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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

Abstaining isn't much different then voting for when you know by doing so the measure will be approved. It is simply hedging your bet on the matter politically.

I am sorry you mistook what I said and whom I directed it at. I will edit my post so it is not misunderstood.
You forgot to count Brazil's Population....Thay also abstained from voting all B_R_I_C nations abstained.

Sounds Intresting....isn't it?

If Iranians, Pakistanis and Indians can stop hating each other, we can make a Moscow-Tehran-Islamabad-Delhi-Beijing alliance to counter the Wall Street regime and it's mafia.
Libya's Air Force, Missiles and Defences
Talk of military action against Libya for U.S. and NATO allies is growing. But what would they face? Libya's Air Force is made up of 18,000 personnel, has 364 combat aircraft, an estimated 136 armed helicopters, and 216 surface to air missiles, experts say -- primarily Soviet-made aircraft from the 1970s.
BRIC countries must work with each other to develop their respective strengths in energy.

Russia - nuclear, arctic oil and deep sea oil.
Brazil - biotech
India - solar water heaters and nuclear
China - photovoltaics, coal liquefaction and nuclear

only freedom from middle eastern oil, can set us free from the petrodollar monopoly of the US.
why did India not show fortitude on this? this is mass murder of thousands... did India not do the same for Bangladesh? you want a seat with the big boys then show the moral fortitude to do the right thing.

once again America to the rescue to avoid the slaughter of innocent Muslims ...

this is not a question of showing power- It is a question of humanity . leaders don't wait and watch and this was not a vote to hold a rercruitment office to have a countries army go in... US and France/ nato were to handle it. This was a damn vote that India acted weak just like the commi's. Btw-The arab league gave its go ahead...

India did the thing that was in its interest rather some one else' and I am proud of it. When India attains the stature of US or UK lets go to war to save some innocent Muslims till them lets bet on the winning horse, whoever damn it is and as of now Qaddaffi seems to be the winning horse with his troops retaking one town after another.
If Iranians, Pakistanis and Indians can stop hating each other, we can make a Moscow-Tehran-Islamabad-Delhi-Beijing alliance to counter the Wall Street regime and it's mafia.

Indians Don't Hate Iranians..! We have a long Dispute with Pakistan and rest you know everything i don't think i need to go in detail..;) Well i dont think that there is any alliance going to happen(Including Islamabad because of obvious reasons) But any alliance between B_R_I_C country's is possible if we think about long term...:)
It is not about agreeing, if it were such then they would have voted against. It is more to do with safeguarding one's position and to take a neutral stance. Middlepath as some would say.
India did the thing that was in its interest rather some one else' and I am proud of it. When India attains the stature of US or UK lets go to war to save some innocent Muslims till them lets bet on the winning horse, whoever damn it is and as of now Qaddaffi seems to be the winning horse with his troops retaking one town after another.

thats a horses rear argument and you know that :). It implies by voting along with 10 others ! it meant Indian forces would have to be gearing up- and that not true. it would have been the right thing to vote yes ...

you want a UNSC seat, you wanted to be respected in the world stage? then act like you have the fortitude to stand up for what's right. I don't know why Brazil abstained but I know why the others besides India did...they are in Gaddafi's pocket and had investments in there. India did not have anything and yet pfft. disappointing.
Libya no-fly zone: India abstains from UN vote​

United Nations: India, along with four other members of the UN Security Council, abstained from the voting on a resolution that approves a no-fly zone over Libya and authorises "all necessary measures" for protecting civilians there from Muammar Gaddafi's forces.

Ten of the 15-member body voted in favour of the resolution, but five nations - China, Russia (which have veto power) and non-permanent members India, Germany and Brazil - abstained from voting.

"This resolution calls for far-reaching measures but we never got answers to very basic questions," Indian envoy to UN Hardeep Singh Puri said. "This entire exercise has been based on less than complete information."


India abstained from voting for a no-fly zone as New Delhi felt that the UNSC resolution was not backed by credible information from the ground in Libya.

UN Special Envoy, who has visited Libya, has not given his report while the African Union is going to send a team to make serious efforts for a peaceful end to the crisis there. India felt that it is important to politically address the situation.

India is still unclear about who and how these measures will be enforced, and fears the no-fly could compromise Libya's territorial integrity and hurt Libyan people more than the regime.

India is also concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation in Libya and has called for Libyan authorities to cease fire and meet legitimate demands of its people.

China's top diplomat in the UN Li Baodong also had similar apprehensions. "Many of those questions failed to be clarified or answered," Li told UNSC after the vote.

Last week, the Arab League called for a no-fly zone to be established in Libya and the resolution, co-authored by Britain and France, was tabled by Lebanon on Tuesday.

"We cannot let these war-mongers do this," Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, told the Security Council.

"We have very little time... we should not arrive too late."

But, India and other members of the Council voiced concerns about the absence of specific details on creating a no-fly zone as well as the lack of clarity on the source of assets for its implementation.

"Passing a resolution is an interactive process...if countries have doubts...you try to remove them," Puri said.

"I m afraid that the two countries leading the process (UK and France) did not make the required effort."

Susan Rice, US envoy to the UN, clarified that it was impossible to answer all the questions given that the Council had to act quickly. "We spent many hours going over these issues," she told reporters.

The current resolution also calls for an immediate ceasefire, which Russia had earlier proposed as a smaller resolution. But it never came to a vote because key countries felt that only a ceasefire resolution lacked teeth and would not deter Gaddafi.

Vitaly Churkin, the Russian envoy, warned "outside force" could destabilise the Middle East and North African region and described the resolution as "unfortunate and regrettable."

The action came as the Libyan leader threatened to launch the final attack to push out rebels from Benghazi, the second largest city of the country. "We are coming tonight," Gaddafi has told rebel forces. "There won't be any mercy."

The resolution, however, excludes "a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory," at it rules out deploying troops on the ground.

It also widens previous sanctions by imposing asset freezes for seven more of Gaddafi's supporters and five more entities including key state-owned Libyan companies.

Resolution 1970, adopted on February 26, slapped sanctions on the Libyan regime, including an arms embargo, an asset freeze and travel ban on Gaddafi and his loyalists, and a referral to the Hague-based International Criminal Court.

However, Manjeev Singh Puri, India's deputy envoy to the UN, told the Security Council the international community had to "mitigate and not exacerbate" the situation, and widening sanctions could hurt the economic interest of the Libyan people.

Meanwhile, media reports from the ground suggested that news of the UN resolution had been welcomed in Benghazi.

Celebratory gunfire rang out in the city and imams at mosques shouted "God is greatest, God is greatest."

Ibrahim Dabbashi, Libya's deputy envoy to the UN who had turned against Gaddafi, called for the resolution to be implemented "immediately." But, he did not see his Indian counterpart's concern valid - "It has nothing to do with the Libyan people."

Mark Lyall Grant, the UK envoy to the UN, welcomed the vote and "Today s resolution puts the weight of the Security Council squarely behind the Libyan people."

Grant's sentiment was echoed by Rice who said, "Today the Security Council has responded to the Libyan people's cry for help."
Hardeep singh puri is an idiot then--- 10 other countries got it. He needs to be replaced if he can't be in the top 3 of " comprehension level". Come on that's the biggest fluff line from him and you know it...

I wo't even bother replying to chinese highlighted quote. You expect this kind of rubbish from them- the entire expects it...
It is not about agreeing, if it were such then they would have voted against. It is more to do with safeguarding one's position and to take a neutral stance. Middlepath as some would say.

atleast it signifies few nation doesn't agree with west...

Well if one is not voting in Favour then it clearly signifies that you don't agree with it and yeah there is neutral/political angel too but did you saw what was the reason given by H.S Puri and his statement in UN?? You need to listen it again :)
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