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Libya Sent 34 Air Force Student to Turkish Air Force


Feb 4, 2013
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They already started to learn Turkish... 8-)

Source is Turkish but briefly news tells these...

Hava Harp Okulu Libyalılara eğitim veriyor

The Turkish Air Force Academy (TuAFA) (Turkish: Hava Harp Okulu) is a four-year co-educational military academy located in the city of Istanbul, Turkey. It is the main human resource for the Turkish Air Force Command.

It was founded in 1951, replacing the Army Flight School, with the mandate to train the officers of the Turkish Air Force. The academy provides an engineering education to Air Force cadets from Turkey as well as a number of other countries, and prepares them for careers in their respective Air Forces. TuAFA is recognized by the Turkish Council of Higher Education, as a university accredited to grant engineering degrees. It should not be confused with the Air War College (Hava Harp Akademisi).

Since 1992, the Academy has accepted female cadets and allied countries' cadets for enrolment. Accepting cadets not only from Turkey, but also all over the world makes this college very unique.

The aim of the academy is to produce officers who have;

  • The qualities required in a soldier
  • Commandership, management and leadership skills
  • Military and general knowledge
  • Morally and mentally developed personality
  • Physical competence required for conditions of aviation
With its core values, the college seeks to develop officer candidates' integrity, bravery and honour


Some other Recent military Cooperation:
  • During a joint press conference with Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul, Zeidan said Libya was looking to buy 20,000 military uniforms and 20,000 weapons of various types from Turkey. "We have reached a preliminary consensus with Turkey on the purchase of the above-mentioned arms," he said.
  • Libya was interested in buying Turkish assault boats for its coastguard and his country also requires helicopters. (On 3 January 2013, the Libyan delegation visited the facilities of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara and inspected the T129 attack helicopter)
  • Around 1,000 Libyan soldiers trained in late 2013 at the Egirdir Mountain Commando School in Isparta province in southwestern Turkey. Another 2,000 will be training in Isparta under an earlier agreement. "Turkey is the most suitable place for the training of our security forces," Zeidan said.
  • Libyan armed forces are reportedly in touch with Turkey's Otokar for the purchase of an unspecified number of Arma and Cobra armoured vehicles.
  • In terms of a defence and security co-operation agreement signed between the two government in April 2012, Turkey will train nearly 3 000 Libyan troops in line with a EU-led mission to rebuild the Libyan Army and strengthen national defence and security institutions
  • Commander Mustafa al-Majbri, who is responsible for communication in the NTC (National Transitional Council), and Commander Ibrahim al-Brigti, were pleased with the training by former Turkish special ops officers in Benghazi. Around 3,000 members of the Libyan opposition's military force, including those who are in volunteer groups affiliated with the al-Majbri tribe, were reportedly trained by the Turks.

Libya and Turkey continue to expand defence ties - IHS Jane's 360
Turkey, Libya sign high-level strategic cooperation agreement - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Turkey to train Libyan military, NTC's Abdul Jalil says - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
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Turkish Air Force Acquiring The Most Improved F-16 Simulators
The opening ceremony of the Training Center for the “most improved” F-16 Combat Aircraft Simulator” recently added to inventory, was held on 13th December 2013 at the 4th Main Jet Base.

In the current situation, F-16 Simulator Training Centers activated in F-16 bases located at Akıncı, Merzifon and Balıkesir and it is on the agenda to activate Bandırma and Diyarbakır Simulator Training Centers untill April 2014. The final Simulator Training Center is planned to be activated at Konya not later than the end of 2016.

F-16 Simulators have 360º visual capability, Night Vision Googles compatibility, all simulations of the avionics and weapon systems of the F-16C and a visual database including a wide geographical region. With the assistance of systems having a visual ability closest to the real flight, it is possible to perform cooperative training missions with other F-16 simulators at the same and/or different base commands by the network.

Apart from increasing the superior combat strength and air defence missions, it is predicted that the system will contribute to the national budget economically. A significant saving will be provided by performing part of the F-16 combat readiness and flight trainings by simulators.
With the F-16 Simulator;

• Tactical missions will be performed in all operational theatres with the support of EW systems against all land, air and naval weapon systems like ships, armors, aircraft and air defence systems,

• Training for significant capabilities like Network Supported Operation and Air-to-air Refueling will be performed with EAW&C Aircraft by using Link-16,

• Especially, cost-inefficient modern armaments like JSOW, SLAM-ER, AIM-9, AIM-120 and HARM in limited quantity will be used infinitive in cyberspace,

• Conditions unable to experience, such as emergency issues, will be trained safely.

F-16 simulator training system procurement project that includes F-16C full mission Simulator needed by the Turkish Air Force Command was commenced with the agreement signed between Defence Industry Under-secretariat and HAVELSAN on 10th August 2009.

Turkish Air Force Acquiring The Most Improved F-16 Simulators - Turkish Air Force

• Training conducted with the use of simulators, is cost-effective in relation to the use of actual aircraft performance.
• Training with a simulator can be carried out in a secure environment without encountering threats in a real environment.
• While training with an actual aircraft depends on weather conditions, with a simulator training can be provided at any time under desired meteorological conditions.
• In simulator training, the same conditions without time constraints can be repeated ad libitum.
• Emergency training that can not be accomplished with an actual aircraft without damaging the aircraft and injuring the pilot can be previously taught in simulator training.
• Showing the errors made during the task before the end of the task contributes to the creation of awareness training.
• A pilot training under a trainer pilot will result in an increase in full-time assessment and guidance capability.

Are those indigenous simulators? :o:
Yes they are indigenous.

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