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Liberation of Goa : 19 Dec 1961

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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The Portuguese were the first European colonisers to come to India and the last to leave. While the British left in 1947, action was taken against the Portuguese occupation of Goa in 1961 when an Indian military operation ended 450 years of foreign rule.

The 1961 Indian annexation of Goa , was an action by India’s armed forces that ended Portuguese rule in its Indian enclaves in 1961 .


When India became independent in 1947, Goa remained under Portuguese control. The Indian government of Jawaharlal Nehru insisted that Goa, along with a few other minor Portuguese holdings, be turned over to India. However, Portugal’s refusal set a chain of events rolling,finally freeing Goa

On 27 February 1950, the Government of India asked the Portuguese government to open negotiations about the future of Portuguese colonies in India. Portugal asserted that its territory on the Indian subcontinent was not a colony but part of metropolitan Portugal and hence its transfer was non-negotiable; and that the India had no rights to this territory since the Republic of India did not exist at the time when Goa came under Portuguese rule. When the Portuguese Government refused to respond to subsequent aide-mémoires in this regard, the Indian government, on 11 June 1953, withdrew its diplomatic mission from Lisbon.

On 24 November 1961, the Sabarmati, a passenger boat passing between the Portuguese-held island of Anjidiv and the Indian port of Kochi, was fired upon by Portuguese ground troops, resulting in injuries to the chief engineer of the boat, as well as the death of a passenger. The action was precipitated by Portuguese fears that the boat carried a military landing party intent on storming the island.

As the tension built up, Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar sought help from the US, UK and other countries sympathetic to his cause. The British were reminded that under the terms of the 1899 Anglo-Portuguese Treaty they were obliged to come to Lisbon’s assistance if any Portuguese colony was attacked. US President John F. Kennedy – who had a few months earlier attempted an invasion of Cuba – wrote to Nehru, asking him not to use force.

Western nations led the chorus of criticism against India. Leaders and official spokesmen in many countries, including the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, Spain and West Germany deplored the Indian action. So did Pakistan. On the other hand, India got the full support of Russia, Yugoslavia, the Arab States, Ghana, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

The British were the first to come out all diplomatic guns blasting. On December 18, the Commonwealth Relations Secretary Duncan Sandys told the House of Commons: “Her Majesty’s government deeply deplore the decision of the Government of India to use military force to attain its political objectives.” “In addition,” he said, “we are particularly concerned about the wider repercussions which the action taken by the Indian Government may have upon other problems that face the world to-day.”

China’s reaction was interesting. The Chinese Communist Government issued a statement on December 19 expressing “resolute support” for India's action in Goa, the Hong Kong Communist newspaper Ta Kung Pao (regarded as reflecting the views of the Chinese Government) described the attack on Goa as “a desperate attempt by Mr Nehru to regain his sagging prestige among the Afro-Asian nations”.

At the United Nations the US, UK, France and Turkey proposed a resolution condemning the Indian invasion. It called upon India to withdraw its forces immediately to “the positions prevailing before December 17, 1961”.

Moscow’s veto blew away the resolution. “The (Russian) veto saved India from a very awkward situation as the West was determined to get a ceasefire and withdrawal resolution passed in the Security Council.”


On 11 December 1961, 17 Inf Div and attached troops were ordered to advance into Goa to capture Panjim and Marmagao. The main thrust on Panjim was to be made by 50 Ind Para Bde Group from the north. Another thrust was to be carried by 63 Inf. Bde from the east. A deceptive thrust, in company strength, was to be made from the south along the Majali-Canacona-Margao axis.

All operations in Goa came to a halt at 6 P.M. on 19th December 1961. Arrangements were made for receiving the formal surrender at the hands of the Portuguese governor General salo e Silva. The document of surrender was signed at 7:30 P.M. on a street at Vasco da Gama under the headlights of the car of the Portuguese Governor general and submitted to Brig. K.S.Dhillon. Major General K.P.Candeth was appointed the military Governor of Goa. Thus within 40 hours of the start of the operation, the Indian army had successfully carried out operation Vijay and centuries of foreign domination in Goa came to an end.
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It’s not a liberation. But an occupation. Liberation is free from Indian rule.

The list of Indian occupied area by force include

South Tibet

Other occupied area include

Tamil Nadu
Punjab, against the Sikhs
The other NE Indian states that India treat as a colony.

India need to dissolve itself and liberate its people.
I did, next?
India is an unnatural country that is created by British to continue its colonialism. As a result, English language and culture still rule India. The only way India can truly become independence is to revert to the kingdoms and states before British arrival.
India is an unnatural country that is created by British to continue its colonialism. As a result, English language and culture still rule India. The only way India can truly become independence is to revert to the kingdoms and states before British arrival.

We won't. Our diversity isn't our weakness but is our only strength.!
Indians are more Indians when they are away from themselves. Thats why online forums are full of jingoistic tone. But typical Indian:


There are more inter-caste and inter-region marriages happening in India today. With the rise of urbanization these differences will only subside.
Sure, no states in India deserve to be part of India. I do not wish to place human beings in such dire straits.

Are you for real ??? LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You surely need some;


Since you simply can't digest India. LOL :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

India is an unnatural country that is created by British to continue its colonialism. As a result, English language and culture still rule India. The only way India can truly become independence is to revert to the kingdoms and states before British arrival.

Every other big country found on the globe today is the amalgamation of two or more nation states, be it India, U.S.A, Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil or Australia. The native inhabitants/states were all consolidated under one power by a clan, Emperor or another powerful nation. Before that each one of them where nothing more than some geographical expressions. Understood Mr. Genius ???? Correct me with historical facts if I'm wrong, else you will have to agree that you are really a big FOOL. LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Are you for real ??? LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You surely need some;


Since you simply can't digest India. LOL :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Every other big country found on the globe today is the amalgamation of two or more nation states, be it India, U.S.A, Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil or Australia. The native inhabitants/states were all consolidated under one power by a clan, Emperor or another powerful nation. Before that each one of them where nothing more than some geographical expressions. Understood Mr. Genius ???? Correct me with historical facts if I'm wrong, else you will have to agree that you are really a big FOOL. LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Agree. In that case, India is the newest country in your example. It’s a geographical expression till 1947.:rofl:
Agree. In that case, India is the newest country in your example. It’s a geographical expression till 1947.:rofl:

No dear we are not, the newest in that category is Peoples Republic Of China (PRC). It was only a geographical expression till 1949. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Before that it was Republic of China, only a shadow of what it is today.


And before 1912, it comprised of nation states and territory rules by few powerful warlords. LOL :haha::haha::haha:
We won't. Our diversity isn't our weakness but is our only strength.!

strength only to landlocked economically backward Hindi heartland states not to the countries under Indian occupation i.e Kashmir, Tamilnadu, NE States
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