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Letters to KPK Administration prior to Attack on DI Khan

That ' Taliban are fighting for a righteous cause ' isn't limited to PTI , this phenomenon and sort of Stockholm Syndrome is also found in Moulana Diesel and Ganja Brothers , let there be no doubt . This is how Wali-ur-Rehman - murderer of countless Pakistanis became a martyr for these corrupt politicians .

Maulana did not miss the opportunity:

"ISLAMABAD: Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam – Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman said on Wednesday that it was a mistake to have let Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) form government in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Express News reported.

In a telephonic conversation with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, JUI-F chief said that criminals and militants were roaming free while the common people were restricted to their homes.

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan insurgents armed with mortars and grenades had launched a major attack on the Central Prison in Dera Ismail Khan late on July 29. Twelve policemen were killed in the attack, while at least 248 prisoners escaped.

Referring to the aftermath of the jailbreak, Rehman said that the provincial government had imposed a curfew in order to hide security loopholes.

The JUI-F chief added that the curfew had posed considerable difficulties for the citizens as it made any kind of movement to and fro from the city impossible.

Frowning over the recent instance of security lapse in the province, he lamented the fact that PTI was allowed to form government in K-P.

Earlier in the day, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Rana Sanaullah had called for the resignation of K-P Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak over the jailbreak.

He had also asked PTI Chairman Imran Khan to reveal who was responsible for the attack and the provincial government’s plan to compensate for the damage done.

CM Khattak had earlier claimed that no prior intelligence regarding this incident was shared with the provincial government. However, a senior intelligence official said that they wrote to the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC), Ministry of Interior on July 27 about the threat of an attack on DI Khan jail by militants."

Mistake to have let PTI form government in K-P: Fazlur Rehman – The Express Tribune
Well this incident is really worrying me now,possible measures must be taken by government of KPK to avoid this in future,as PTI is a novice party and is holding such responsibility for the first time,that is why I have predicted that PTI will learn a lot of lessons,in fact actual lessons after elections:cray:

Mate , we do not have the luxury of that time , you speak of . That is the problem .


CM Khattak had earlier claimed that no prior intelligence regarding this incident was shared with the provincial government. However, a senior intelligence official said that they wrote to the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC), Ministry of Interior on July 27 about the threat of an attack on DI Khan jail by militants."

Lets have a look at this clown who gave some statements in favor of Taliban cause not long ago . Lying through the teeth is no problemo for the politicians .
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IK had made the biggest Blunder when he nominated Khattak as CM .... we are seeing the results of it now .. Screw-up after screw-up .

Today I lost a part to respect i had for PTI ... if IK dosent control the situation in KPK .. i am afraid next time he will only be able to get 1 seat again .
Your avatar reminds me about one aspect of this sordid episode which is not being discussed as of yet. According to sources TTP also took six women (Five inmates and a police officer) with them. I hope they will not be treated as Maal e Ghanimat.

how can you have such hopes let me remind you the word "" kanizi """ bacha bazi and child weddings
Maulana did not miss the opportunity

Once upon a time , Maulana also mentioned how it was ' haraam ' to give votes to PTI . Nothing unusual or unexpected from the Mullah brigade .

how can you have such hopes let me remind you the word "" kanizi """ bacha bazi and child weddings

Treating the women as slaves and little kids who cant make their own decisions , you mean , mate ?
It is surprising that TTP got away with this attack despite such precise intelligence reports(that 14 vehicles were parked at some location for the attack) and considering the Bannu jailbreak was not far from memory.

Some one must own up for the failure and resign.

It is as if people in Pakistan are deliberately determined not to learn from their mistakes.
That's true, and will be precisely the reason for our downfall. People here don't understand that having a country is a privilege which needs to be protected and fought-for to retain. Too many times in history nations have fallen and maps redrawn for such negligence.

It is surprising that TTP got away with this attack despite such precise intelligence reports(that 14 vehicles were parked at some location for the attack) and considering the Bannu jailbreak was not far from memory.

Some one must own up for the failure and resign.

It is as if people in Pakistan are deliberately determined not to learn from their mistakes.

What AK47? More like something from WWII, and a "thali" of daal to go with it! All latest weaponry is @ you know where!!!!

as @Argus Panoptes said, "When the advice is to "take necessary security measures" over an impending attack, there is no effective mechanism to deliver that, on the ground, in the actual field, where it is needed."

Yeah just increase security of DI jail with civilian police walas who don't know how to fight hardened terrorists, Just use civilians as cannon fodders by just handing them one AK-47 and then blaming them for not stopping the attack
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Regarding terrorism, all our parties are hopeless, from A to Z...but that doesn't mean that they are totally inept at governing anything.

There is a difference between the two.

I have stopped commenting on these threads now since most of the comments are knee jerk and lack any sort of fore thought. Some geniuses advocate absolving the Army, these geniuses had their cousins killing 3 people and rejoicing, some other geniuses say that if the Army is operating in Tirah, why not also secure the jail? And many more intellectual comments.

Good day folks.
Mate , I asked a genuine question there about the army procedures .

Yes you did, but there are alot of other geniuses lumbering around.

If a cantt is 10 minutes away, it doesn't mean you have a battle ready platoon 10 minutes away ready for defending a prison. That's the sum of it.
Yes you did, but there are alot of other geniuses lumbering around.

If a cantt is 10 minutes away, it doesn't mean you have a battle ready platoon 10 minutes away ready for defending a prison. That's the sum of it.

But 4 hours might have sufficed? Not every Army unit has a QRT ready at all times, and understandably so.
Yes you did, but there are alot of other geniuses lumbering around.

If a cantt is 10 minutes away, it doesn't mean you have a battle ready platoon 10 minutes away ready for defending a prison. That's the sum of it.

If you remember the attack occurred at R.A Bazar, Lahore cantt, couple of years ago.It was friday on that day, attack occured around 1-1.30 pm . Garrison security force and other military units responded within 10-15 minutes of attack
But 4 hours might have sufficed? Not every Army unit has a QRT ready at all times, and understandably so.

The time scale isn't set in stone. Some say 1.5 hours, some say 3, some even stretched it to 5. Until any definite time line comes, hard to say.

So let's run it through.

The terrorists blow up the power. I don't think anybody would suspect a thing even then. The Taliban climb the walls and go in. Another party proceeds to the gate and the gatekeeper hands them the keys. Everybody in the vicinity scampers for life and no resistance is visible. Then after the entry of the Taliban are the first shots fired...grenades thrown, a ruckus created. The local police officer wakes up from his slumber and then tries to coordinate his own little fight back if any. This whole thing takes around half an hour to 45 minutes.

All of the above is from what I gather from news sources...I have no idea at all how the police works. Now below is what would have happened with the Army. Let's suppose it was the local jail authorities which contacted the Army.

The jail authorities call the station HQ. THe duty NCO picks up, hamla ho raha hai, bla bla bla. The NCO informs the JCO, then it gradually moves up the chain to the Major on duty. The local QRF is informed, but since the AOR of the QRF is inside the cantt, they probably don't move out. The Major also thinks the same,,,these things have big repercussions, remember the Abbottabad report, where the report blamed the PMA Commandant for going outside his AOR? The Major would have thought the same, why should I conduct an op outside my area? Then slowly things progress and it takes another half an hour before the first Army team arrives. So about an hour has gone before the Army arrives.

Second scenario is that the IG or some high up calls the Brigade Commander. For the info to go to the IG would also take around half an hour after the initial attack. Then he calls the Brigade Commander. Brigade Commander calls the folks on duty to go and see...a small QRF team and some officers go there and take a view of the situation. Since the initial party is small, they don't move in. They call for back up. The backup is sleeping in the unit lines. They wake up and get ready and all that...also takes an hour and a half.

The first Army response with numbers would have taken at least an hour or so. By that time, the terrorists would have been on their way.

The things is, it were 150 people...not a small team of around 10 which can be countered by a small QRF team of around 10 people, a Major in the control room, small patrols everywhere. There were 150 people!!! Nobody, nobody would go in and attack them with an 8 man patrol, it would be a bloodbath. So they wait for reinforcement. This is the Army response. The jail was not their AOR, they do not have QRF for that place, they have second thoughts.

It falls squarely on the police, the police should have been ready, they should have had the proper weapons, they should have called in reinforcements. Not go to the Army. Otherwise, just tell everyone that hey, we are incompetent, depute the Army to guard jails as well.

No contingency plan is made to counter 150 people. Army deploys 8 man teams on double cabins to do patrols and counter a lone suicide bomber or a 8 man team. Kamra attack, Mehran, Peshawar all had small teams, not 150 men. The Peshawar attack got repelled mind you.

I am not justifying or defending anybody. The whole things was pathetic. But let's not make knee jerk and emotional comments which make no sense, such as dissolving the Army, killing everybody responsible and other stuff.
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