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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

LOL! Gaddafi chickened out?

LIBYAN dictator Muammar Gaddafi late last night blinked in the face of NATO airstrikes, calling an immediate ceasefire after the UN Security Council backed a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians.

Libyan Foreign Minister Mussa Kussa said the regime would halt all military operations immediately, as Britain and France deployed fighter jets to bases in readiness to strike Gaddafi troops attacking rebel positions.

"Libya has decided an immediate ceasefire and an immediate halt to all military operations," Mr Kussa told a press conference in Tripoli.

He said because Libya was a member of the UN it was "obliged to accept the UN Security Council's resolutions".

The backdown came after Gaddafi said in an interview aired on Portuguese state television that the Security Council had "no mandate" for such a resolution, "which we absolutely do not recognise".

More details here: Muammar Gaddafi calls off raids on rebels | The Australian

This guy is the biggest clown of Islamic world alive today.
Nobody is bombing the hell out of any place... watch the video from Al Jazeera which explains what is planned and what is going to go down.

I can understand you have bad experiences in Pakistan with the predator strikes and all and you have every right to be skeptical, but this is a measure which will be targeted and has the protection of civilians as it main concern.

Read the resolution.

It was also said during the drone strikes in tribal areas of Pakistan that there will be protection of civilians but where has that protection gotten burried? with every drone strike 10's of infants,women and other innocent civilians are killed
They are looking into the ceasefire at the NATO counsel and at participation from Arab nations. It is only half past 3 over here and it took weeks for the resolution to pass. What is the rush?
Once again, US continues it stupid action of attacking a country having no genuine reason to attack other than oil. First create dictators and then destroy them..
Once again, US continues it stupid action of attacking a country having no genuine reason to attack other than oil. First create dictators and then destroy them..
US did not put Gaddafi in to power.

Though, you are correct still.
its almost 5 hours were is the force . or they are waiting qaddafi finish all nation?
Gadaffi chickened out.

Libya announces immediate ceasefire

Libya has announced an immediate ceasefire in the month-long battle against rebels fighting to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, saying it's complying with demands from the UN Security Council.

"Libya has decided an immediate ceasefire and an immediate halt to all military operations," Foreign Minister Mussa Kussa said on Friday as a coalition of Western and Arab nations geared up to launch air strikes after the UN approved military action to stop Gaddafi from crushing an insurgency.

Kussa said Libya, as a member of the United Nations, is "obliged to accept the UN Security Council's resolutions".

Meeting on Thursday, the security council voted to permit "all necessary measures" to establish a no-fly zone, protect civilian areas and impose a ceasefire on Gaddafi's military.

Resolution 1973 "demands the immediate establishment of a ceasefire and a complete end to violence and all attacks against, and abuses of, civilians".

The ceasefire was derided by the commander of rebels forces, at their bastion in the eastern city of Benghazi, who accused Gaddafi of "bluffing".

Khalifa Heftir told a news conference: "Gaddafi does not speak any truth... All the world knows that Muammar Gaddafi is a liar.

"He and his sons, and his family, and all those with him are liars."

The ceasefire announcement came only hours after Gaddafi said in an interview on Portuguese television the council had "no mandate" for such a resolution, "which we absolutely do not recognise".

"This is not a war between two countries that permits the council to intervene," he argued. The UN Charter "does not permit interference in the domestic affairs" of a country.

Meanwhile, NATO said it would discuss on Friday what role the alliance may take, and the Arab League said UN chief Ban Ki-moon will attend a high-level meeting of European Union, Arab League and African Union officials in Paris on Saturday.

So far Belgium, Britain, France, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Qatar and the United States have said they will help to enforce the no-fly zone.

French government spokesman Francois Baroin said on Friday the strikes will come "rapidly... within a few hours".

The aim would be to "protect the Libyan people and to allow them to go all the way in their drive for freedom, which means bringing down the Gaddafi regime", he said.

British Prime Minister David Cameron told the House of Commons: "We will deploy Tornado and Typhoon as well as air-to-air refuelling and surveillance aircraft.

"Preparations to deploy these have already started and in the coming hours they will move to airbases from where they can take the necessary action."

Britain has an airbase on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus and also has two frigates, HMS Cumberland and HMS Westminster, in the Mediterranean.

There was no immediate indication of what might be targeted, but last week a source close to Sarkozy said the French president was looking at Gaddafi's Bab al-Azizia command headquarters in Tripoli, a military air base in Sirte, east of Tripoli, and another in Sebha in the south.

Meanwhile, Libya denied reports it was shutting down its air space, but European governments decided to ban all civilian flights to the country, Europe's air traffic agency said.

Egypt also suspended all flights to Libya.

Earlier on Friday, rebels in Misrata, a bastion of the insurrection east of Tripoli, said Gaddafi's forces were pounding the city after a night of heavy gunfire.

"Dozens of bombs of all sorts have fallen on the city since last night," a spokesman told AFP, adding that the bombing was "still intense".

Clashes were also reported in the western towns of Nalut and Zintan.

The United Nations has estimated more than 1000 people have been killed in what is now a month of fighting.

US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice said the resolution should send a strong message "that the violence must stop, the killing must stop and the people of Libya must be protected and have the opportunity to express themselves freely".

In The Hague, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court warned the Libyan government that any indiscriminate attack on civilians in Benghazi would constitute "war crimes".

"Any indiscriminate attack against civilians would constitute war crimes," Luis Moreno-Ocampo said. "The commanders will be responsible. As the prosecutor of the ICC, I will request an arrest warrant against them."

On March 3, Moreno-Ocampo announced a probe into Gaddafi, three of his sons and key aides for crimes against humanity arising from the bloody crackdown. The probe could be expanded to include war crimes.

Announcing the ceasefire, Libya's foreign minister said Tripoli is encouraging the "opening of channels of dialogue with all parties", although he did not elaborate.

However, he said he "deeply regretted" the resolution, which he said would "aggravate the suffering of the Libyan people".

The people of Benghazi erupted with fireworks and joyful gunfire after news spread of the UN resolution.

Celebrations in Libya's second city, the stronghold of the month-long mainly eastern rebellion against Gaddafi's iron-fisted four-decade rule, carried on through the night.

Tracer bullets and anti-aircraft fire ripped through the night sky, punctuated by the blaring of car horns.

Gaddafi, in a broadcast just hours before the vote, had warned his forces would attack Benghazi on Thursday night and show "no mercy".

"We will chase the traitors from Benghazi," he said, addressing his troops. "Destroy their fortifications. Show them no mercy. The world needs to see Benghazi free."

Meanwhile, up to 2500 people will need to be evacuated from Libya's borders with Tunisia and Egypt for the forseeable future in one of the biggest humanitarian evacuations in history, the UN refugee agency and International Organisation for Migration said on Friday.

About 300,000 people have fled Libya since clashes broke out between rebels and pro-regime forces, and many more are expected to leave, the agencies said.
Source: Libya announces immediate ceasefire
they already bomb us so why not others . humenty is for humens not for ............ you know what i mean?.

They bombed us because we let them to. instead of having strong airforce,army and what not ,we still are pushing our civilians to death zone.

what this so called military might is beneficial for those innocents who are being killed

People here say its the civilian government who is hurdle in way of military but havn't we saw martial laws before?haven't we seen military interfering in matters before? we all know that in our country military has a strong hold, but whats the use?

When you can't defend your own people,why are you here for?
Jesus man , you did not pull that lama Iraq card on me. let's all make that the basis of every decision to help humanity- don't use the analogy of Hitler and how many nations sat back like Darfur OR Rwanda etc.

It was not lame on my part o pull out that card. You just said CNN, I showed the real face of CNN. You gotta bear with me.

there ain't no boots on the ground here!

Lets see. By implementing a no fly zone the Allied Forces can do jack against Qaddaffi.

What you mean just because CNN told me? I'm seeing the thing with my own eyes, I'm hearing their entire diplomatic core interviewed too, this is not about invasion or boots on the ground!

Surely there are always people who can say what you want them to say.

A set of deluded Kashmiris rant all day long against India of mass killings,genocides, mass graves etc , do you think the world must come here , ofcourse for humanity's sake?

and what difference does it make he has taken back blah blah- it's all moot now that the resolution has passed. He is done, the international courts are also moving to indict him fro crimes against humanity. He is done... India had a chance and I hope to freaking GOD! 1)it won't look weak next time. 2)What is right is right and support for Palestine helped us with plenty of freaking oil imports...and who says we don't support a two state solution even now? It's terrorist hamas which is screwing it up for their people.

Now that the ceasefire has been implemented with what pretext will the Brit/French forces go inside Libya ? Surely they are caught now with their pants down.

1) who the fvck told you we look weak right now ? Please we live in India and we have to pay for our petrol and any pro-longed intervention is not in our interests, for my Pulsar's sake. Call me selfish, call be demonly, I give a flying fvck.

2) Help to Palestine helped our oil imports. Now what kind of BS is that ? the Arab nations helped Pakistan with money,fighters etc during their war with India. And do you know how the Arabs treat the Palestinians - Like Dirt. I have seen it plenty of times. Dont gimme this $hit. And now we are more than cozy with Israel. Have our oil exports stopped ?

3) For the comment " What is right is right", are you sure US supporting KSA cracking down on peaceful Bahraini protestors is right ? Are you sure that the puppet monarchs installed all over the Middle East and supported by US are right ? Are you sure that the support US gave to Hosni Mubarak was right ?

So puhleez spare us the hypocrisy personified US (West) foreign policy. We know what to do.
The Preadtor strikes are to target al Quaida and Taliban insurgents in Waziristan. They are questionable to say the least, I agree. There are not a UN sanctioned, Arab league backed humanitarian intervention, but part of the "War on Terror" and there are civilian casualties, which makes them a humanitarian and strategic disaster in my opinion. But what is planned for Libya is not the same or comparable.

I know I might not be able to convince you and yes there might be a very limited number of collateral in the Libyan intervention too, especially if Gaddafi uses human shields, but we are talking about preventing massacres and potentially genocide(as promised by Gadaffi). There is no clear cut good or bad, it is an area of gray. Maybe this resolution and the threat of intervention has prevented that already if they are too keep there world and implement a ceasefire.

I am not an advocate of US foreign policy here (I am not even american) so I would prefer to talk about this specific case in Libya.

Once again, US continues it stupid action of attacking a country having no genuine reason to attack other than oil. First create dictators and then destroy them..

This has nothing to do with oil. Gaddafi supplied Europe with oil, so if it were about that, we would support him.
The Preadtor strikes are to target al Quaida and Taliban insurgents in Waziristan. They are questionable to say the least, I agree. There are not a UN sanctioned, Arab league backed humanitarian intervention, but part of the "War on Terror" and there are civilian casualties, which makes them a humanitarian and strategic disaster in my opinion. But what is planned for Libya is not the same or comparable.

I know I might not be able to convince you and yes there might be a very limited number of collateral in the Libyan intervention too, especially if Gaddafi uses human shields, but we are talking about preventing massacres and potentially genocide(as promised by Gadaffi). There is no clear cut good or bad, it is an area of gray. Maybe this resolution and the threat of intervention has prevented that already if they are too keep there world and implement a ceasefire.

I am not an advocate of US foreign policy here (I am not even american) so I would prefer to talk about this specific case in Libya.

This has nothing to do with oil. Gaddafi supplied Europe with oil, so if it were about that, we would support him.

lol lets see what happens
It don't understand why you write "lol" in response to my post..

but "lets see what happens"

Fair enough.
It don't understand why you write "lol" in response to my post..

but "lets see what happens"

Fair enough.

we are funny in worse time so dont mint mani got signals from me. down qaddafi down i wanna see qaddafi killed in first raid and libya is free now.and also his son saif ul shaitan.
Well, We are going to watch the same movie that we have wathced before in Iraq... Oil Crusade to Libya and the reason is the same also " they will bring democracy" ..... The oil terrorist states US, UK and France will kill the people for oil and rest of world will watcj again !!!

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