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@CENTCOM I personally dont hate American's but some of their Govt Policies i am Against .. American in General are good people , honest , Sincere , and friendly ... every nation has its quota of Racist , Stereotype and haters ...
The problem is Pakistan is that People are like Sheep's they dont have their own Opinion but they follow their Party , Religious sect , and local Imam or Madarsas ...
the Pakistani People will free themselves with this Slave Mentality , Pakistan will be a better place to live in ...
Wait centcom.. anything u gotta say abt christine fair.
An interesting article has been published in the Pakistani media which poses the question, “is anti-American sentiment on a decline” in Pakistan? It goes on to provide varying reasons behind why that would be the case, and also refers to a statistical survey by Pew Research Poll to show the declining trend.
Has anyone come across this article? Is anti-American sentiment on the decline in Pakistan? - The Express Tribune

Do you believe this to be true? Do you believe what the poll results reveal could also be due to the mutual understanding by the leadership of both our nations, in realizing the our mutual interests are better safeguarded when we work through our differences and build better relations?

Does our improving relationship, in the military and civilian sector, pose a threat to those militants in the region who do not want better US-PAK relations? Would they act in order to halt or reverse this trend?

Would like to read everyone's perspective! :)

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
no, they hate you and would have waged holy jihad on you yesterday, if they had the capability.
Seems like an abortive attempt to counterbalance China's recent surge of popularity in Pakistan. Point to be noted, the timing of this (USA sponsored) article is quite impeccable, just when the Americans are busy in disrespecting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and hurting the sentiments of billions of Muslims world wide. American so-called "research organization" spewed these forged statistics to win the Pakistani hearts, Seriously? :rolleyes:

Excellent observation. Ever since China's deal with Pakistan the Americans have become extremely cautious. One can observe quite a change in their tone and behavior towards Pakistan. On the one hand, the Americans don't want to lose much leverage. On the other hand, the Americans already know that there isn't much to save anymore. So much has happened over the years and the relation between Pakistan and the US won't be the same. Pakistan will now go its own way. The Americans will try to use the India card, but that won't make much of a difference to Pakistan. Pakistan and China relations will blossom to new levels as we are already witnessing. This is the new reality and the Americans are slowly, but surely realizing it.
no, they hate you and would have waged holy jihad on you yesterday, if they had the capability.
Mods what the hell with this guy. He is writing such anti islam inflamatory statements all over the forum. What with him.
Excellent observation. Ever since China's deal with Pakistan the Americans have become extremely cautious. One can observe quite a change in their tone and behavior towards Pakistan. On the one hand, the Americans don't want to lose much leverage. On the other hand, the Americans already know that there isn't much to save anymore. So much has happened over the years and the relation between Pakistan and the US won't be the same. Pakistan will now go its own way. The Americans will try to use the India card, but that won't make much of a difference to Pakistan. Pakistan and China relations will blossom to new levels as we are already witnessing. This is the new reality and the Americans are slowly, but surely realizing it.
I would like to add to the above, the example of American treachery. First they provide Pakistan with the military equipment and then they shove sanctions in Pakistan's face, just right, when Pakistan needs this "ally" the most. I mention this, because this can rightly be called America's ace in the hole to have control over Pakistan. With devious strategy like this, USA not only ensures that Pakistan remains reliant on USA, but it also get to choke Pakistan during any crisis situation.....and to fortify this assessment with an example: USA offered its viper's to Pakistan, just when Pakistan was evaluating the Chinese heli's and was also conducting negotiations with Russians for their heli's. It's about time that Pakistani policy framers drafted a foreign policy which broke away from American clutches and moved towards a much wider theater of friends, including sturdy relations with Russia.
All Pakistan ask for is being treated like equals and not bullied around.

Currently US media is creating bad perception of Pakistan. Everyone in the world watches US media. If you start printing positive things about Pakistan then naturally more Pakistanis will start to reciprocate the affection.

Do you really think your military/civil leadership needs to be treated as equals with American counterparts ? Treated with respect. yes. Equals ??

As far as the US media goes they have been easy on Pakistan with respect to a lot of incidents 9/11, OBL etc
Printing positive things when there is nothing positive is hard.

Pakistanis seem to be complaining about perceptions. It is hard to change perception when reality is bad

I would like to add to the above, the example of American treachery. First they provide Pakistan with the military equipment and then they shove sanctions in Pakistan's face, just right, when Pakistan needs this "ally" the most. I mention this, because this can rightly be called America's ace in the hole to have control over Pakistan. With devious strategy like this, USA not only ensures that Pakistan remains reliant on USA, but it also get to choke Pakistan during any crisis situation.....and to fortify this assessment with an example: USA offered its viper's to Pakistan, just when Pakistan was evaluating the Chinese heli's and was also conducting negotiations with Russians for their heli's. It's about time that Pakistani policy framers drafted a foreign policy which broke away from American clutches and moved towards a much wider theater of friends, including sturdy relations with Russia.

American weapons were explicitly to fight communism not India. Your leaders signed the deals. Even your all weather friend China has not backed you in any of India-Pakistan wars. Russia is a declining power and has significant business stakes in India to forge a sturdy relationship with you.
I would like to add to the above, the example of American treachery. First they provide Pakistan with the military equipment and then they shove sanctions in Pakistan's face, just right, when Pakistan needs this "ally" the most. I mention this, because this can rightly be called America's ace in the hole to have control over Pakistan. With devious strategy like this, USA not only ensures that Pakistan remains reliant on USA, but it also get to choke Pakistan during any crisis situation.....and to fortify this assessment with an example: USA offered its viper's to Pakistan, just when Pakistan was evaluating the Chinese heli's and was also conducting negotiations with Russians for their heli's. It's about time that Pakistani policy framers drafted a foreign policy which broke away from American clutches and moved towards a much wider theater of friends, including sturdy relations with Russia.

I concur. Pakistan needs to start looking after its own interests. Somehow we have always managed to screw our interests only to serve others. Pakistan shouldn't seek enmity with anyone, but it should pick its friends very wisely. Pakistan has nothing to offer to the Americans. We only seek trade relations with the US and nothing more.

All Pakistan ask for is being treated like equals and not bullied around.

Currently US media is creating bad perception of Pakistan. Everyone in the world watches US media. If you start printing positive things about Pakistan then naturally more Pakistanis will start to reciprocate the affection.

You expect the Americans to project a favorable perception of Pakistan? That's wishful thinking on your part. The Americans are natural allies of the Indians as they like to put it. How can one possibly expect the Americans to project positive coverage for Pakistan when it is allied with India? We need to stop being naive. It is time to move on and accept the reality. The Americans are only sucking up because they don't want to alienate Pakistan due to their interests. Everyone knows this. The Americans have no other reason for offering military and economic aid to Pakistan. For the time being we are pretending and playing along nicely, but we ought to know that this is a treacherous and failed relationship. Nothing good will ever come out of it.
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I do not trust this..rather people are becoming more ignorant about US-Pak ties as Pakistani people are more confident about their government regarding eliminating terrorist from their land which is indeed a good news for everyone who wish well being of Pakistan. Several reasons could substantially prove the ignorance.

1) Diminishing US focus in the Tribal areas after withdrawal from IRAQ and Afghanistan except Drone programme.
2) US focus shift to IRAN to work on Nuclear programme.
3) Pakistan shift towards China to find better and trusted ally for Military supplies and investment simultaneously.
4) Most imminent one is that Pakistan is now being self confident of eradicating terrorism.

Though Anti-American sentiments were cultivated by some for their purpose..
It is not about anti-american sentiment, people simply don't care. We all are tired of this drama. Yes I said drama.
An interesting article has been published in the Pakistani media which poses the question, “is anti-American sentiment on a decline” in Pakistan? It goes on to provide varying reasons behind why that would be the case, and also refers to a statistical survey by Pew Research Poll to show the declining trend.
Has anyone come across this article? Is anti-American sentiment on the decline in Pakistan? - The Express Tribune

Do you believe this to be true? Do you believe what the poll results reveal could also be due to the mutual understanding by the leadership of both our nations, in realizing the our mutual interests are better safeguarded when we work through our differences and build better relations?

Does our improving relationship, in the military and civilian sector, pose a threat to those militants in the region who do not want better US-PAK relations? Would they act in order to halt or reverse this trend?

Would like to read everyone's perspective! :)

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

Hi Pappy,

I was in Pakistan for 3 weeks and returned middle of last month.

With the creation of isis and what it is doing----pakistanis have stopped giving a fck about the U S---. They literally don't give a shit about what the U S is doing or not doing---.

With the U S faiures in Iraq, Syria, Libya AND AFHANISTAN, Pakstanis don't give a diddley shit where the U S stands---because it knows that there is nowhere for the U S to go but to crawl back to the old beloved.

Improving relationship my arse---you fcking morons at the centcom---did you ever think that your shit would ever stink---did you ever think that you would come of your high and mighty horse would have your face slammed into the same shithole that you rubbed the Pakistanis face in.

You fcking morons---you guys humiliated us and degraded us in front of the world----you dragged us over burning hot coals---you tore apart every bit of dignity that we had in front of the whole world---you fckuers made us the laughing stock of the world---you made us the joke of the world---and now you want to come here and want to ask us----are we falling in love with you once again----is it the beginning of a new romance---.

Mr Haroon Ahmed-----you guys are the dumbest motherfckrs that there are----. Indeed God is great---how the Lord is making you eat humble pie-----.

Who could have imagined the day would come after the killing of Osama Bin Laden that the mighty U S will asking FROM AROUND THE CORNERS ----hey guys---do you think that the Pakistanis are liking us one more time----.

What a great country---God bless America----.


Mr Haroon Ahmed

Hi Pappy,
I was in Pakistan for 3 weeks and returned middle of last month.

With the creation of isis and what it is doing----pakistanis have stopped giving a fck about the U S---. They literally don't give a shit about what the U S is doing or not doing---.

With the U S faiures in Iraq, Syria, Libya AND AFHANISTAN, Pakstanis don't give a diddley shit where the U S stands---because it knows that there is nowhere for the U S to go but to crawl back to the old beloved.

Improving relationship my arse---you fcking morons at the centcom---did you ever think that your shit would ever stink---did you ever think that you would come of your high and mighty horse would have your face slammed into the same shithole that you rubbed the Pakistanis face in.

You fcking morons---you guys humiliated us and degraded us in front of the world----you dragged us over burning hot coals---you tore apart every bit of dignity that we had in front of the whole world---you fckuers made us the laughing stock of the world---you made us the joke of the world---and now you want to come here and want to ask us----are we falling in love with you once again----is it the beginning of a new romance---.

Mr Haroon Ahmed-----you guys are the dumbest motherfckrs that there are----. Indeed God is great---how the Lord is making you eat humble pie-----.

Who could have imagined the day would come after the killing of Osama Bin Laden that the mighty U S will asking FROM AROUND THE CORNERS ----hey guys---do you think that the Pakistanis are liking us one more time----.
What a great country---God bless America----
Thank you to all of you who took the time to share your perspective and insight on the topic we raised on this thread.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
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