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Led By Raj Babbar, MPs abandon top-level defence briefing to 'catch flights


Aug 14, 2013
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Led By Raj Babbar, MPs abandon top-level defence briefing to 'catch flights' - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: The agenda was of utmost importance: "threat perception and preparedness of the forces including incursions on borders". The forum was among the highest in the land—the parliamentary standing committee on defence.

To brief the select members of Parliament at hand were the defence secretary, the director-general of military operations (DGMOs), several other senior officials from the Army, Navy and Air Force. It would have been the highest forum of democracy where the officials would be grilled, and held accountable.

The meeting was significant because of recent developments along the 778-km-long Line of Control (LoC). At Keran sector, the Army had just completed a three-week operation to evict about 40 militants, and at least 10, including four Army personnel, had been killed in Samba on September 26.

The meeting began 10 minutes past 3 pm on Wednesday. The defence secretary expressed his inability to give a copy of the presentations to the members present, because the information was highly classified. The Army was the first off the block, with senior officials briefing the MPs on recent flare-ups along the LoC.

The briefing significantly focused on the Army's assessment of threat perceptions along the border with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh etc. Later, the Army made a separate presentation about its operation to evict almost 30 terrorists from Keran sector. As the formal presentations wound up, MPs had several questions — ranging from suspected leadership failure to its links to attacks in Samba.

The MPs expressed their concern over the repeated breach of LoC, India's most militarised border. Senior officers of the Navy and the Air Force were awaiting their turn with classified presentations.

It was 4.30 pm.

And then, without any provocation, Raj Babbar, chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on defence, announced that the meeting was being wound up because some members had to catch their flights.

Though it is still not clear what are the credentials that make this Congress MP from Firozabad chairman of one of the most powerful parliamentary bodies, as he dispersed the Wednesday meeting he looked determined.

According to those present at the meeting, his words conveyed his determination that someone not missing a flight was more important than the classified briefings on security preparedness. Even if embers of a bitterly fought operation in Keran sector was yet to be doused.

It maybe a different show on TV studios and in public, where politicians never lose a moment to beat their chests to announce concerns about national security. Behind the closed doors of the standing committee, there weren't any such concerns. Not one member of the standing committee protested against Babbar's decision.

Officials confirmed that the MPs would get their free business class flight tickets and per diem for attending the meeting. Even if meant that the Army briefing was yet to be completed, or Navy and Air Force couldn't make their presentations. Even if it meant that the LoC is now in the throes of infiltration and violence that has not been witnessed in recent memory.

For the record, no member of the standing committee seemed to have missed their flights on Wednesday. Or, did they all actually rush to the airport?
We are a banana republic because we're ruled by bananas that resemble pricks!
Babbar showing the way for the rest of Indian muslims. "secular" India at its finest. :angel:

Muslims showing their true colour, doing what they best at, Doing nothing and Cry Loud to get everything for free

Grow up guys!!.... Stop looking at everything from the prism of religion and stop sounding so stupid....The article clearly says that apart from Raj Babbar there were more scum bags who found catching flights more important than briefing...Are you telling that entire cabinet committee belongs to only one religion...Sometimes i wonder how low one can get!!
who ever made schedules of the meeting and flights both are fools...since either the schedule of the meeting such that they could accomodate everyone based on flight timmings or the flights should be booked based on the presentation schedule, good they took the flights otherwise, they would have all stayed in 5 star hotels and also had spent money rescheduling the flights and wasting tax payers money..regrading babbar is concerned ..it does not matter which religion he is from ..his and everybody else's religion is politics!
There's a news in one of the newspapers that we tested two prithiv's to send a "message" to pakistan abt recent incursion.
If this is the way of sending message to enemys. Then there's no doubt, we're ruled by fools and scumbags!
Why is'nt any of the news channels carrying this news, they jump up and down with their cameras if someone farts.
Why is'nt any of the news channels carrying this news, they jump up and down with their cameras if someone farts.

becasue GOVT. told never tell anything wrong about muslims in India, even govt tries hard to that Muslims who always created trouble in india and 70% of problem is due to Muslims , like godhra and muszzafarnagar etc,
Grow up guys!!.... Stop looking at everything from the prism of religion and stop sounding so stupid....The article clearly says that apart from Raj Babbar there were more scum bags who found catching flights more important than briefing...Are you telling that entire cabinet committee belongs to only one religion...Sometimes i wonder how low one can get!!

People like Raj Babbar get elected on Muslim minority votes due to his religious affiliation and has consistently played minority vote bank politics.

It is you who are unwilling to face uncomfortable facts and attempting to hide under the burqa of secularism.

The day Raj babbar stops playing communal politics is the day i will stop accusing him of being a muslim politician.

The committee was headed by Raj Babbar as he was the chairman of the parliamentary standing committee. He alone had the power to convene the meeting and end it. He alone shares the responsibility for this action.

No amount of "secular" attempts to share blame with his other colleagues will sell. I too sometime wonder how low one will get to sound 'secular'.
People like Raj Babbar get elected on Muslim minority votes due to his religious affiliation and has consistently played minority vote bank politics.

It is you who are unwilling to face uncomfortable facts and attempting to hide under the burqa of secularism.

The day Raj babbar stops playing communal politics is the day i will stop accusing him of being a muslim politician.

The committee was headed by Raj Babbar as he was the chairman of the parliamentary standing committee. He alone had the power to convene the meeting and end it. He alone shares the responsibility for this action.

No amount of "secular" attempts to share blame with his other colleagues will sell. I too sometime wonder how low one will get to sound 'secular'.

They're all the same, including those under your great leader. None of these guys seem to be from minority vote banks:

After Karnataka, Gujarat BJP MLAs Watch **** Inside Assembly
They're all the same, including those under your great leader. None of these guys seem to be from minority vote banks:

After Karnataka, Gujarat BJP MLAs Watch **** Inside Assembly

What has watching **** got anything to do with religion or 'secularism' ? classic red herring arguments from bigots looking to deflect the real issue.

Lazy MLA watching **** in assembly is not the same as MP and Chairman of Parliament committee for Defense not taking his job seriously.
They're all the same, including those under your great leader. None of these guys seem to be from minority vote banks:

After Karnataka, Gujarat BJP MLAs Watch **** Inside Assembly

Agreed that this is wrong.

But are you talking about a defence briefing that affects the nation? Was BJP in power for this?

The party has taken action against those who go against their principle. Remind me when Diggy Raja is sacked.

Tru politicians tend to behave the same, but there is a limit and that limit has to be respected no matter what.
Babbar showing the way for the rest of Indian muslims. "secular" India at its finest. :angel:

Such people are an embarrassment to dedicated heroes like Abdul Hameed who gave the supreme sacrifice for the nation, and patriots like Dr. Kalam who dedicated his life to improvement of Indian scientific capabilities.

Such people as these who are calling themselves 'secular' and do such acts, are nothing but despicable creeps.

It is a shame that people are defending such anti-national actions in the name of an assumed-political rivalry even on a forum.
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