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Legalize cattle smuggling on Bangladesh border: BSF chief


Nov 20, 2009
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United States
Legalize cattle smuggling on Bangladesh border: BSF chief

NEW DELHI: In a controversial suggestion, outgoing BSF chief U K Bansal has said that the menace of cattle smuggling on the India-Bangladesh border defies policing and might be best controlled by making the trade legal.

Cattle running mafias abound on the border, making smuggling bovines for meat a highly lucrative but violence-prone illegal business. Bansal seemed to endorse the view that the sheer scale of operations and the economic interests involved make policing a limited option.

Asked if the illegal cattle trade should be legalized given the economic realities in Bangladesh, Bansal said, "We all have to think about it seriously. It is not a problem that can be solved by policing." Bansal was speaking at BSF's annual press conference on Thursday.

Several Bangladeshis lose their lives smuggling cattle for a remuneration as low as Rs 500. While trying to stop them, BSF men put their lives at risk while reports of corruption have also surfaced.

The massive demand for meat feeding a Rs 2,000 crore industry in Bangladesh has made it difficult for forces to stop the smuggling. The proposal to make cattle trade legal, despite its apparent pragmatism, is sure to attract fire from groups advocating cow protection.

Legalizing the trade is a hot potato that the government is unlikely to consider, but it could throw open a discussion on a taboo subject that might yield results later.

The issue has been contentious, leading to a stand-off between India and Bangladesh at various bilateral meets where charges have been traded. Bangladesh has rarely accepted any illegality, including the large inflow of illegal immigrants into India.

The government has made efforts to bring down casualties of Bangladeshi nationals by introducing non-lethal weapons. But the move has hurt BSF as emboldened smugglers have started attacking force personnel.

In the past three years, while casualties of Bangladeshis on the border came down by over 60%, attacks on personnel of Border Security Force went up by over 100%.

According to government figures, in 2010, as many 32 suspected intruders were shot dead by BSF on the Indo-Bangladesh border while 64 men from the force were injured due to attacks from smugglers. Due to continued high fatalities of its nationals, Bangladesh had been pushing for softer approach towards border guarding from India.

Thus, in 2010, India had proposed and implemented use of non-lethal weapons such as rubber bullets and pump action guns by the BSF against suspected smugglers.

Bangladeshi fatalities came down to merely 11. However, injuries to BSF men jumped to 150. In 2012, the force has recorded six deaths of Bangladeshis and 100 injuries to its men on the border.

"The problem is that the sheer economics of the trade makes it unstoppable. Close to seven lakh cattle are smuggled every year, and this is only the data collected through arrest of smugglers. The industry is worth thousands of crores of rupees in Bangladesh," said a BSF officer who has served on the Indo-Bangla border.

One of the reasons India has never been able to come to an agreement with Bangladesh on resolving the problem is the latter does not consider it smuggling, calling it cattle trade. Bangladesh has even unofficially offered to help make arrangements so that cattle can be bought at the border without risking the lives of people on either side.

Legalize cattle smuggling on Bangladesh border: BSF chief - The Times of India
Feel the economic power Bangladesh... :)

This is funny, yet if it makes you happy that buying food is an indicator of ' economic power'...

@ the topic , the headline is an oxymoron.

Cattle trade cannot be legalised as it would have communal implications.
not a bad idea. the current situation benefits the criminals (both IN & BD ones). the govt should legalize, regulate and tax it appropriately.
[One of the reasons India has never been able to come to an agreement with Bangladesh on resolving the problem is the latter does not consider it smuggling, calling it cattle trade. Bangladesh has even unofficially offered to help make arrangements so that cattle can be bought at the border without risking the lives of people on either side.

Legalize cattle smuggling on Bangladesh border: BSF chief - The Times of India

Good suggestion.
Legalise this trade. And BD suggestion to buy cows at border is also practical.

It will satisfy both the parties.

No smuggling, No shooting, No killing of Bangladeshis
Legalize cattle smuggling on the Bangladeshi border... Does that make any sense gramatically? And then I checked the News channel = TOIlet news as usual

Why dont the indienne government legalize beef exports, while I understand the religious sensitivities but why do religious sensitivities affect their government policies. As far as my knowledge of india and indienne government go, isn't there a separation between religion and state. I would love to hear the reasoning behind this inherent contradiction that I see from my perspective, can an indienne member please clarify for me. Also as far as cattle trade go, making the cattle trade legal will not only boost indienne market but it will further mean more tax ravenue, which is good for the state and the people. Also furthermore from my perspective, it will definitely count down the illegal smugglings and the indienne border services can focus on narcotics and other more serious issue that require attention.


Why dont the indienne government legalize beef exports, while I understand the religious sensitivities but why do religious sensitivities affect their government policies. As far as my knowledge of india and indienne government go, isn't there a separation between religion and state. I would love to hear the reasoning behind this inherent contradiction that I see from my persective, can an indienne member please clarify for me. Also as far as cattle trade go, making the cattle trade legal will not only boost indienne market but it will further mean more tax ravenue, which is good for the state and the people. Also furthermore from my perspective, it will definitely count down the illegal smugglings and the indienne border services can focus on narcotics and other more serious issue that require attention.


Because India is not a true secular country as it protrays itself to be.
Because India is not a true secular country as it protrays itself to be.

oui, I agree with your statement to a degree and am very shocked that indienne government that I in the past respected in high regards based on their commitement to democracy and human rights. I have to say this forum has definately shown me the darker side of indienne government per say as before when I just listened to Canadienne broadcasting networks' analysis on glossy india as its potrayed by the canadienne media. Also did you know according to some pakistani posters on this forum, there are still certain factions of possibly vegan/hindu faith populace that prevent the owner of cattle from slaughtering and sometimes even resort to physical force in forcing their view even though that cattle may not be their property. Not sure if this may be true, can you possibly shed some light on this issue from your perspective.

Because India is not a true secular country as it protrays itself to be.

That's new to me considering that "Indian Beef" was available to me during my stay in the UAE........most supermarkets/hypermarkets sell Indian beef.

I guess they didn't get your memo ?
That's new to me considering that "Indian Beef" was available to me during my stay in the UAE........most supermarkets/hypermarkets sell Indian beef.

I guess they didn't get your memo ?

Slaughtering of cow is BANNED in UP
Slaughtering of cow is BANNED in UP
no reason to argue about semantics. as you can clearly see, most IN members here dont mind legalizing cow slaughter.
but many of us do realize it may not be done due to religious sensitivities of the public at large.
oui, I agree with your statement to a degree and am very shocked that indienne government that I in the past respected in high regards based on their commitement to democracy and human rights. I have to say this forum has definately shown me the darker side of indienne government per say as before when I just listened to Canadienne broadcasting networks' analysis on glossy india as its potrayed by the canadienne media. Also did you know according to some pakistani posters on this forum, there are still certain factions of possibly vegan/hindu faith populace that prevent the owner of cattle from slaughtering and sometimes even resort to physical force in forcing their view even though that cattle may not be their property. Not sure if this may be true, can you possibly shed some light on this issue from your perspective.


Hindus are not vegan, but vegetarian. But more importantly, asking his perspective on Indians/Hindus is like asking the wolf to guard the sheep. Good luck with that.
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