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Legal tweak to allow PM to retain army officers with stroke of pen

Here we go, last nail in the coffin of the institution.

Moving the center of gravity squarely into the office of the PM. In 20 years we'll see old men adorned like french curtains, and the task of converting Pak Army into the Egyptian model will be completed.
The fact that the retention clause is open to basically any position speaks to the complete politicization of the military. With this one stroke the Shareef brothers will do more harm to the institution that they and their supporters don't realize.
Mission "Turn Pak army into punjab police" successful.
No country's political system gets choked just because they couldn't decide on selecting a bodyguard.
Sirf bodyguard selection me itne masle, one can only imagine the log jam in the other matters of the state.
First stage of the power being handed to the civilian government,

An excellent thing ideologically, but very damaging in the short term due to the massive control the PA has over the country
🤦‍♂️ this mofo-er just refuses to leave, who is this guy?

Change in semantics doesn't turn an apple into an orange . More like twisting of tongue to retain intervention nay conspiracy.
Why have this stupid and nonsense rule of appointing the Army Chief as per the wishes of the Prime Minister.

If you make someone responsible for something atleast authorise him to pick a team of his liking remaining within the constitutional parameters. Any of the serving leftaynant generals are capable enough to run the land forces so why spoil someone's future prospects over a mere roll number in the p.m.a?

And extension in service, for any damned reason, is cold hard murder of merit. Once the tenure is complete, there should be no provision for extension/retention/ad-hoc or contractual appointment/reappointment etc.

An excellent thing ideologically, but very damaging in the short term due to the massive control the PA has over the country

All anti democratic actions were initiated by the champions of the same , peoples party.
isnt this a good thing?

Yes and no. We need accountability and balance of powers. Currently the role is time limited, by allowing the PM to extend and now to "retain" we open up the role to a risk of politicisation - which is of course exactly what happens.
So they don’t trust the army higher up to promote or demote junior officers?

Perfect recipe for politicising the army.

And to see the fugitive make these decisions. Anyone becomes a PM in the future, this is a double edged sword.

Just my opinion, maybe there is an ample supply of officers that are anti Sharifs and they want to retain whatever support that remains.
So they don’t trust the army higher up to promote or demote junior officers?

Perfect recipe for politicising the army.

And to see the fugitive make these decisions. Thank you to the handlers.

This means that the army is dead as an institution.

The top tier officers work in cahoots with the political mafia; scratching each others backs.

Anyone for organizing a fateha at GHQ?
So what is our PDF experts tafsira here?

Precursor to Bajwa being retained? Or this is meant for Sharifs to retain whatever pro PDM officers there are in the ranks?
That's what I was also scratichng my head over

vo Kon tha?:pop:
You could have scratched it for something meaningful. Who drags military in politics.

If you make someone responsible for something atleast authorise him to pick a team of his liking remaining within the constitutional parameters. Any of the serving leftaynant generals are capable enough to run the land forces so why spoil someone's future prospects over a mere roll number in the p.m.a?


All anti democratic actions were initiated by the champions of the same , peoples party.
Bajwa must have put a gun on IK’s head to grant extension. after all, poor IK was born yesterday while Bajwa is cleverer than the desert fox.
Yes, and IK must have put a gun on Bajwa’s head to take the extension.

Moral of the story. Takes 2 to tango.

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