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Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

About Sikkim. From wikipedia
In 1947, a popular vote rejected Sikkim's joining the Indian Union, and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru agreed to a special protectorate status for Sikkim. Sikkim came under the suzerainty of India, which controlled its external affairs, defence, diplomacy and communications, but Sikkim otherwise retained autonomy. A state council was established in 1955 to allow for constitutional government under the Chogyal. Meanwhile, the Sikkim National Congress demanded fresh elections and greater representation for the Nepalese. In 1973, riots in front of the palace led to a formal request for protection from India. The Chogyal was proving to be extremely unpopular with the people. In 1975, the Kazi (Prime Minister) appealed to the Indian Parliament for a change in Sikkim's status so that it could become a state of India. In April, the Indian Army took over the city of Gangtok and disarmed the Palace Guards. A referendum was held in which 97.5% of the voting people (59% of the people entitled to vote) voted to join the Indian Union. A few weeks later, on May 16, 1975, Sikkim officially became the 22nd state of the Indian Union and the monarchy was abolished.
@ Abu
Get it right I am not advocating war and I am strictly against it. I am all for peaceful realtions with Pak. All I am saying that our chief is been quoted out of context. If some discussion is going about if war is possible between us he simply said yes (in simple terms). Look how it is been misquoted, even twisted to say he was talking about nuclear war which he was not.
I do not see what problem islamabad could possibly be having with a 'limited war'?! per km2, even our infantry is more! pounce on them, take territory, throw a few 'tactical' nukes around, what do you think the indies r going to do? kamasutra?? on the other hand should they go for a 'limited war': sending a pair of mig 29s for a photo session, or coming to karachi by boat where a car is going to b waiting for them on the beach: i guess we'll yawn!!!

on a more serious note, with all this talk of nukes i mean -- how much do u folk know what a nuke is? do you know anything by the name of simulated fission? cryogenic nukes? beta jan most of such things are essentially classified. It is outright stupid to believe you know even half the details! Some details yes are worth noting: for example that when the Pakistani scientist gets to work -- he/she INVENTS : while his/her indian counterpart only RE-INVENTS. Has the indian scientist ever produced any design or technology that is not MORE available outside india? If you want utilise/burn a coal reserve without bringing it to the surface -- which country would you have to go to?

remember, you can only defer the global nuclear war, you cannot avoid it!
I do not see what problem islamabad could possibly be having with a 'limited war'?! per km2, even our infantry is more! pounce on them, take territory, throw a few 'tactical' nukes around, what do you think the indies r going to do? kamasutra?? on the other hand should they go for a 'limited war': sending a pair of mig 29s for a photo session, or coming to karachi by boat where a car is going to b waiting for them on the beach: i guess we'll yawn!!!

on a more serious note, with all this talk of nukes i mean -- how much do u folk know what a nuke is? do you know anything by the name of simulated fission? cryogenic nukes? beta jan most of such things are essentially classified. It is outright stupid to believe you know even half the details! Some details yes are worth noting: for example that when the Pakistani scientist gets to work -- he/she INVENTS : while his/her indian counterpart only RE-INVENTS. Has the indian scientist ever produced any design or technology that is not MORE available outside india? If you want utilise/burn a coal reserve without bringing it to the surface -- which country would you have to go to?

remember, you can only defer the global nuclear war, you cannot avoid it!
You please try this stupid move and you will cry the day you did this that if you some how manage to escape our nuclear attack
You please try this stupid move and you will cry the day you did this that if you some how manage to escape our nuclear attack
i'm confused! which side r u own? and which move is stupid?!
I do not see what problem islamabad could possibly be having with a 'limited war'?! per km2, even our infantry is more! pounce on them, take territory, throw a few 'tactical' nukes around, what do you think the indies r going to do? kamasutra?? on the other hand should they go for a 'limited war': sending a pair of mig 29s for a photo session, or coming to karachi by boat where a car is going to b waiting for them on the beach: i guess we'll yawn!!!

on a more serious note, with all this talk of nukes i mean -- how much do u folk know what a nuke is? do you know anything by the name of simulated fission? cryogenic nukes? beta jan most of such things are essentially classified. It is outright stupid to believe you know even half the details! Some details yes are worth noting: for example that when the Pakistani scientist gets to work -- he/she INVENTS : while his/her indian counterpart only RE-INVENTS. Has the indian scientist ever produced any design or technology that is not MORE available outside india? If you want utilise/burn a coal reserve without bringing it to the surface -- which country would you have to go to?

remember, you can only defer the global nuclear war, you cannot avoid it!

why are you hell bent on opening old dead threads
In the foreseeable future any Indo-Pak conflict will be limited in time and/or space. The global powers that be have so far ensured, and will do so in future also, that there is no total overpowering of either.. The arms merchants don't want to loose a fantastic market. The international bankers want to dish out loans for urban renewal. The global Satan ensures this by influencing/patronizing people like Deepak on either side - in military, politics, media and bureaucracy.
In the foreseeable future any Indo-Pak conflict will be limited in time and/or space. The global powers that be have so far ensured, and will do so in future also, that there is no total overpowering of either.. The arms merchants don't want to loose a fantastic market. The international bankers want to dish out loans for urban renewal. The global Satan ensures this by influencing/patronizing people like Deepak on either side - in military, politics, media and bureaucracy.
It is high time one acknowledged the impossibility of america surviving too long!
Comedy of Errors !!

Here a poster re starts a 6 year old thread with god knows what .

I do not see what problem islamabad could possibly be having with a 'limited war'?! per km2, even our infantry is more! pounce on them, take territory, throw a few 'tactical' nukes around, what do you think the indies r going to do? kamasutra?? on the other hand should they go for a 'limited war': sending a pair of mig 29s for a photo session, or coming to karachi by boat where a car is going to b waiting for them on the beach: i guess we'll yawn!!!

on a more serious note, with all this talk of nukes i mean -- how much do u folk know what a nuke is? do you know anything by the name of simulated fission? cryogenic nukes? beta jan most of such things are essentially classified. It is outright stupid to believe you know even half the details! Some details yes are worth noting: for example that when the Pakistani scientist gets to work -- he/she INVENTS : while his/her indian counterpart only RE-INVENTS. Has the indian scientist ever produced any design or technology that is not MORE available outside india? If you want utilise/burn a coal reserve without bringing it to the surface -- which country would you have to go to?

remember, you can only defer the global nuclear war, you cannot avoid it!

Next a fellow countryman then threatens him with a nuke attack - they both are on the same side !!

You please try this stupid move and you will cry the day you did this that if you some how manage to escape our nuclear attack

Here, Confucius speaks.
In the foreseeable future any Indo-Pak conflict will be limited in time and/or space. The global powers that be have so far ensured, and will do so in future also, that there is no total overpowering of either.. The arms merchants don't want to loose a fantastic market. The international bankers want to dish out loans for urban renewal. The global Satan ensures this by influencing/patronizing people like Deepak on either side - in military, politics, media and bureaucracy.

.. and finally here is Nostradamus

It is high time one acknowledged the impossibility of america surviving too long!

@nair @Roybot @WAJsal @Oscar @SpArK @fatman17
Wow! 6 year old thread resurrected from the dead!! :woot: WTF?

Is the OP in a time warp? Or is it back to the future?? How he managed to dig out this thread that's been buried deep within the labyrinths of PDF deserves to be awarded! :D He must have been a mole in his previous incarnation! :lol:
I do not see what problem islamabad could possibly be having with a 'limited war'?! per km2, even our infantry is more! pounce on them, take territory, throw a few 'tactical' nukes around, what do you think the indies r going to do? kamasutra?? on the other hand should they go for a 'limited war': sending a pair of mig 29s for a photo session, or coming to karachi by boat where a car is going to b waiting for them on the beach: i guess we'll yawn!!!

on a more serious note, with all this talk of nukes i mean -- how much do u folk know what a nuke is? do you know anything by the name of simulated fission? cryogenic nukes? beta jan most of such things are essentially classified. It is outright stupid to believe you know even half the details! Some details yes are worth noting: for example that when the Pakistani scientist gets to work -- he/she INVENTS : while his/her indian counterpart only RE-INVENTS. Has the indian scientist ever produced any design or technology that is not MORE available outside india? If you want utilise/burn a coal reserve without bringing it to the surface -- which country would you have to go to?

remember, you can only defer the global nuclear war, you cannot avoid it!

Lol, Pakistan invented the atomic bomb sold it to U.S...

What morons reside in this forum ..
Please send these posts to Stupid and Funny

What bloody Cunny Funts! Guys you are hilarious
Some details yes are worth noting: for example that when the Pakistani scientist gets to work -- he/she INVENTS


Whats has Pakistan invented EVER!!!
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