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Let's Evaluate Why Only Muslims are Extremist

If one reads through the entire slide show he/she is likely to take like may be 5-10 mins?

i mean you indians are so occupied with the fallacies, your brains are so filled with bias and you are so naive that even without going through the pictorial all of you (the 3 initial indian posters) just jumped to the conclusions and posted their worthless replies within the first few minutes while the thread was being updated!!

This shows how much hatred you people have towards Islam. Even the West-who is the most affected region by (Islamic) terrorists understands that it is not the Religion, it's just a small faction/group who are the culprits, BUT surprisingly, you the indian-who are in no way affected as the West has been, still thinks that it is the (entire) Muslim community who is at fault! Voila!

i mean hats off to such gems of humanity, BTW, who are you? indian?

Moreover, what killing children, wives, incesty etc etc had to do with being Muslim? Had you read/seen atleast some of the pics you should have understood that the slide show doesn't only talk about terrorist attacks but also about certain social evils..but alas, why would you do that? You people have already made up you tiny minds!

I partially agree with the topic...
but the fact of the matter is that al-Qaeda is the biggest terrorist organization now...and taliban is a force to reckon with...and both of them fight in the name of islam...the Chechens want independence for being islamists and so do the uighurs...there are islamists terrorists from the south-east to the mid-east to south-asia to europe and the heart of america....
there are islamist clerics who stay in the west and spread open propaganda against the countries they reside in...they make a mockery of the freedom of speech that they would have not enjoyed in their native countries...
all that has got the world paranoid...and made people jump to conclusions...while my understanding of Islam is minuscule...I know that the minority extremists mis-represent the majority pacifists as happens in my religion,my country too.
and not to mention india has an organization that seeks to transform India from a secular country to an Islamist country under sharia analogous to the Mughal empire of the mid ages...and they seek to achieve that by the use of terror...
they want to call the new country as Mughalstan....or mughalistan or something like that
and not to mention india has an organization that seeks to transform India from a secular country to an Islamist country under sharia analogous to the Mughal empire of the mid ages...and they seek to achieve that by the use of terror...
they want to call the new country as Mughalstan....or mughalistan or something like that

India has far stronger Organisations which want to transform India from so-called secular state into a Hindu Country, and call it Hindutva.

And i do not agree with your statement that any organisation in India composed of Muslims could have guts to change the system in India if Muslims were that determind they would have helped improving the bad situation of Muslims in India.
I partially agree with the topic...
but the fact of the matter is that al-Qaeda is the biggest terrorist organization now...and taliban is a force to reckon with...and both of them fight in the name of islam...the Chechens want independence for being islamists and so do the uighurs...there are islamists terrorists from the south-east to the mid-east to south-asia to europe and the heart of america....
there are islamist clerics who stay in the west and spread open propaganda against the countries they reside in...they make a mockery of the freedom of speech that they would have not enjoyed in their native countries...
all that has got the world paranoid...and made people jump to conclusions...while my understanding of Islam is minuscule...I know that the minority extremists mis-represent the majority pacifists as happens in my religion,my country too.

Al-qaeda is out come of US policies and not some Islamist organisation in the first place.

Taliban are not Islamists, they were mainly fighting invasion of Russia on Afghanistan and Now they are fighting Invasion of US on Afghanistan.

Al-qaeda is simply a terrorist organisation who's many mambers were earlier darlings of US.

The case Chechnya too old and can not be linked to current wave of militancy, it dates back to Imam Shamoyal.

On the other hand those Chechans and Uzbek terrorists who are fighting against Pakistan army have no other option to go back to their country nor any other place on earth so they have no other choice but to fight for their survival and they are no Islamists, they were used by US to fight Russia in first Afghan war
Actual enemy of Islam is not west it is these kind of people...

That is a big part of the problem.

Islam doesn't have one central authority. Almost anyone can claim to be a mullah and start preaching, so there is no way to control what these people say. As long as they can recite the Quran and have a popular personality, they will find an audience. Many Western countries want to require mullahs to be screened and certified.

Pakistan needs to do the same.
Anybody inciting violence or misogyny goes to jail.
No mercy.
Basically all these trans-national "jihadis" constitute a miniscule proportion of muslims but because of their actions they are more news worthy.

Media is a business driven by TRP ratings. IF you have boring headlines no one will watch it. If you sensationalize the news, everyone will watch it. Thats just how it goes. Sure there may be some elements who want to delibrately target muslims but its more to do with TRP ratings and whose story sounds better.

Just to remind you that it is only in the past 30 years this issue has cropped up. During the afghan war, Mujahideen was equated with freedom fighters in the US. Infact in one of the Rambo movies, the hero is fighting the russians wearing a turban on the side of the mujahideen!

Ofcourse now in the new Rambo movie, he is back in Afghanistan fighting against the same mujahideen. Interesting to say the least.
its all about Dajjal's one eyed view, the MEDIA, which is controlled by the enemies of the muslims.

infact todays politics is very complex and a mix of common interest, i'd like to mention some in the following lines.

Jews:- The most rewarded yet the most ungreatfull and stiff necked minority of the world, the most conspirious mob in the history of mankind, a virus which always sucks the life out of its prey, as they are doing to the USA and INSHA ALLAH to india in near future.

Chritians:-The largest religion of the world, though i don't agree that westerners take it as a religion, i think they are more keen to take it as a legecy coz they have a history attached to it. besides they want to keep their supremacy of the world so they always try to be a part of anything which serves the purpose.

Hinus/India:-They are known to be as conspirious nation as jews but not as brave as jews, besides this, they after being slaves to Mulims and christians for 1,200 years collectively are trying to enjoy new endevours of their freedom, coz freedom seems a new word to them. so they always try to capitalize on such opportunities.

All these odds have only one enemy, ISLAM, coz only islam has the potential and histroy to unfold the power of truth to mankind, which obviously upsets these stakeholders of evil, so they try not to miss any opportunity to single out islam as a source of violance.

As the starter of this thread exposed the comparitive biasness of the enemies of islam it is evident whats happening around us.

Now these people don't understand that they are in a way helping islam,coz when people listen so much about something they start digging out the truth and finally understand the lies told to them by their own people, so they change sides and strengthen the true people.
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extremism in is not limited to Islam only as it is presented in media. I think BBC's documentary "Power of Nightmare" describe the origin of Al-Qaeda and its ideology and also expose the Western extremism as well.

Here is first part
I request all members to watch this and then we can have a more collaborative discussion on the topic.
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simple.. these terrorists claims that the certain act was done for Islam.

Prove me where they say that it was done for god, See Alqaida's cheif Usama bin Laden's claim for the fight? Leave muslim land! Terrorist TTP in Pakistan's claim let us free Afganistan from USA and Nato.......Kashmeri Mujahideens or your terrorist's claim free Kashmire. Palestinian's claim? Give back oour land..... Sumalia's claim in 90's to USA? leave our land..... Iraqi attacks on westren forces? Leave Iraq...... Russian's fight with Mujahedeens and their claim, Leave muslim land.... So where does Islam come in? It's all about LAND. Get it streight!
India has far stronger Organisations which want to transform India from so-called secular state into a Hindu Country, and call it Hindutva.
these hindutva organizations were voted to power...stayed in power for 5 years...they ruled India for 5 years....
..and they were voted out of power.during there tenure...nothing changed...they did not dispute the fact that we are secular.
The terrorists are terrorists...we hindutava terror...we have islamist terror...we have them both....drawing comparisons wasn't my idea.

And i do not agree with your statement that any organisation in India composed of Muslims could have guts to change the system in India if Muslims were that determind they would have helped improving the bad situation of Muslims in India.
when did I say that?
I was talknig of SIMI/IM...and I stated their manifesto.
Al-qaeda is out come of US policies and not some Islamist organisation in the first place.
you imply that it is not an islamist org?don't their training manuals talk of 'jannat' and "the promise"?
why did OBL go up against the USA?was it not because of Islam?
surely the USA did not offend islam in any way that I am aware of...
Taliban are not Islamists, they were mainly fighting invasion of Russia on Afghanistan and Now they are fighting Invasion of US on Afghanistan.
what there purpose was bakc in the 80s is different than what they did when in power.The created the world's most oppressive regime...they actually are featured in the Guinness book for that.
and that was all in the name of religion.Taliban was formed by Islami taleemdars or the talibs wan't it?
Al-qaeda is simply a terrorist organisation who's many mambers were earlier darlings of US.
see..diplomacies change over time...as the centers of power are dynamic....these people fight in the name of religion as testified by the videos of suicide bombers spelling out their reason to be Islam...
The case Chechnya too old and can not be linked to current wave of militancy, it dates back to Imam Shamoyal.
well i was referring to the current one.
On the other hand those Chechans and Uzbek terrorists who are fighting against Pakistan army have no other option to go back to their country nor any other place on earth so they have no other choice but to fight for their survival and they are no Islamists, they were used by US to fight Russia in first Afghan war
the paksitani taliban imposed jizaya,forced truck/bus drivers to not listen to music and play it...burnt cds and dvds...flogged girls...
its all about Dajjal's one eyed view, the MEDIA, which is controlled by the enemies of the muslims.

infact todays politics is very complex and a mix of common interest, i'd like to mention some in the following lines.

Jews:- The most rewarded yet the most ungreatfull and stiff necked minority fo the world, the most conspirious mob in the history of mankind, a virus which always sucks the life out of its prey, as they are doing to the USA and INSHA ALLAH to india in near future.

Chritians:-The largest religion of the world, though i don't agree that westerners take it as a religion, i think they are more keen to take it as a legecy coz they have a history attached to it. besides they want to keep their supremacy of the world so they always try to be a part of anything which serves the purpose.

Hinus/India:-They are known to be as conspirious nation as jews but not as brave as jews, besides this, they after being slaves to Mulims and chritians for 1,200 years collectively are trying to enjoy new endevours of their freedom, coz freedom seems a new word to them. so they always try to capitalize on such opportunities.

All these odds have only one enemy, ISLAM, coz only islam has the potential and histroy to unfold the power of truth to mankind, which obviously upsets these stakeholders of evil, so they try not to miss any opportunity to single out islam as a source of violance.

As the starter of this thread exposed the comparitive biasness of the enemies of islam it is evident whats happening around us.

Now these people don't understand that they are in a way helping islam,coz when people listen so much about something they start digging out the truth and finally understand the lies told to them by their own people, so they change sides and strengthen the true people.

"Hinus/India:-They are known to be as conspirious nation as jews but not as brave as jews, besides this, they after being slaves to Mulims and chritians for 1,200 years collectively are trying to enjoy new endevours of their freedom, coz freedom seems a new word to them. so they always try to capitalize on such opportunities."

do you know that apart from Pakistan and Bangladesh to an extent...not many muslim nations share this view.the PLO has had excellent relations with this jew-like fiend nation for years..it is only recently that we've established ties with the jews...
slaves to muslims..not being brave enough...bla bla
why are our 'rulers' having a hard time running their 'country of the elite' while we 'slaves' are a far more prosperous nation.
Come back to 2009 mate...for it seems a non-christian is keen into taking the past legacy too much into consideration.

Please don't generalize.
There are anti-Muslim elements in all these groups, but we also have crazy people in Islam who can't live with others.

I partially agree with the topic...
but the fact of the matter is that al-Qaeda is the biggest terrorist organization now...and taliban is a force to reckon with...and both of them fight in the name of islam...the Chechens want independence for being islamists and so do the uighurs...there are islamists terrorists from the south-east to the mid-east to south-asia to europe and the heart of america....

The modern Chechen struggle started when Stalin deported 650,000 Chechens onto freight trains to Siberia. Tens of thousands died. Theirs is a freedom struggle from Russia due to persecution for being Muslim. Muslim Malays have had their homeland annexed by Buddhist Thais to the north and their culture and religion have been systematically suppressed. The Uighurs and Philippine Muslims also have legitimate claims of persecution.

Since the common cause for persecution in all these cases is the fact that they are Muslim, it stands to reason that Islam would form the basis of their resistance.

One of the most insidious aspects of the GWOT is that it has legitimized persecution and suppression of any movement that demands rights for minority Muslims. They are immediately tagged as "Islamists" and terrorists, thereby paving the way for brutal suppression. Even peaceful resistance movements can be seeded with militants, either bona-fide or planted, to discredit and suppress the movement.

Heck, even Muslim and Western governments now suppress dissent under the guise of GWOT. Any unwanted Muslims can be accused of being Islamists, terrorists, or a threat to national security, and whisked away in the middle of the night.

The Western media has a double standard using code words. Non-Muslim minorities always struggle for human rights against Muslim domination, whereas Muslim minorities and Islamists wage separatist insurgencies against their non-Muslim host countries.

there are islamist clerics who stay in the west and spread open propaganda against the countries they reside in...they make a mockery of the freedom of speech that they would have not enjoyed in their native countries...

And those people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They give ammunition to anti-Muslim bigots in the West, and they keep Muslims backwards by urging them not to integrate in schools, work, and social situations.

I fully support recommendations in Australia and elsewhere that clerics should be local born, fluent in local culture, and promote integration. It makes me cringe every time I see one of these "community leaders" on TV invariably badly groomed, wearing long Arabic gowns, speaking in thick foreign accents, and having ZERO skills in public relations.
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my friends, muslims are not extremists. i am bringing religion in to the topic because it will be easy to explain my point of view and clear the doubts of my non muslim friends on this forum.

islam is a religion and to be a muslim you have to believe in the teachings of islam (as in any religion).

some cultures and faiths do not say anything about suicide and some considered it to be okay (and people do it for honor in some cultures e.g. Japan they even have a jungle named for suicides JUKAI) but may be many of my foriegner friends do not know that in islam it is clearly mentioned that suicide is one of the worst sin and is strictly forbidden:

This is what is meant by the sacred Hadith in which God is quoted as saying of the one who commits suicide: “My servant has precipitated My will with regard to himself! Therefore, I am forbidding him entry into heaven.”

When a man committed suicide during the Prophet’s lifetime, the Prophet was distressed. He did not perform the janazah prayer for the deceased.

so now consider a person claiming him/herself as muslim and doing these killings of innocent people by doing suicide which is not allowed as per Islam.

i am not trying to compare islam with other religions in terms of suicides and extremism so please do not take this personally. now killings and murdering innocent people in islam:

same is for the killing of innocent people (including from any religion)

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors. (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

Fighting in the cause of GOD Almighty those who fight us is what "Jihad" is all about. I can't go and kill a non-Muslim just because he is a non-Muslim. That is absolutely forbidden in Islam.

this media announcements and mentioning of muslim (especially) is wrong definitely because it do not matter if they (taliban or extremist) say that they are doing it in the name of islam because they are absolutely wrong. islam is a peaceful religion but unfortunately it has been portrayed very badly by a group of people who think themselves as muslims.

i hope it will clear the querries of many friends


its all about Dajjal's one eyed view, the MEDIA, which is controlled by the enemies of the muslims.

infact todays politics is very complex and a mix of common interest, i'd like to mention some in the following lines.

Jews:- The most rewarded yet the most ungreatfull and stiff necked minority fo the world, the most conspirious mob in the history of mankind, a virus which always sucks the life out of its prey, as they are doing to the USA and INSHA ALLAH to india in near future.

Chritians:-The largest religion of the world, though i don't agree that westerners take it as a religion, i think they are more keen to take it as a legecy coz they have a history attached to it. besides they want to keep their supremacy of the world so they always try to be a part of anything which serves the purpose.

Hinus/India:-They are known to be as conspirious nation as jews but not as brave as jews, besides this, they after being slaves to Mulims and chritians for 1,200 years collectively are trying to enjoy new endevours of their freedom, coz freedom seems a new word to them. so they always try to capitalize on such opportunities.

All these odds have only one enemy, ISLAM, coz only islam has the potential and histroy to unfold the power of truth to mankind, which obviously upsets these stakeholders of evil, so they try not to miss any opportunity to single out islam as a source of violance.

As the starter of this thread exposed the comparitive biasness of the enemies of islam it is evident whats happening around us.

Now these people don't understand that they are in a way helping islam,coz when people listen so much about something they start digging out the truth and finally understand the lies told to them by their own people, so they change sides and strengthen the true people.

This is also the reason as stated above why people look at Islam with suspicion where every religion is generalized.

And calling India Hindu is same as calling Pakistan Taliban or calling Pakistan as a terrorist state. India is secular. So keep your BS with you.

And your BS of ruling 1200. You are from the same lineage of Indian subcontinent. Come out of the brainwashing of your education system it was only 1500s when Mughals came and no one was a slave. Do you remember who ruled before them over you for 5000 years before that??????

And I liked your theory of all other religons being axis of evil. My dear friend then how can you expect respect for Islam from others when you your self are not ready to give it?
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