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Life expectancy in India goes up by 5 years in a decade


Jul 22, 2013
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Life expectancy in India goes up by 5 years in a decade

The overall health indicators have also shown significant improvement across the country in the past 10 years.

CHENNAI: If your child was born in the last couple of years, he or she is likely to live five years more than children born a decade ago.

Statistics released by the Union ministry of health and family welfare show that life expectancy in India has gone up by five years, from 62.3 years for males and 63.9 years for females in 2001-2005 to 67.3 years and 69.6 years respectively in 2011-2015. Experts attribute this jump — higher than that in the previous decade — to better immunization and nutrition, coupled with prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

The World Health Organization defines life expectancy as "the average number of years a person is expected to live on the basis of the current mortality rates and prevalence distribution of health states in a population". In India, average life expectancy which used to be around 42 in 1960, steadily climbed to around 48 in 1980, 58.5 in 1990 and around 62s in 2000.

The overall health indicators have also shown significant improvement across the country in the past 10 years. Infant mortality ratio has come down to 42 in 2012 from 58 per 1,000 live births in the 2005. "Maternal mortality ratio has declined from 301 per 100,000 live births in 2001-03 to 212 in 2007-09," the health ministry said.

"A steady supply of food is the prime reason for increased life expectancy," says Dr George Thomas, editor of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. Since the time of Independence, famine has reduced dramatically in our country and people have a decent supply of nutrition. However, the real challenge lies in taking the numbers beyond this."

Disease control

Thomas pointed out that increasing life expectancy beyond 70 years would depend on environmental factors. "Supply of clean drinking water and better control of non-communicable diseases would play a major role. However, India is still grappling with communicable diseases," he said.

Dr S Balasubramanian, joint director of Tamil Nadu public health, said the increase shows health policies are in the right direction. "Earlier, people had more children, and the chances of all the kids getting a balanced diet were low. Family planning has helped. Childhood vaccination has checked epidemics and saved lives," he said. Life-threatening diseases like diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough have been eliminated completely. "India has also been recently declared a polio free nation, which is an added feather to the cap," he said.

Some experts still advocate caution. "With increased life expectancy, the disease burden would increase," said geriatrician Dr B Krishnaswamy. "Yes, we will live longer, but the big question is how healthy our lives would be," he said.

Source:- Life expectancy in India goes up by 5 years in a decade - The Times of India

That is not the issue in hand, the real issue is RTI, empowerment of women and distribution of power.

So we should also proceed in the other direction too!!!

> 2G Spectrum Scam
> CWG Scam
> Coalgate
> Chinese Intrusions
> LOC ceasefire violations then too writing love letters to the enemy
> Economic Slowdown
> High Inflation
> Less Job Opportunities....
So we should also proceed in the other direction too!!!

> 2G Spectrum Scam
> CWG Scam
> Coalgate
> Chinese Intrusions
> LOC ceasefire violations then too writing love letters to the enemy
> Economic Slowdown
> High Inflation
> Less Job Opportunities....

We introduced RTI, he have 8 bills pending in parliament. Tell them to pass those bills if they're really serious about curbing corruption. :D
Greenpeace India Demands Veerappa Moily's Resignation | Greenpeace India

Greenpeace India has demanded Veerappa Moily's resignation as Environment Minister for failing to uphold the interest of environment in speedy clearances to 70 projects in 20 days. :woot: Greenpeace India has said there is a conflict of interest in Moily holding dual charge of Environment and Forests even while being the Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas, and he should immediately resign as the Environment Minister.

"The very idea behind the existence of the Ministry is not to give 'speedy' clearance to projects but to safeguard the environment and wildlife," Greenpeace India Executive Director, Samit Aich said in an open letter to Moily released today.

The organisation has criticised the minister for speedy clearance of projects at a time when elections to the Lok Sabha are due in the next few months.

"With so many years of experience behind you, it is surprising that the impropriety of your decisions, particularly its timing does not strike you as odd. Every project proposal that goes for environmental clearance has several stake holders – there are the corporates, environmental groups, and people living in the affected areas. The law requires equal opportunity to all stake holders when a project is cleared. You have given speedy clearances by ignoring all the stakeholders, except the corporates," the letter said.

Citing the case of POSCO as an example, Greenpeace has said the minister has cleared the file even without getting any forest clearance.
but there is improvement in life expectancy.
TOI news.. seems authentic.
MNAREGA , better polio drive , better monsoon improved Agri output , gave rural india some good point to celebrate.
despite blunders of UPA . they did welll in this part
(at micro level MNAREGA gave money/ job (not 100 day actually less) which improved thinga a bit.. but at MACRO level
efficiency of asset built/ cost benefit ration /corruption / social audit is critically to evaluate..)
but still good JOB UPA

1. Fake data
please prove it .. some authenticate source
2.Indians are still starving to death by the millions.
yes. we dont deny.. but we are fixing the ISSUE ..slowly but surely.
mark my words in next 20 yrs same million hungry will be people to be proud of by them self and by others..
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