are you a professional of?? talibaniyat??

don't ascribe fake things to quran or to islam... show me the word burqa in the quran or even a description of it... show me a painting where burqa is being worn by early muslims...

i think you should now "come out" as a talibani... ;)
“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear therof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of s e x, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31).
It should be enough for you to understand. if you are a wise person.
@Malghani what is the islami method and conditions of wedding, divorce ( if existing in islam ;) ), property distribution and inheritance??
It should be enough for you to understand. if you are a wise person.

no, sir... where is the bloody burqa mentioned?? even the saudis members don't like burqa... nor do many iranis... yet in south asia, we have malghani who is more "arab" than the arabs...
yet in south asia, we have malghani who is more "arab" than the arabs...
I believe in the words of Quran, not in the words of an XYZ from INDIA...
@Malghani what is the islami method and conditions of wedding, divorce ( if existing in islam ;) ), property distribution and inheritance??
It is a very vast topic bro... Better not to discuss it here, it's not an islamic Forum.... If you have to discuss that you can discuss it in my inbox... I opened a conversation for you. Feel free to discuss it there ;)
I believe in the words of Quran, not in the words of an XYZ from INDIA...

with that attitude, my friend, you would not have believed in the islam revolution in arabia 1400 years ago... or in the words of hazrat isa even earlier... you think islam is about prayers and fastings and rituals... and restrictions... no... islam was among the early socialist revolutions ( along with teachings of christ, and of the even earlier greek philosophers )... islam is about freedoms and rights and progress.

tell me... did you know that the deoband mullah school was funded by the british east india company?? and what of the irani mullah, khomenei?? and what of the hashisheen...

1. islam is not a "vast topic"... it is simple but written down in "grandiose" way which makes it "complicated" for people who are impatient.

2. islam does not allow priests... that is illegal... so, the mullahs and mullans who tell you that islam is a "vast topic" are technically illegal, but they use the "grandiose" manner of quran's writings to mislead people... example, no where is burqa mentioned in quran yet the uneducated mulllahs will fool the easily fooled masses... islam is democratic... which is why every muslim needs to have a quran... not to touch it to the eyes but to read it and understand it and properly apply it.

3. those agents to divinity called priests ( mullahs etc ) must be eradicated... they are tools used by anti-human forces like nato.

are you really a military man?? strange that you have such attitude in present pakistan where pakistan army has been fighting the lal masjid types...

please do read about the imaam of all muslims, muammar gaddafi... every true muslim is a socialist/communist.

of my 600+ posts here, many have been speaking of a post-religion post-money human future which is governed by socialism... please do read them.

i must go out now... please reply if you want... i will read later...
India... The only nation in the world where no one bats an eye if you take an #2 on the side of the road... But people go crazy if you kiss your partner.
Deepak gets courted for his logic and rationality, not for showing his bedroom skills unlike Leone. Logic and rationality would demand that you know the difference between each, but too much to expect I guess. Deepak as of this moment apart from working as a scientist in Gallup, being a licensed practitioner of medicine in US, also has his own organization employing many scientists doing their own research on cognitive sciences and other fields.

Tesla by the way would have been a fan of Deepak considering both sought their inspirations from Veda/Vedanta.

Deepak Chopra may be wealthy, but even he knows that's all an illusion | Sue Blackmore | Comment is free | The Guardian

That only proves the gullibility of masses, and their inability to comprehend and question what's being served to them. Chopra himself claimed that his so called 'Quantum healing' has a success rate of less than 11%, that is worse than any prevalent 'Placebo therapies'.

Before preaching, he should learn the difference between 'theory' and 'hypothesis', a proposal doesn't make it a theory, quantified result and repeatability makes it a theory. But then again, the masses is happy being ignorant.
Students carry out Kiss of Love protest at JNU

A day after of ‘Kiss of Love’ debuted in Delhi, a similar such event was held on Sunday at Jawaharlal Nehru University campus.
Scores of youths, mostly students, gathered at the Ganga Dhaba at 4.30 pm and indulged in public display of affection protesting against moral policing.

They raised slogans against moral policing, hugged and kissed each other in solidarity with those who courted police action at the ‘Kiss of Love’ event in Kochi on November 2.

“We want freedom to express our love. Kissing, hugging has been there in our vedas, it’s there on the walls of Khajuraho,” said a student.

The organisers of Saturday’s event in front of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh office in Jhandewalan, claimed on Facebook that they were receiving threatening and abusive messages and phone calls.

On Saturday, the protesters were stopped by police who had set up barricades on the roads when they tried to march from the Jhandewalan metro station to the RSS office.

The first ‘Kiss of Love’ event was held in Kochi on November 2 after activists from Kerala decided to protest against alleged moral policing by right-wing groups. Similar events have been organised at Kolkata, Hyderabad and Mumbai.

The campaign stated after a coffee shop in north Kerala’s Kozhikode city was vandalised by a group of people who were protesting against “public display of affection” by some couples there.

Image: Students take part in the Kiss of Love protest. Photograph: Kiss of Love/Facebook

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Students carry out Kiss of Love protest at JNU - Rediff.com India News
A day after of ‘Kiss of Love’ debuted in Delhi, a similar such event was held on Sunday at Jawaharlal Nehru University campus.

freedom still lives in the minds of jnu students... more power to socialism... :yay:

and now we wait for indrani, wolfschanzze and co. to come screaming about "those commies and jhollawallahs"... :D
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We need more protests like this in India and take us back to our old glory of Kamasutra. This morality BS imposed on us by Afghans and Mughals is retarded.
freedom still lives in the minds of jnu students... more power to socialism... :yay:

and now we wait for indrani, wolfschanzze and co. to come screaming about commies and jhollawallahs... :D
I am somewhat against all this. You cannot just organize this all the start kissing in public without taking police and politicians help. This is not West. We are still living in East and we have live with it. We are totally different from West. We have our own distinctive culture. If someone wants to celebrate this "Kiss of Live" day, than they can go to West. People of East will not let them do all that here.

But this incident shows how much freedom you have in India. You are not different than Muslim communities after seeing this incident. There must be a limitation to everything but in more of the cases (in this case too), giving freedom won't do anything bad to country.

You got to change your politicians, religious leaders and modernize them first before making these types of events.
So they can kiss on TV and whole indian can watch it in cinemas with their families and why kissing is a problem in public .
I am somewhat against all this. You cannot just organize this all the start kissing in public without taking police and politicians help.

which makes these protestors even more braver... the police in india often side with the wrong side... hinduvaadis, mullahs, oppressive parents, oppressive husbands etc... very few politicians in india ever spoke sensibly... since 1947... jairam ramesh was one sensible politician... another is ms. brinda karat ( senior communist )... another is a punjab politician who spoke about dogs in india attacking and killing people... a few people, really... most politicians pamper the traditional-minded cultural/religious criminals who should really be shot by a socialist firing squad.

This is not West. We are still living in East and we have live with it. We are totally different from West. We have our own distinctive culture.

except for some music and poetry and the beauty of ladies, what is good about south asia??

it is not about east or west... it is about what is human and natural... i am a muslim-born hardcore socialist and to me, human-ity is more important than the supposed goodness of south asian traditions.

tell me... didn't iqbal and bhagat singh speak of more or less replacing south asian culture?? didn't bulleh shah have sufferings because of south asian culture??

If someone wants to celebrate this "Kiss of Live" day, than they can go to West. People of East will not let them do all that here.

the east is very big... think of just the size of russia... :-)

But this incident shows how much freedom you have in India.

you are very very mistaken... the freedom in india is for the oppressors... be they interest-taking banks, be they "honor killing" parents... 69 people died of hunger in the tea plantations of darjeeling... and stupid indian politicians are outraged by kissing??

You are not different than Muslim communities after seeing this incident.

i didn't understand that...

You got to change your politicians, religious leaders and modernize them first before making these types of events.

my solution is to bring jamahiriya direct-democracy to south asia... as muammar gaddafi did in libya in 1969... that has to be a radical and sudden change through revolution... i am working towards that... i don't have the patience for supposed benefits of "gradual change"... :-)

south asia is the most backward part of the world... either the males of south asia accept the idea of progress, of a post-money post-religion communist humanity... or they can leave this world, go elsewhere... the ladies remain here... free...
What is the concept behind 'Jamahiriya'? @jamahir
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