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Legalize cattle smuggling on Bangladesh border: BSF chief

As you have said malnourished then it should be hungry, stinky and poor Indians...

You did not answer to @iajdani are you also a dark skinned dalit of south India???

By malnourished I meant the bangladeshis...

anyway I m not obligated to reply to and every mindfart of swamp land people here..i reply at my own prerogative..so suck it up.
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By malnourished I meant the bangladeshis...

anyway I m not obligated to reply to and every mindfart of swamp land people here..i reply at my own prerogative..so suck it up.

:lol: we know it pretty well how much malnourished, skinny and ugly the Indians are which host one third of the world's malnourished children, where around half of the children are malnourished and more then one third people go to bed hungry.

Stop remaining in delusion of illegal Bangladeshi where as they are fellow Bihari or West Bengalis...

This is your ugly and sh!t India... Dnt remain in delusion of illegal Bangladeshis that they will go to such open toilet country.

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Wow a mad swamp land bangaldeshi ragin'...:lol:

If i start posting videos about your marshland mosquitos the forum would crash for bandwidth...

Dnt make yourself more humiliate here. In Bangladesh only 35% of children are malnourished where as in India it is 48% based dnt he video. Average life span is also higher for Bangladeshis then India only indicate better socio economic standard of the average Bangladeshis then Indian...

Malnutrition is a national shame, says Prime Minister Manmohan Singh : North, News - India Today
1. Both India and even Bangladesh have to deal with poverty.

2. I would urge Bangladeshi posters not to focus on the huge poverty in India in response to hate-filled anti-Bangladeshi Hindutva fanatics, no matter how provocative the Hindutva fanatics may be. Also even if BD posters do have to respond to the Hindutva insults let it be measured and not engage in excessive pictures and videos of suffering poor people.

Poverty and human suffering is a very tragic thing.

Re topic: Bangladesh and India should ultimately have normal relations.

a: India must give up its bullying and delusional ideas of superpower status in south Asia.

b: Anti-Hindu/Anti-India extremists in Bangladesh must give up their inherent hatred of anything India/Hindu even if it is beneficial for Bangladesh.

India and Bangladesh need to have good relations, mutual respect, connectivity and optimal trade.
^^^ India will give up regional leadership if US stops being big brother of whole world. Thats unlikely, more powerful countries will always have more say in regional/world affairs than less powerful countries.
UK was most powerful hence could bully everybody, now its US, tomorow it could be china.
What you call bullying is natural order of things, too bad there is no weaker country to be bullied by you. :)
^^^ India will give up regional leadership if US stops being big brother of whole world. Thats unlikely, more powerful countries will always have more say in regional/world affairs than less powerful countries.
UK was most powerful hence could bully everybody, now its US, tomorow it could be china.
What you call bullying is natural order of things, too bad there is no weaker country to be bullied by you. :)

Thats why no one wants your or US "close friendship" Pakistan is an example of it.
And that indeed is the difference between India and China :)
Thats why no one wants your or US "close friendship" Pakistan is an example of it.
And that indeed is the difference between India and China :)
No, there is no difference between India and china. Ask the people of countries who border china and they will tell you exactly same thing.(if they are weaker than china).
If you were vietnamese, then India will be nice friend and china will be a bully.
a: India must give up its bullying and delusional ideas of superpower status in south Asia.

Explain please how exactly is Bangladesh being bullied by India and what would you ask for in respect of relations with India. Specifics please, no general stuff. Thank you.
:lol: we know it pretty well how much malnourished, skinny and ugly the Indians are which host one third of the world's malnourished children, where around half of the children are malnourished and more then one third people go to bed hungry.

Stop remaining in delusion of illegal Bangladeshi where as they are fellow Bihari or West Bengalis...

This is your ugly and sh!t India... Dnt remain in delusion of illegal Bangladeshis that they will go to such open toilet country.

Do you have a facebook profile Sami? So far I only could find iajduni, farhan and zizou ziddane.
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Again same old crap. Only because of this idiot I have been forced to humiliate India and all Indians.

Same views here dude. I dont want to insult poor people of BD but because of idiots like you I have to show the real face to BD.

Listen dnt ever try to compare social indicator of Bangladesh to that of poverty stricken India.

Correct. I must not degrade my country by comparing it with BD.

In Bangladesh malnutrition rate now is 35% not 45% but in India it is above 42% which PM Monmohan termed as national shame. If you have any self respect you wont utter a single word.


Key Development Forecasts for Bangladesh

(Search Malnourished children as percent - Percent and click the graph for historical data by year)

Malnourishment a national shame: Manmohan Singh - Times Of India

This is a clear indicator what is the general condition of the general Indians.

Rates of malnutrition in Bangladesh are among the highest in the world. More than 54% of preschool-age children, equivalent to more than 9.5 million children, are stunted, 56% are underweight and more than 17% are wasted.

You guys have more than 54% of malnutrition. Even this figure is fabricated by GoB.

Nutrition country profiles: Bangladesh summary

Why exclude Dhaka???

Because Dhaka is no where near the border of India. Your all hungry and poor which are living near the Indian border have less income to spend.

Without big cities your dirt poor UP will have a per capita GDP of 100 usd and Bihar will have 50 usd... So???

You got your education in Govt school right?? :lol:

Even without Kolkata WB has a per capita GDP of 375 USD...

Same as above.

Not to mention present 775 USD per capita GDP is based on 1995 base year but according to 2005 it is around 1200 usd. But even with this 1995 base year general people have higher per capita gdp then most of the neighboring Indian states.

Didnt you claim that after taking 2005 as a base year, your income will be more than that to India.

Even with $1200 you will be poor than India.

And this base year is just an excuse by BD to show their inability. Just wait for this year data. Your all wet dreams will fall apart.

Ok 500 rupee even if we assumed for 30 days he is earning 15000 rupee that is far above income then a dirt poor dalit of UP even can imagine to earn. Many of your fellow dirt poor Indians in the border area also earning same and making their living thanks to Bangladesh[/qoute]

A muslim dalit of BD is ready to risk his life for Rs 500. What does it show?? It clearly shows that people of BD requires international help so that those hungry and poor may afford a life.

At first raise your social indicator above Bangladesh then come here for talking about poverty and malnutrition. India is lagged behind in all of those. Check UN data but even before that make some toilet instead of open defection.

With a suicide rate of 128 and per capita income of $750 (including Dhaka) with pride in smuggling, BD is nothing but an open dirt country. Indians will consider a country like BD even for toilets.

You living in UP with 100 usd per capita GDP talking that big????

You left your country because of poverty and taking that big??

No your per capita GDP is only 100 usd that is the reality and you lot will have to live with it instead of thinking some billionaires wealth as yours. Only selected few control bulk of the Indian economy where bulk suffer from poverty, hunger and malnutrition.


With 54% malnutrition and $750 per capita income (including Dhaka)...I can clearly see your frustration here.

Do I need to remind you why 44% of your children are malnourished where as it is only 35% in Bangladesh?? Why average living age in Bangladesh is 70 years and only 67 years in India. This is because most of the Indians are dirt poor and even can not manage food and your minister need to ask them to eat rats. But this is not the case of Bangladesh.

Do I need to remind you why 54% of your children are malnourished where as it is only 45% in India?? Why average per capita income in India is $1500 while it is $750 in BD. This is because most of the BD are dirt poor and even can not manage food and your minister need to ask them to smuggle food from India. But this is not the case of India.

Go make some toilet first then talking such crap... We know what is your capability... where 70% of Indian villages does not have any toilet and only 34% people have improved toilet.

Go make some food first then talking such crap... We know what is your capability... where 70% of BD villages does not have any food and only 34% people have some food.


This is India and this is your capability.

Around 21 states of India have lower living standard then Bangladesh and condition of the neighboring states it is worse not including UP and Bihar which is worse then sub saharan africa and hold around 30% of the Indian population where all the dalits are dumped.

With 90% of the BD population belomging to Dalit Muslims which is having maximum malnutrition in the world and is considered as a waste country because of average density...I guess all poor are dumped in BD.

There is a big difference between legal and illegal drugs.

There is a big difference between legal cattle trading and cattle smuggling.

In Bd we just give rats about Indian legal drugs and here most of the demands are meet by locals companies.

In India we give rats about BD population and hence we have not made cattle trading legal.

But poor Indians are desperate to sell the illegal drugs to destroy bd youth. This is in billions and even from Myanmar 500 million usd worth of illegal drugs is coming into Bangladesh each year.

The poor and hungry of BD are so desperate that they risk their life for these cheap drugs as well. They even pole vault in to Burma to get some drugs. Treat your desperate poor well.

This much your dirt poor Indians are desperate that even Bd government had to order Indian government to destroy those factories.

The dirt poor of BD will revolt if Indian drugs factories are closed. They are addicted to it.

N please do not insult walmart comparing it with Indians.

Should I compare it with BD. Total Revenue of wallmart is more than than the GDP of BD :lol:

At first feed your one third Indians those who go to bed and not to mention 44% of Indian malnourished children. Dnt humiliate yourself more.

With 54% malnutrition, 40% underemployment, 80% poverty.... It take guts to debate with others. I would have committed suicide if my Country were like BD.

:lol: did you even read the article from which you are just parroting??? That was just a survey in an union based on which the assumed result was said.

Dod you read that :lol:

Who released that report?? Read it again :lol:

But one union does not speak whole country. Based on latest data of 2012 not 2010 like that report only 10000 people commit suicide a year but in India it is way more then 1.35 lakh where most of them are for poverty!!! One example is the sorry death of the farmers who commit suicide for not paying loan.

With a suicide rate of 128...I dont know how can you even talk with others.

Most importantly even if we assume the report that no where said it is for poverty but for the following reasons.

Oh teas they are committing suicide because they are not able to afford second hand car :lol:

have some common sense dude.

With 54% malnutrition, 40% underemployment, 80% poverty what else is the reason for suicide??

Even if it is not poverty it shows that BD people are internally weak who cant face the life. I dont blame them . After all they are living in BD.

So keep your rant to you and be ashamed for such a high number of suicide in India for poverty.

Dont feel ashamed by the facts provided.

Now India has emerged as the world's suicide capital.

BD has emerged as the country with highest suicide rate.

N those womans are some divorced woman and from some of the most poorest region of the country but still that is looking 100 times better then poverty in India...

So even divorced woman in BD commit suicide. What a shame.

With 128 rate......you can easily control your population.


It is 15000 and that is the price at the border.

Rs. 500 profit. Too low to risk life.

In punjab, haryana etc. it is cheaper and we are talking about cow not goat. It's price can be higher as Indians consume it not cow.

Check the level of Punjab and haryana. They are way ahead dirt poor BD. They dont need to sell their cows at cheap rate just to feed some poor BD.

Smugglers are far more richer then any ordinary people.

Because they are smugglers. They dont pay taxes. But it does not apply to dirt poor BD.

In border everything is paid per piece. They earn 500 rupee per cow not for a batch of cow.

Read the first topic.

Even Indians are also earning same thanks to the Bangladeshis... Even if it is for all cow 500 rupee a day leads one to earn 15000 rupee that is higher income then many educated Indians.

The BD poor are entering into India just to make living. All BD must thank India that we are tolerating such a huge population of poor and unskilled labours from BD.

See how your poor cow smuggler are desperate to even kill your useless BSF... even around 100 Indian poors went to smuggle cow to Bangladesh.

We all know who are being killed at the border. We have a dedicated thread on that.

Just imagine how much shameful the data is for India that India even does not publish it. But with employment data we know India has 10% unemployment where as Bangladesh has 5%.

Even with 5% unemployment, BD is just earning $750?? Sound good na??

Bangladesh is employing bulk of the womans who are working partially (those who were counted in the underemployment counting) and contributing to the economy and family but in India womans are so oppressed and helpless that they even do not work and even seek any employment. So they are not counted in unemployment rate. Counting them it would be a pretty scary figure. We know that in woman inequality India is behind Bangladesh and even Pakistan.

You yourself have mentioned that the poor woman of BD are committing suicide after divorce. It clealy shows how much BD woman are dependent on male.

They ahve no employment opportunities and thats why they end their lives.

Doesnt change the fact that BD woman are committing suicde because of divorce.

Feed your hungry and poors first then talk such big. Bangladesh is feeding all the border people of India. We know that more then one third of India go to bed hungry.

Feed your hungry and poors first then talk such big. India is feeding all the border people of BD. We know that more then 80% of BD will. go to bed hungry

350 million Indians go to bed hungry...

80% of BD will go to bed hungry.....

Bangladesh | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

Again make some toilet first and stop open defection then talk about hygiene...

Have some food first and stop pole vaulting into India....the you can talk about anything....just stay in your country.

Do I need to put the malnourished chart again??? Ok here it is for you again. Malnutrition is a national shame of India...

Do I need to remind you about malnutrition? We consider it a national shame because we want to remove it but BD consider as a national success that atleast 46% children are not malnourished.


Key Development Forecasts for Bangladesh

(Search Malnourished children as percent - Percent and click the graph for historical data by year)

Nutrition country profiles: Bangladesh summary

We consider it a national shame because we want to remove it but BD consider as a national success that atleast 46% children are not malnourished

Bangladesh has 35% malnourished children but your hungry and poor India has 42% but for stinky Bihar and UP it is around 70%. Try to have some shame like your PM.

BD has 54% malnutrition while the border stinky people of bordering regions have more than 90%. But you can celebrate it as atleast 10% of them are not malnourished.
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Again same old crap. Only because of this idiot I have been forced to humiliate India and all Indians.

Same views here dude. I dont want to insult poor people of BD but because of idiots like you I have to show the real face to BD.

Listen dnt ever try to compare social indicator of Bangladesh to that of poverty stricken India.

Correct. I must not degrade my country by comparing it with BD.

In Bangladesh malnutrition rate now is 35% not 45% but in India it is above 42% which PM Monmohan termed as national shame. If you have any self respect you wont utter a single word.


Key Development Forecasts for Bangladesh

(Search Malnourished children as percent - Percent and click the graph for historical data by year)

Malnourishment a national shame: Manmohan Singh - Times Of India

This is a clear indicator what is the general condition of the general Indians.

Rates of malnutrition in Bangladesh are among the highest in the world. More than 54% of preschool-age children, equivalent to more than 9.5 million children, are stunted, 56% are underweight and more than 17% are wasted.

You guys have more than 54% of malnutrition. Even this figure is fabricated by GoB.

Nutrition country profiles: Bangladesh summary

Why exclude Dhaka???

Because Dhaka is no where near the border of India. Your all hungry and poor which are living near the Indian border have less income to spend.

Without big cities your dirt poor UP will have a per capita GDP of 100 usd and Bihar will have 50 usd... So???

You got your education in Govt school right?? :lol:

Even without Kolkata WB has a per capita GDP of 375 USD...

Same as above.

Not to mention present 775 USD per capita GDP is based on 1995 base year but according to 2005 it is around 1200 usd. But even with this 1995 base year general people have higher per capita gdp then most of the neighboring Indian states.

Didnt you claim that after taking 2005 as a base year, your income will be more than that to India.

Even with $1200 you will be poor than India.

And this base year is just an excuse by BD to show their inability. Just wait for this year data. Your all wet dreams will fall apart.

Ok 500 rupee even if we assumed for 30 days he is earning 15000 rupee that is far above income then a dirt poor dalit of UP even can imagine to earn. Many of your fellow dirt poor Indians in the border area also earning same and making their living thanks to Bangladesh[/qoute]

A muslim dalit of BD is ready to risk his life for Rs 500. What does it show?? It clearly shows that people of BD requires international help so that those hungry and poor may afford a life.

At first raise your social indicator above Bangladesh then come here for talking about poverty and malnutrition. India is lagged behind in all of those. Check UN data but even before that make some toilet instead of open defection.

With a suicide rate of 128 and per capita income of $750 (including Dhaka) with pride in smuggling, BD is nothing but an open dirt country. Indians will consider a country like BD even for toilets.

You living in UP with 100 usd per capita GDP talking that big????

You left your country because of poverty and taking that big??

No your per capita GDP is only 100 usd that is the reality and you lot will have to live with it instead of thinking some billionaires wealth as yours. Only selected few control bulk of the Indian economy where bulk suffer from poverty, hunger and malnutrition.


With 54% malnutrition and $750 per capita income (including Dhaka)...I can clearly see your frustration here.

Do I need to remind you why 44% of your children are malnourished where as it is only 35% in Bangladesh?? Why average living age in Bangladesh is 70 years and only 67 years in India. This is because most of the Indians are dirt poor and even can not manage food and your minister need to ask them to eat rats. But this is not the case of Bangladesh.

Do I need to remind you why 54% of your children are malnourished where as it is only 45% in India?? Why average per capita income in India is $1500 while it is $750 in BD. This is because most of the BD are dirt poor and even can not manage food and your minister need to ask them to smuggle food from India. But this is not the case of India.

Go make some toilet first then talking such crap... We know what is your capability... where 70% of Indian villages does not have any toilet and only 34% people have improved toilet.

Go make some food first then talking such crap... We know what is your capability... where 70% of BD villages does not have any food and only 34% people have some food.

This is India and this is your capability.

Around 21 states of India have lower living standard then Bangladesh and condition of the neighboring states it is worse not including UP and Bihar which is worse then sub saharan africa and hold around 30% of the Indian population where all the dalits are dumped.

With 90% of the BD population belomging to Dalit Muslims which is having maximum malnutrition in the world and is considered as a waste country because of average density...I guess all poor are dumped in BD.

There is a big difference between legal and illegal drugs.

There is a big difference between legal cattle trading and cattle smuggling.

In Bd we just give rats about Indian legal drugs and here most of the demands are meet by locals companies.

In India we give rats about BD population and hence we have not made cattle trading legal.

But poor Indians are desperate to sell the illegal drugs to destroy bd youth. This is in billions and even from Myanmar 500 million usd worth of illegal drugs is coming into Bangladesh each year.

The poor and hungry of BD are so desperate that they risk their life for these cheap drugs as well. They even pole vault in to Burma to get some drugs. Treat your desperate poor well.

This much your dirt poor Indians are desperate that even Bd government had to order Indian government to destroy those factories.

The dirt poor of BD will revolt if Indian drugs factories are closed. They are addicted to it.

N please do not insult walmart comparing it with Indians.

Should I compare it with BD. Total Revenue of wallmart is more than than the GDP of BD

At first feed your one third Indians those who go to bed and not to mention 44% of Indian malnourished children. Dnt humiliate yourself more.

With 54% malnutrition, 40% underemployment, 80% poverty.... It take guts to debate with others. I would have committed suicide if my Country were like BD.

did you even read the article from which you are just parroting??? That was just a survey in an union based on which the assumed result was said.

Dod you read that :lol:

Who released that report?? Read it again :lol:

But one union does not speak whole country. Based on latest data of 2012 not 2010 like that report only 10000 people commit suicide a year but in India it is way more then 1.35 lakh where most of them are for poverty!!! One example is the sorry death of the farmers who commit suicide for not paying loan.

With a suicide rate of 128...I dont know how can you even talk with others.

Most importantly even if we assume the report that no where said it is for poverty but for the following reasons.

Oh teas they are committing suicide because they are not able to afford second hand car :lol:

have some common sense dude.

With 54% malnutrition, 40% underemployment, 80% poverty what else is the reason for suicide??

Even if it is not poverty it shows that BD people are internally weak who cant face the life. I dont blame them . After all they are living in BD.

So keep your rant to you and be ashamed for such a high number of suicide in India for poverty.

Dont feel ashamed by the facts provided.

Now India has emerged as the world's suicide capital.

BD has emerged as the country with highest suicide rate.

N those womans are some divorced woman and from some of the most poorest region of the country but still that is looking 100 times better then poverty in India...

So even divorced woman in BD commit suicide. What a shame.

With 128 rate......you can easily control your population.


It is 15000 and that is the price at the border.

Rs. 500 profit. Too low to risk life.

In punjab, haryana etc. it is cheaper and we are talking about cow not goat. It's price can be higher as Indians consume it not cow.

Check the level of Punjab and haryana. They are way ahead dirt poor BD. They dont need to sell their cows at cheap rate just to feed some poor BD.

Smugglers are far more richer then any ordinary people.

Because they are smugglers. They dont pay taxes. But it does not apply to dirt poor BD.

In border everything is paid per piece. They earn 500 rupee per cow not for a batch of cow.

Read the first topic.

Even Indians are also earning same thanks to the Bangladeshis... Even if it is for all cow 500 rupee a day leads one to earn 15000 rupee that is higher income then many educated Indians.

The BD poor are entering into India just to make living. All BD must thank India that we are tolerating such a huge population of poor and unskilled labours from BD.

See how your poor cow smuggler are desperate to even kill your useless BSF... even around 100 Indian poors went to smuggle cow to Bangladesh.

We all know who are being killed at the border. We have a dedicated thread on that.

Just imagine how much shameful the data is for India that India even does not publish it. But with employment data we know India has 10% unemployment where as Bangladesh has 5%.

Even with 5% unemployment, BD is just earning $750?? Sound good na??

Bangladesh is employing bulk of the womans who are working partially (those who were counted in the underemployment counting) and contributing to the economy and family but in India womans are so oppressed and helpless that they even do not work and even seek any employment. So they are not counted in unemployment rate. Counting them it would be a pretty scary figure. We know that in woman inequality India is behind Bangladesh and even Pakistan.

You yourself have mentioned that the poor woman of BD are committing suicide after divorce. It clealy shows how much BD woman are dependent on male.

They ahve no employment opportunities and thats why they end their lives.

Doesnt change the fact that BD woman are committing suicde because of divorce.

Feed your hungry and poors first then talk such big. Bangladesh is feeding all the border people of India. We know that more then one third of India go to bed hungry.

Feed your hungry and poors first then talk such big. India is feeding all the border people of BD. We know that more then 80% of BD will. go to bed hungry

350 million Indians go to bed hungry...

80% of BD will go to bed hungry.....

Bangladesh | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

Again make some toilet first and stop open defection then talk about hygiene...

Have some food first and stop pole vaulting into India....the you can talk about anything....just stay in your country.

Do I need to put the malnourished chart again??? Ok here it is for you again. Malnutrition is a national shame of India...

Do I need to remind you about malnutrition? We consider it a national shame because we want to remove it but BD consider as a national success that atleast 46% children are not malnourished.


Key Development Forecasts for Bangladesh

(Search Malnourished children as percent - Percent and click the graph for historical data by year)

Nutrition country profiles: Bangladesh summary

We consider it a national shame because we want to remove it but BD consider as a national success that atleast 46% children are not malnourished

Bangladesh has 35% malnourished children but your hungry and poor India has 42% but for stinky Bihar and UP it is around 70%. Try to have some shame like your PM.

BD has 54% malnutrition while the border stinky people of bordering regions have more than 90%. But you can celebrate it as atleast 10% of them are not malnourished.

The average Bangladeshi lives for 70 years as opposed to 67 for India.

Which is the hungry country then?:lol:

The average Indian earns $1500 as opposed to $750 for BD.

Which is the hungry country then?:lol:
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^^^ India will give up regional leadership if US stops being big brother of whole world. Thats unlikely, more powerful countries will always have more say in regional/world affairs than less powerful countries.
UK was most powerful hence could bully everybody, now its US, tomorow it could be china.
What you call bullying is natural order of things, too bad there is no weaker country to be bullied by you. :)

Country like US/Russia even once UK had huge contribution to the science technology as well as economics of the world. They were infact pioneer in everything and most of the human advancement occurred due to their contribution. India just does not qualify for that. India is just a spoiled boy in the neighborhood. So BD must improve its capability of policing its backyard.
^^^What has science and technology got to do with this. What has china ( I mean the nation state not the civilization) given to science and technology.
What did imperial japan give?

Russia, US and UK are big powers because of their military/economic/diplomatic muscle.
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