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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

Once again, US continues it stupid action of attacking a country having no genuine reason to attack other than oil. First create dictators and then destroy them..

no genuine reason?

are you living under a rock?
It was not lame on my part o pull out that card. You just said CNN, I showed the real face of CNN. You gotta bear with me.

Lets see. By implementing a no fly zone the Allied Forces can do jack against Qaddaffi.

I think you meant can't do jack. actually, the resolution says any means short of boots on the ground i.e. they can also shoot the artillery and tanks

Surely there are always people who can say what you want them to say.

A set of deluded Kashmiris rant all day long against India of mass killings,genocides, mass graves etc , do you think the world must come here , ofcourse for humanity's sake?

this is not argh ----people chatting away only- these are videos being sent and seen. These are 4 NY times journalist who been kidnapped by the Libyan govt because they ventured and caught scenes of murder and mayhem...

Now that the ceasefire has been implemented with what pretext will the Brit/French forces go inside Libya ? Surely they are caught now with their pants down.

that's the madman's ceasefire and it means nothing to the US/ NATO. you do know he is also going to be indicted for crimes in the international courts. its a done deal, he is finished ruling that country. they have to still take out the air defenses and not bound by his cease fire.

1) who the fvck told you we look weak right now ? Please we live in India and we have to pay for our petrol and any pro-longed intervention is not in our interests, for my Pulsar's sake. Call me selfish, call be demonly, I give a flying fvck.

:D what hell has your gas to with it other than the prices will still be up if India agreed or not...

2) Help to Palestine helped our oil imports. Now what kind of BS is that ? the Arab nations helped Pakistan with money,fighters etc during their war with India. And do you know how the Arabs treat the Palestinians - Like Dirt. I have seen it plenty of times. Don't gimme this $hit. And now we are more than cozy with Israel. Have our oil exports stopped ?

the larger point was who has changed the Palestinian policy of a two state solution? Not India . it is good with both countries

3) For the comment " What is right is right", are you sure US supporting KSA cracking down on peaceful Bahraini protesters is right ? Are you sure that the puppet monarchs installed all over the Middle East and supported by US are right ? Are you sure that the support US gave to Hosni Mubarak was right ?

So puhleez spare us the hypocrisy personified US (West) foreign policy. We know what to do.

The US does not support them attacking unharmed civilians or its people. The Arab league is cracking down and suadia arabia's army is in bahrain. The US supported these countries but has always told them they need to get more democratic. Just one month before Egypt revolution- the US sec of state gave a speech in Egypt asking Egypt Mubarak to institute more democratic reforms. The US did not come to Mubark's aid during that revolution. Infact the entire Egyptian Military leadership were in the pentagon ( pre determined visit) when the revolution in egypt broke out. and US exerted presuure on the military to not attack its people.

these are NOT western policies, these core Indian , Gandhian policies of human rights... since when did it become fashionable otherwise ?
hmm.. i think india is learning the tricks of the trade. You never know what you might end up with once you have finished bombing libya. I think the western countries left it bit late. They should have intervened the moment popular uprising started & should have contained gaddafi then, instead of giving him time to regroup & start killing his own people in mass. maybe it took a while before the west came to a settlement about the share of spoils in Libya!!
Take it from someone who knows what its like being lied to about the purpose of specific military operations. Never take anything for its face value. What india did was prudent.
For those who say the UNSC is a irrelevant, NATO delayed the decision until they had a clear UN mandate from the UNSC.
3:32 Pm GMT: Hillary Clinton, providing the first US response, said she had seen the press reports of a ceasefire, my colleague Ewen Macaskill writes.

"It is a fluid and dynamic situation," Clinton said. She added that the US was not looking at what Gaddafi says but deeds on the ground.

"We want to see a very clear set of decisions operationalised on the ground by Gaddafi's forces to move a significant distance from the east."

She also insisted that Gaddafi would have to leave.

Obama is due to speak on Libya this afternoon.
As Libya announces cease-fire, violence reported in Misrata - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Libya's government announced a "immediate" cease-fire on Friday, but witnesses in western and eastern Libya say conflict is raging.

Witnesses in the western city of Misrata said a pro-government assault is persisting and casualties are mounting.

"What cease-fire," asked a doctor in Misrata, who described hours of military poundings, descriptions of casualties, and dwindling resources to treat the wounded. "We're under the bombs."

"This morning they are burning the city," the doctor said. "There are deaths everywhere."

"Misrata is on fire," according to an opposition member -- who said tanks and vehicles with heavy artillery shot their way into the city last night and the assault continued on Friday. He said Gadhafi's regime announced a cease-fire to buy time for itself. "Please help us."
We are coming brother . The US was late to convince Arabs and others but we are coming ...and we bring a big stick on doing everything we can , less boots on the ground. so we can not only shoot up air defenses , we can also shoot up tanks and artillery.
reality strikes... international criminal court is waiting to welcome gaddafi!! maybe time to pack his bags & move to Chavez's laps in Venezuela!!
reality strikes... international criminal court is waiting to welcome gaddafi!! maybe time to pack his bags & move to Chavez's laps in Venezuela!!

i am sure they will never let him fly . he lost that option already.
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