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Level of Education in Pakistan's govt Schools

its lyari man...c'mon. I mean..I just dont want to be a jerk. but these kids may not be good at school but they are streetsmart for sure. they know lot other things burger kids don't know.
Yeah just copy this for some of the government run schools in India specially in the villages.
Poor kids! They've barely started their lives and they've already been put at a huge disadvantage.
PPP would make sure in 2 years these kids get job in PIA , steels mills and Major government institutions

While the video is good in sense , but I don't like that the lady is openly criticizing the kids in front of world while she could have stated her views privately after the conclusion of video

Pakistan is fast becoming , infact has become nation where educated class has already left and their children of course went to proper schools , the local population just does not have schools , teachers or books or material
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its lyari man...c'mon. I mean..I just dont want to be a jerk. but these kids may not be good at school but they are streetsmart for sure. they know lot other things burger kids don't know.
You think situation is better in other cities or other areas of Karachi?
Streetsmart?? Reality check! You are a jerk!
It is painful to watch this video :-'( Wondering if Pakistani govt should propose adopt a school scheme on a massive scale, so that NGO's and privates should start mentoring and monitoring these schools!!
What lies ahead of these innocent kids if they know nothing of very basics.
Seriously the principle of the school needs to be fired immediately, these kids are talent and future of Pakistan, who knows how bright they can be if given opportunity, it is such a big negligence on part of administrators!!! :-(
It is painful to watch this video :-'( Wondering if Pakistani govt should propose adopt a school scheme on a massive scale, so that NGO's and privates should start mentoring and monitoring these schools!!
What lies ahead of these innocent kids if they know nothing of very basics.
Why GOP will do that? The politicians want exactly this kind of almost illiterate generation that would vote for them. If these kids really got educated, who would vote for the morons?
Pakistani machinery is running on hand full of school that have quality and those schools are normally in high demand to get into pretty sad situation sadly ....
Pakistani machinery is running on hand full of school that have quality and those schools are normally in high demand to get into pretty sad situation sadly ....

This translates to Education is not a right of everyone in Pakistan!

Infact this school is worst than no school, an illiterate would probably long for education because it is something that he\she never had access to, but these kids will relate education to this experience, instead of enlightening of mind, they will think education is of no use, they will think we passed elementary\secondary but it did not help us at all, it was such a waste of time!

No wonder why Pakistan has youth with no hope for future, total hopelessness and total frustration pervails, no wonder they are ready to become suicide bombers.

We stole the dreams of these kids!
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