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Like India, Pakistan has a Tablighi Jamaat Covid-19 problem too

Tableeghis probably has the worst luck, India Malaysia and Pakistan. Indonesia was smart enough to ban their gatherings and the bad shit is India gets the bad rep in Malaysia for it. Like we forced them to follow organizations that spout in India.
haha .. seriously i am exposed ! read your comments again . You didn't answer the question what do you have to say against the other article about tableeghis in hot water or you are checking about if you can some how prove that this guy also doesn't belong to your favourite molvi group: here it again for your convenience

Blaming Imran as he is the PM and where the tableegis gathered "raiwind" is in Punjab which is also ruled by his party despite all the warning he did nothing to prevent

250,000 pilgrims gather in Pakistan despite coronavirus concerns
Aside from these media reports, there is no gathering. What I wanted to say, these reports are fake.
Got to give it to you So clever man you just single handedly busted CIA , PIA and RAW nexus against Puristunis

i hope you don't make a temple in your village in my honor. that would be so haram
Yes. This isn't the time to become political and attack people for their beliefs. I find this very disturbing that people are bringing their politics into the way that this should be addressed.
If you have problems with Tablighi jamaat, thats fine, but don't peddle blatant Indian lies.
When and where was Tablighi jamaat involved in militancy?
Yes. This isn't the time to become political and attack people for their beliefs. I find this very disturbing that people are bringing their politics into the way that this should be addressed.
People are talking out if ignorance , and ignorance is a relative term. I am ingnorant about certain matters but know very well about tablighi jamaat.
This was the only Muslim organisation who opposed armed Jihaad always and points out that Muslims need to practice their religion to be strong and picking up weapons and fighting kuffar without imaan and amal will do more ha than good.
They are right.
So hows that ideology "Militant"? It's the exact opposite of that.
So not just clever , humble with extra shot of humor , wah

A man hypocritically started praising Imam ‘Ali, though he had no faith in him and Imam ‘Ali hearing these praises from him said "I am less than what you tell about me but more than what you think about me".

Some people praised Imam ‘Ali on his face. He replied, "Allah knows me very well and I also know myself more than you. Please, Lord! make me better than what they imagine me to be and please excuse those Weaknesses of mine which they are not aware of".

Be on your guard against excessive flattery and praise for indeed these two have a foul odour in the heart
Source: 10724 - Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

Keep away from self-conceit and love for praise, for these are the strongest opportunities for Satan
Source: 10725 - Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

Verily the person who praises you is surely a deceiver of your intellect, [and] a cheater who cheats you about yourself with false compliments and spurious praise; so if you deprive him of your grant or withhold from him your favour, he will label you with every scandal and will attribute every ugly act to you

Love for compliments and praise is from the surest opportunities of Satan
Source: 10727 - Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

When you praise, be brief
Source: 10730 - Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

One who praises you has [actually] slaughtered you
Source: 10734 - Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

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