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Life Expectency Higher in BD than India


At first: I actually told about GDP growth not the GDP size. You should have knew that I know that your GDP size is doubled of us - no wonder in it. Now let me show these points in a picture and quote:


Lets go back to the basic, why Pakistan economy does not grow steadily despite huge resources while Bangladesh shows more resillient than Pakistan. The answer is simple and a one liner. Bangladesh economy is self driven while Pakistan economy is imposed. Pakistan economy still based on huge governement spending. As long as governemnt spend economy grows. Pakistan private investment is very low compared to their GDP. If we go back to year 2007-8 when Pakistan was growing at faster pace (7-8%), the then private investment to GDP was only 13% and Government spending was more than 11%. That means almost half of the investment came from Government spending (The figure i recalls from my memory so may not be precise). Also the growth was somewhat depndent on FDI and portfolio investment. Service and financial sector got the highest amount of FDI. On the contratry in Bangladesh the growth is mainly driven by private domestic investment. 19% of the GDP invested from private sector and only 5% came from government spending. There is almost negligible FDI. That is the main reason Pakistan growth did not sustain but BD did and it will. Unless Pakistan could go back to the basic and does some homework then it will never be able to catch up with BD. BD economy will grow in higher speed as soon as government start spending and the investment/GDP ratio raised to 30% of GDP which will be in 2 years time. Private sector investment needs to be raised little bit to 22% and some FDI that is on pipeline on big infrastructure project like electricity generation, highways, port, airport etc and when hit the ground then the investment/GDP ratio will be raised to 33 to 35% which is needed for double digit growth rate. Its not dream anymore but reality. Can Pakistan raise the investment scenario to BD level in short term? Hard task indeed...

Bonus link: INTERVIEW-Bangladesh GDP growth to exceed 6 pct in 2010/11-cbank | Reuters

Look: BD is doing well than you in some cases.

Lastly, why the graph shown by you stopped in 2008. I told that PK is failed right now. NOt 2 years ago.

And if a Pakistani citizen can say that PK is doing bad and failed. Then why not a Bangladeshi? After all we were same country once. Pakistani members should not tell us brothers if they can not tolerate constructive remarks from us. After all, at least, all Bangladeshi members in PDF are well wisher of Pakistan. Not troller. Although I got the only one exceptional PK member in this forum who is hyperactive against our constructive remarks (u). Other Pakistani members are ok/nice. Perhaps your posts are enough for fighting between PK and BD members in here.

Another thing, you told me in 2009 that PK is facing terrorist attacks and we will overcome it soon. But now it's 2010. And we have seen at least 7 attacks in this Ramadan by your own people. Sad.
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@ Skies

Its all good. Its just the unemployment number I have a little problem with. I also see it in other sources. 2.5% is very small, matter of fact too small !
At first: I actually told about GDP growth not the GDP size. You should have knew that I know that your GDP size is doubled of us - no wonder in it. Now let me show these points in a picture and quote:


Bonus link: INTERVIEW-Bangladesh GDP growth to exceed 6 pct in 2010/11-cbank | Reuters

Look: BD is doing well than you in some cases.
I never denied any of that - What i however did was to show you the truth and bust your lie that Pakistan's GDP is worse then Bangladesh which is of course a big lie as Pakistan's Economy is far more bigger.Inflation Rate is higher i agree then BD but i never disputed that - Even India has inflation rate higher then that of Bangladesh.Does not mean much.Yes; Pakistan has debt higher then that of Bangladesh but that is besides the point.India has a debt of 232 billion and according to Wikipedia it's 58% of GDP.So let me guess India is also poorer then Bangladesh?Right ?Pakistan actually hit export record this year but it will of course go down now due to floods
Lastly, why the graph shown by you stopped in 2008. I told that PK is failed right now. NOt 2 years ago.
Because Google collects date from various sources and it has not been updated yet?I don't control Google.Here is the latest link for you. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pk.html That shall give you 2009 estimate - 2010 will come out at the end of the year.Regarding the failed state - It's the author opinion?What can i do?The author is entitled to his opinion.You can cook all these facts but Statistics won't lie.Pakistan Growth Rate from 2001-2007 was actually much higher then Bangladesh so growth rate is not something constant - It Changes.

And if a Pakistani citizen can say that PK is doing bad and failed. Then why not a Bangladeshi? After all we were same country once. Pakistani members should not tell us brothers if they can not tolerate constructive remarks from us. After all, at least, all Bangladeshi members in PDF are well wisher of Pakistan. Not troller. Although I got the only one exceptional PK member in this forum who is hyperactive against our constructive remarks (u). Other Pakistani members are ok/nice. Perhaps your posts are enough for fighting between PK and BD members in here.
Not sure what you are talking about.I think you need to learn how to comprehend other posts.No body said Bangladesh is bad or anything along those lines.It's only you who pull insane theories out of thin air like Pakistan is worse then Bangladesh etc.You know the difference between you and Pakistanis?They would never generalize or stereotype like you do.

Another thing, you told me in 2009 that PK is facing terrorist attacks and we will overcome it soon. But now it's 2010. And we have seen at least 7 attacks in this Ramadan by your own people. Sad.
Yes it will take time but it will be good.Look we're very brave people.We've faced several threats in Past which were worse then WOT (Insurgency in Sindh during 1990's ) or Invasion of Afghanistan by Soviets which put Pakistan in a very uncomfortable position.We will win eventually.Sri Lanka took 20 years to take over Lite so yes it will take time.Pakistan also has very big strategic backers who will also assist us.The situation may look desperate from outside but it is much better then 2007 now.As far own people killing each other that happens - Remember your BDR Revolt?The Formerly East Pakistan Rifles which killed Pakistan Army Officers in 71 now killed their own Bengali Officers - Do i make fun of it or any other Pakistani?So what are you bragging ab out?
India has a debt of 232 billion and according to Wikipedia it's 58% of GDP.So let me guess India is also poorer then Bangladesh?

Regarding the failed state - It's the author opinion?What can i do?The author is entitled to his opinion.You can cook all these facts but Statistics won't lie.

Pakistan Growth Rate from 2001-2007 was actually much higher then Bangladesh so growth rate is not something constant - It Changes.

No body said Bangladesh is bad or anything along those lines.It's only you who pull insane theories out of thin air like Pakistan is worse then Bangladesh etc.

As far own people killing each other that happens - Remember your BDR Revolt?The Formerly East Pakistan Rifles which killed Pakistan Army Officers in 71 now killed their own Bengali Officers - Do i make fun of it or any other Pakistani?So what are you bragging ab out?

@bold parts

1. India's population is bigger than BD.

2. Sorry if I hurt you. But it's true that right now most of Bangladeshis think PK is failure state now for some reasons and you know those reasons. But they are not ill wisher of Pakistan. You may think who cares about what the hell Bangladeshis think - but remember we were same country once so concern and comparison come easily in people's mind. And you are talking about whether the author's opinion is right or wrong, biased or unbiased. Then I will say that the author has came to this decision after analyzing the true facts going on in PK and by doing logical reasoning. Would you tell him completely wrong?

3. I said BD is doing better than PK right now. why you pulling your past success here. Hope PK will overcome this bad situation and then it will get its past rhythm.

4. I do not want to talk against PK here. I came here with love. And think that PK is passing bad time right now. It's you - the reason of it. Also I always told against AL and India about 71. But I did not tell anything against PK for 71 here but that does not mean I have nothing to say against PK for 71. I know PK feels regret/uneasy for 71, so I do not talk against PK for 71 which may bother you. Also I am not like AL who is pulling 71 everyday. I want new relation with PK if possible for new possibilities.

5. I can say that BDR tragedy will not repeat again and this accident was once in the history of BD since its birth. But your bomb attacks are very frequent. Lastly, oK, I will not say anything for Taliban attacks from now as I assume few Pakistani people are bigot and rest of Pakistanis are not like that. But why 30 or 40 people die from Shia-sunni conflict, hope they are not like Taliban but bombed like Taliban?

:cheers: :)
Well done bangladesh. We in South Asia should be competing more on such indicators rather than how many missiles we have.

In my opinion, BD's human capital also has great potential.
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