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Lieutenant General, who led Operation Blue Star, attacked in London

When i walk on the streets of a city i dont see a Sikh,Muslim or a Christian. err and then
Its for no reason that a Muslim became the missile man of India..a Sikh became the PM...Christian Defence Minister..

Do you see the contradiction?

Dude,it was a point made for those who see everything with a religious lens that this country is still secular and is what its founders wanted it to be.

Anything else,kiddo?

I agree the Indian constitution is glorious and gives equal rights to all its citizens. But we don't live in the constitution - we live in India.

And what are you doing about it?

Be brave and change the system..if not then live with it...Still got a problem???..Then who is stopping you...why dont you migrate?
Dude,it was a point made for those who see everything with a religious lens that this country is still secular and is what its founders wanted it to be.

Anything else,kiddo?

And what are you doing about it?

Be brave and change the system..if not then live with it...Still got a problem???..Then who is stopping you...why dont you migrate?

Personal attack is a sign of weakness, use it only as last resort when you have nothing logical to say and are happy to look like an as* to others.
indian believe in karma so this is no different....this was his karma
I dont think a criminal attack on an unarmed person is considered "karma"; by same logic there is a long list in pakistan

as unarmed as many of the targetted 3,000 sikhs were.....not all of them were militants, right?
Personal attack is a sign of weakness, use it only as last resort when you have nothing logical to say and are happy to look like an as* to others.

In my case it was a sign of frustration..What a dumb comment he gave.Even an idiot would have tried to pay attention to what i was trying to say instead he choose to find flaws in my reply.Some people here are not here for debating and understanding but scoring brownie points.

BTW kiddo is not a personal attack...its no fault to call an immature person a kiddo.
When i walk on the streets of a city i dont see a Sikh,Muslim or a Christian. err and then
Its for no reason that a Muslim became the missile man of India..a Sikh became the PM...Christian Defence Minister..

Do you see the contradiction?

I agree the Indian constitution is glorious and gives equal rights to all its citizens. But we don't live in the constitution - we live in India.

No, i don't see the contradiction, honestly.

We saw them as Scientific Advisor to the PM, and PM and RM first, and as Muslim, Sikh and Christian afterwards.

If by your last sentence, you mean that the constitution has to be interpreted and it has to be acted upon, I think it is necessary to confirm by checking that by and large, the constitution, in fact, the laws themselves are interpreted very well indeed by the judiciary. Implementing the Muslim Women's Maintenance Act, for instance, was done with a commonsensical attitude that gave the Muslim woman a far better break than she had earlier.

If some parts of the constitution are not being acted upon, we come back to the soft state.

indian believe in karma so this is no different....this was his karma

There is no such thing as an Indian belief in karma. Some do, some don't. These things are not wisely generalized. As you from your nation should be the first to point out.
Everybody knows.

Sajjan Kumar, Sanjay Gandhi's mechanic friend, Jagdish Tytler, H. K. L. Bhagat, and a host of hoodlums, mostly congress workers.

i thought the hardcore sikhs hated congress.....it was congress leader (the one who got whacked) who orchestrated this mass attack on the temple no?
i thought the hardcore sikhs hated congress.....it was congress leader (the one who got whacked) who orchestrated this mass attack on the temple no?
Hardcore Sikhs hated Indira Gandhi and she was assassinated.

These same hardcore Sikhs hate Pakistan, not Congress and proof is the number of Sikh soldiers in Indian Army.

What you are referring are very small segment of people who are nothing more than mouth piece with no support and significance.
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