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Libya's Khalifa Haftar orders forces to attack Turkish ships, interests

BBC Arabic? Ok. Even if we assume that atheism increases (like everywhere else in the world) Arabs are still much more religious and true to their own culture and history than Iranians. You guys are hardly Muslim (despite being majority Muslim for more than half of your recorded history) and what is left of Zoroastrians are some Indian looking communities in South Asia and a few reverts inside Iran. You don't even wear any of your national dresses. The Iranian youth is much more Westernized and Western-obsessed than any Arab youth regardless of Arab country. More pro-West too. Before you turned into an anti-Israel and anti-West individual (you were praising both not long ago before Trump came to power, remember it clearly here) you were trying to convince users here of the exact same things.
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BBC Arabic? Ok. Even if we assume that atheism increases (like everywhere else in the world) Arabs are still much more religious and true to their own culture and history than Iranians. You guys are hardly Muslim (despite being majority Muslim for more than half of your recorded history) and what is left of Zoroastrians are some Indian looking communities in South Asia and a few reverts inside Iran. You don't even wear any of your national dresses. The Iranian youth is much more Westernized and Western-obsessed than any Arab youth regardless of Arab country. More pro-West too. Before you turned into an anti-Israel and anti-West individual (who were praising both not long ago before Trump came to power, remember it clearly here) you were trying to confine users here of the exact same things.
I have never been westernized, never promoted westernization, neither did I ever say lets become puppets of west!

Arabs being much more or much less religious is not the issue here, this is a process which has started within the islamic/arab world, I'm just mentioning a fact. The rest of your statements are nonsense and by the way, traditional dress is not for this era anymore, even the west themselves stopped with traditional dress 100/200 years ago. Imagine dutch people going like this to their office jobs:

Or you expect Iranians to walk around like this:





Can we remake these clothes and wear them inside Iran? yes ofcourse, but it's non-practical except for theatre or some festival.

However one thing I would love to wear is the traditional handmade "giveh" shoes.


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I have never been westernized, never promoted westernization, neither did I ever say lets become puppets of west!

Arabs being much more or much less religious is not the issue here, this is a process which has started within the islamic/arab world, I'm just mentioning a fact. The rest of your statements are nonsense and by the way, traditional dress is not for this era anymore, even the west themselves stopped with traditional dress 100/200 years ago. Imagine dutch people going like this to their office jobs:

Or you expect Iranians to walk around like this:





Can we remake these clothes and wear them inside Iran? yes ofcourse, but it's non-practical except for theatre or some festival.

However one thing I would love to wear is the traditional handmade "giveh" shoes.



First traditional dress (I am sure that every ethnic group and tribe in Iran, before that was "banned/combated" by Pahalavi too, had their own unique dresses) will be combated, as monarchy and "tribalism" was, then forced Western cultural invasion as seen, nonsense "democracy" and everything else. Worst case scenario you will turn into a Turkey with a state-institutionalized fake history and heritage created 100 years ago or as modern-day China or East Asia. Not mentioning religion (which is part of culture).

Even all the traditional handcrafts are most likely dying.

All due to obsessing about importing "Western" (Europe itself has lost most of its culture and civilization) culture, multiculturalism, feminism, rule of the masses (democracy) (meritocracy being frowned upon despite being the best system), sexual freedom and other nonsense.

Unfortunately this very sad development (seen worldwide) is also impacting the Arab world but even in some of the richest countries on the planet (GCC) people have not adopted most of those norms. Other than harmful fast food chains but they are losing popularity after seeing its faults.

So Arabs are still the most "authentic" people in the region (by far), most true to their culture, religion etc. No comparison really.
don't you think we should enter to Libya too?? enemy of my enemy...
But KSA support Haftar .

Even if what you say is right (let us assume that for 1 second), it is not your problem nor business as a non-Arab. Never will be. Just like you have no say in what the Syrians, Yemenis, Lebanese or Iraqis collectively decide for their own countries and their own destinies. No matter the few puppets (traitors) of yours that your regime has in their pockets.

Yes, we should all adopt some wannabe Arab Supreme Leader who rules for 30+ years and is infallible.

You have nothing to do with Iraq, Syria, Yemen and tiny Southern Lebanon as well. Even Hezbollah (nowadays) has become a local phenomenon. Made up (in my eyes at least) by misguided locals who don't see the bigger picture. Nevertheless (no matter how much I disagree with them) they are not Iranians. Never will be either. So stop your delusion. Stop claiming their "achievements" as well. Houthis likewise.
Your problem is not that your leaders are dictator . a dictator can be a good dictator . its just a form of rulling you must see if he is corrupted by the power or not.
Your problem is that you think because you are Arab you have the right to decide for other Arabs . you think it's alright for you to meddle in other Arab countries and destroy them . in Libya also the problems started with your desire to remove Gadhafi then you decided why mot put our man in power and hence come Haftar and your support for him to destroy hope for any peace in Libya in near future hence creating another Yemen like situation . you claim being the leader of Arab world and Muslims but your action only brought destruction to the rest of the Muslim world .

The funny thing is that you (Iran) cannot project power outside of your borders through anything else other than proxies. Unfortunately your sole proxies are Shias (Wilayat al-Faqih version moreover) and they are only confined to a few areas of the Arab world and do not exist (practically) west of tiny Southern Lebanon.:whistle:
p.please enlighten us how KSA project power outside its border? by supporting cannibals and Terrorists .
A simple cure for UAE : Let's bring the terror to Dubai and Abu Dabi. They already need a lesson to be taught.
I said long ago , they need to stop wearing oversize shoe... in this age when war dynamics are totally changed and it changes everyday. Small cities need to stop provoking " countries".
BTW Haftar forces released the 6 Turkish citizens they captured yesterday. They are sailors working on a ship under Libyan flag.
It would be a cold day in hell if the Turks and Iranians fought together in another country.
Facts! Arab countries would get triggered by that though..not because its non-Arabs fighting in an Arab country, but because non-Arabs are making Arabs "look bad".

Houthi achievements are unraveling pretty fast.
....in your dreams.

Our goal is not fighting and damaging our enemies, our goal is something else. We only should fight and expense when that help us to reach to our goal otherwise is wasting resources and time. That is my personal opinion and absolutely can be wrong, because we do not have access to all information that top decision makers like supreme leader have.

That is lie.
this @Khafee is just trolling, just like his arab brother @Al Watan Al Arabi . For people like this, we just have to let the reality do the talking. Let them keep believe Iranians have no outside influence, cant fight on their own, use outdate fake weapons...let them keep dreaming. Harsh reality will slap them out of their sleep sooner or later.
A simple cure for UAE : Let's bring the terror to Dubai and Abu Dabi. They already need a lesson to be taught.

I’m quite sure that you have tried to bring terror to UAE just like many other nations.....but you couldn’t....and you will fail in the future as well.

Btw.... i saw many replies here in this thread talking but you really don’t know what are you talking about....LNA is controlling about 80% of the total Libyan Soil , taking it’s legitimacy from the only elected authority in Libya (the parliament) .
And here is the latest update on the ground.

But just as the Turk above said....Turkey is sending terrorists to Libya to control it or at least controlling it’s oil.
Similarly to how VAST MAJORITY of all Iranians do not like that your regime has been wasting 10's if not 100's of billions of USD on proxy wars outside of Iran while the average Iranian is struggling and is poor. Hence all the chants.
Saturated bullshyt right here. Pls provide real evidence to back this up, or shut up.
Let them keep believe Iranians have no outside influence, cant fight on their own, use outdate fake weapons...let them keep dreaming. Harsh reality will slap them out of their sleep sooner or later.

just radicalised nationalists.. they have no sense for reality.. its like the arab clans in germany they will come together fight together and if they leave they plan, plot and kill and rob each other...

sure reality will entertain but more often it makes us do facepalms..
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