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李光耀 Lee Kuan Yew's Final Challenge to Democracy and the British/American Empire.

And who cares? The drugs and rehabilitation figures speak for themselves.

did you solve the problem ? or just kick the can down the road
drug abuse is not a problem in itself. it is a symptom.
Democracy is about stability, never about making progress. Stressing more on stability will cost progress. Between stability and progress, they are like sleep and work. Without enough sleep, you won't be able to work. With too much sleep, you don't have time to work. Like the old Confucius said, having too much has the same effect of having too little.
did you solve the problem ? or just kick the can down the road
drug abuse is not a problem in itself. it is a symptom.

You're talking gibberish. It's like saying Singapore is not safe and is just simply 'kicking the can down the road', because there still exist crimes lmao.

How did we not solve or largely solve the drug problem? For many years Singapore have been one of the lowest rates of drug abuse in the whole world, far lower than many Western developed countries, and that's largely because of our zero-tolerance and strict laws.

According to the 2008 World Drug Report by the United Nations office on drugs and crime 8.2% of the UK population are cannabis abusers; in Singapore it is 0.005%. For ecstasy, the figures are 1.8% for the UK and 0.003% for Singapore; and for opiates – such as heroin, opium and morphine – 0.9% for the UK and 0.005% for Singapore.


So how is that kicking the can down the road?

In the US, 67 367 died from drug overdose in 2018 alone — more than the total number of Americans killed in combat during 15 years of the Vietnam War.


So what is this? Picking up the can by killing drug addicts now? No more cans down the road? Wanna bet 10 years from now which country has the higher rate of drug abuse?

You're simply arguing for the sake of arguing with no substance, as always.
You're talking gibberish. It's like saying Singapore is not safe and is just simply 'kicking the can down the road', because there still exist crimes lmao.

How did we not solve or largely solve the drug problem? For many years Singapore have been one of the lowest rates of drug abuse in the whole world, far lower than many Western developed countries, and that's largely because of our zero-tolerance and strict laws.


So how is that kicking the can down the road?

In the US, 67 367 died from drug overdose in 2018 alone — more than the total number of Americans killed in combat during 15 years of the Vietnam War.


So what is this? Picking up the can by killing drug addicts now? No more cans down the road? Wanna bet 10 years from now which country has the higher rate of drug abuse?

You're simply arguing for the sake of arguing with no substance, as always.

Now that you solved drug abuse. Now what ?? You make drug abuse end in itself.
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