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Let's Evaluate Why Only Muslims are Extremist

simple.. these terrorists claims that the certain act was done for Islam.

Al Qaida was the culprit, but i never knew that Kashmiris and Palestinians were also motivated by Islam?

What about the terrorists in MIZORAM, NAGALAND, Manipur, Assam etc etc are they also motivated because of Hinduism?
Most of the terrorists in this world at the at the present time are muslims.

i would like to draw your kind attention towards the following TERRORIST organizations, please. Take some time and count MUSLIM terrorist organizations in the entire world and compare them with those available in india alone:

Where ULFA, NDFB – The National Democratic Front of Bodoland, UNITED PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC SOLIDARITY (UPDS), BLACK WIDOW are active.

National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), NLFT (National Liberation Front of Tripura), ALL TRIPURA TIGER FORCE

Manipur where following 20-30 terrorist organization are active:

Kanleipak communist party (KCP)
Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)
Manipur people’s Liberation Front (MPLF)
United National Liberation Front (UNLF)
Hmar People’s Convention- Democracy (HPCD)
Kuki Liberation Army (KLA)
Kuki National Army (KNA)
Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA)
Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA)
Chin Kuki Revolutionary Front (CKRF)
Hmar People’s Convention (HPC)
Indigenous People’s Revolutionary
Iripak Kanba Lup (IKL)
Islamic Revolutionary Front (IRF)
Kuki Defence Force (KDF)
Kom Rem People’s Convention (KRPC)
Manipur Liberation Tiger Army (MLTA)


The LOCAL SENAS of Bihar:

1. Ranveer sena- Bhumihar
2. Lorik Sena- Yadav
3. Bhumi sena- kurmi
4. Search light sena- upper caste etc.
5. Sunlight Sena – Upper caste

If one reads through the entire slide show he/she is likely to take like may be 5-10 mins?

i mean you indians are so occupied with the fallacies, your brains are so filled with bias and you are so naive that even without going through the pictorial all of you (the 3 initial indian posters) just jumped to the conclusions and posted their worthless replies within the first few minutes while the thread was being updated!!

This shows how much hatred you people have towards Islam. Even the West-who is the most affected region by (Islamic) terrorists understands that it is not the Religion, it's just a small faction/group who are the culprits, BUT surprisingly, you the indian-who are in no way affected as the West has been, still thinks that it is the (entire) Muslim community who is at fault! Voila!

i mean hats off to such gems of humanity, BTW, who are you? indian?

Moreover, what killing children, wives, incesty etc etc had to do with being Muslim? Had you read/seen atleast some of the pics you should have understood that the slide show doesn't only talk about terrorist attacks but also about certain social evils..but alas, why would you do that? You people have already made up you tiny minds!
Moreover, what killing children, wives, incesty etc etc had to do with being Muslim? Had you read/seen atleast some of the pics you should have understood that the slide show doesn't only talk about terrorist attacks but also about certain social evils..but alas, why would you do that? You people have already made up you tiny minds!

Of corse Islam has nothing to do with killing women and children as any one who has read the Quran would know. The problem is when some nutcase shoots up a school in america he says he does it because he didnt like the "jocks" on the football team or because he was picked on. When some nut case blows up a girls school in Kabul he says its because the Quran forbids the education of girls.
It isnt the media that lables them muslim terrorists they do it them selves.

On a second point, though the term terrorist is mainly linked in the media to muslims other equally derogatory phrases are used for others, Hindu extremists, christian fanatics. How many times are Christian crusaders mentioned or acts of a mentaly unbalanced person from Israel labeled as jewish terrorisim.

If one person fires a gun into a crowd shouting you bst###ds killed my dog and one does the same shouting Allah Akbar and only one is called a muslim terrorist are you supprised.
The key reasons are the terrorist themselves, when they carry any such act they claims they have done it because Islam say's it. Then they follow by a video or audio stating Jihad is mandatory etc. Now anyone publishing that cannot have a different headlines. LTTE was a big terrorist organization, all were Hindus but not even once anyone mentioned it is Hindu terrorist, why? This was because they never claimed Hinduism was their basis of act. The same thing applies to other acts, all the others never claim they are doing it because of religion. So it is wrong to say others are blaming Muslims wrongly. Look at what Muslims are doing, for every single thing they do they add religion to it.
i would like to draw your kind attention towards the following TERRORIST organizations, please. Take some time and count MUSLIM terrorist organizations in the entire world and compare them with those available in india alone:

Where ULFA, NDFB – The National Democratic Front of Bodoland, UNITED PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC SOLIDARITY (UPDS), BLACK WIDOW are active.

National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), NLFT (National Liberation Front of Tripura), ALL TRIPURA TIGER FORCE

Manipur where following 20-30 terrorist organization are active:

Kanleipak communist party (KCP)
Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)
Manipur people’s Liberation Front (MPLF)
United National Liberation Front (UNLF)
Hmar People’s Convention- Democracy (HPCD)
Kuki Liberation Army (KLA)
Kuki National Army (KNA)
Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA)
Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA)
Chin Kuki Revolutionary Front (CKRF)
Hmar People’s Convention (HPC)
Indigenous People’s Revolutionary
Iripak Kanba Lup (IKL)
Islamic Revolutionary Front (IRF)
Kuki Defence Force (KDF)
Kom Rem People’s Convention (KRPC)
Manipur Liberation Tiger Army (MLTA)


The LOCAL SENAS of Bihar:

1. Ranveer sena- Bhumihar
2. Lorik Sena- Yadav
3. Bhumi sena- kurmi
4. Search light sena- upper caste etc.
5. Sunlight Sena – Upper caste


More then 90% listed above are never being declared terrorist organization by anyone including UN.

Adding to it, whatever they have done combined is less then what is done by one faction of Taliban in 1 year.

I am not blaming Muslims for terrorism, but dude if your fellow friend shouts at top of voice and say I am a Muslim and I am killing people because Islam tells me, then I think some introspection should be done on your side to.

Even in this forum it's Muslims who comment based on religion. How many times instead of using word India you guys use word Hindus. When we talk we say Pakistan not Muslims even though Pakistan is 98% Muslim and we are 75% Hindus.
Al Qaida was the culprit, but i never knew that Kashmiris and Palestinians were also motivated by Islam?

What about the terrorists in MIZORAM, NAGALAND, Manipur, Assam etc etc are they also motivated because of Hinduism?

I think you really need a word from a person belongs another religion. Here my take, when I read "Suicide attack by a Muslim terrorist" do you really think after this I will consider all Muslims are terrorists and treat them as untouchables ??.:angry::hitwall: Heck..the word muslim here used as an adjective. Try to understand that...

I have never heard of Tamil people protested against the "tamil tiger".
ten thanks to you xeric..... for this useful post
rather simplistic.

Ironic statement, coming from a man who believes that culling of low IQ people is the way to improve India's competitiveness.

Fact is that vast majority of terrorist attacks are done by muslims.

Correction: vast majority of acts reported as terrorism are done by Muslims.

muslims in western countries on average tend to be more religious than followers of other religions

No more than Hindus, Sikhs, Orthodox Jews, Mormons, etc.

and hence contributes to the biased coverage in the media which tends to highlight the fact that the criminal was Muslim (just normal human tendency to react on the basis of pre-conceived notions).

You got that part right.

Let's Evaluate Why Only Muslims are Extremist - Most of the terrorists in this world at the present time are muslims.

The topic goes beyond terrorism. We are talking about domestic violence, incest and other crimes where the religion is only mentioned, even highlighted, when the criminal is Muslim.

This is part of a media campaign to demonize Islam and all Muslims.

Truth hurts.

Then you better stock up on pain pills, for what's coming next.

More then 90% listed above are never being declared terrorist organization by anyone including UN.

UN designations are driven by member states' agenda. The only reason these Indian organizations have avoided the spotlight is because the big powers don't care about Indian civilian deaths. Mumbai received attention from the West mostly because Westerners were killed, and also because it fit in with the West's anti-Muslim agenda.

Adding to it, whatever they have done combined is less then what is done by one faction of Taliban in 1 year.

if your fellow friend shouts at top of voice and say I am a Muslim and I am killing people because Islam tells me, then I think some introspection should be done on your side to.

You are absolutely right. There is no question that extremist Islam has grown more active and is causing much mayhem in the world. These guys, and the ideology, need to be eliminated.

Even in this forum it's Muslims who comment based on religion. How many times instead of using word India you guys use word Hindus. When we talk we say Pakistan not Muslims even though Pakistan is 98% Muslim and we are 75% Hindus.

Indians (and some Americans) are just as likely to bring religion into a discussion as Pakistanis. This being a Pakistani forum with majority Pakistani members, you might find more Pakistanis doing it (although I doubt even that), but percentage-wise it is the same on both sides.

I think you really need a word from a person belongs another religion. Here my take, when I read "Suicide attack by a Muslim terrorist" do you really think after this I will consider all Muslims are terrorists and treat them as untouchables ??.:angry::hitwall: Heck..the word muslim here used as an adjective. Try to understand that...

You might not, and that is to your credit. It may also be because you know normal Muslims in your daily life. But we are talking here about an audience who don't know anything about Muslims other than what they hear in the media. The media campaign is designed to adjust their view of Islam.

I have never heard of Tamil people protested against the "tamil tiger".

Tiger is a positive word. If the media consistently referred to them as Tamil terrorists, and it resulted in public insults and job discrimination against Tamils, then some peaceful Tamils might object.
the issue is simple, you would only call the person a muslim if you believe that he is legitimately acting on behalf of the religion, then you attach the word muslim, otherwise he should be regarded as a nutter or whatever, regardless of what the perpretator says.

almost without fail it seems each and every crime, whether it be robbery, rape, murder has a muslim/islamic twist.

now who runs the media?


You said that low IQ people should be "prevented" from having kids, yes?

On topic, here's a related thread:
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Who can prove that muslims are at extreme......

I tell you the defintion of extreme person.

A person who is living a very poor and ristrict life.We can say under the poverty line and some rich people preasure him to do illegal works, otherwise they will disturb his family.

What is situation in pakistan today? if we look past years the young boys who been arested in the case of boomb blast belong to sarhed province. because they are living a poor and ristricted life from many years


Today the whole pakistan is facing poverty, unemployment, landlord system. so everyone become extremist. Im extrmist you are extrimist and everyone of this country.

Why your using the world muslim..in sirlanka are they muslims, in india, africa. non of them are muslims but yes they are poor hunger people.

And we are moving to that situation. these aids.......can we satisfy our need with these aids???????

We dont want to open our eyes. our administration wants to keep dreaming:lazy:
Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam

It is few couple of people who start taking the claim of doing so on the name of Allah and Islam that even the innocent becomes suspicious.

Let me post you a video about London Bombings. What kind of perception would it make in the mind of a common man who does not know Islam in great depth.....

Actual enemy of Islam is not west it is these kind of people...
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