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Lebanon prime minister resigned in Saudi Arabia

Lebane PM Al-Hariri: Iran hands will be cut off EN لبنان الحریری: دست‌ ایران در منطقه قطع میکنیم
He resigned in Saudi Arabia something that not happened before anywhere anytime and even the President, parliament spokesman actually no one in Lebanon was aware of it. Both president and spokesman have canceled their visits to Egypt and Kuwait which means they didn't know ... probably Saudis forced him to do it, Right now Iraq and Syria are gonna be free of terrorists which means crisis should be ignited somewhere else. in coordination with Trump plans.
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Saudi Arabia has miscalculated, it and other regional nations did not intervene when Hezbollah intervened in Syria. Thinking that it will spread them thin and deplete their resources. Hezbollah can handle attrition. Iran is a much better position to play it's cards. It can still try playing a role in Bahrain as well. Nothing can be done about Hezbollah in Lebanon without risking a civil war. There is also too much corruption in the region that influences popular opinion. In the last couple years of the Syrian conflict, Saudi Arabia was withdrawing and taking steps backwards. It also broke ties with Qatar. It's allies are not really proactive against Iran and more focused on internal opposition.

Their only opportunity to turn the table around was during MB reign in 2013, by forming a strategic alliance with them. There were trust issues to say the least.

These measures look desperate and likely KSA and other nations will focus inward. Iran's influence won't change. Although they aren't going to up the ante or threaten KSA directly. They know there are limits. So what we all can learn from this is Syria was much more important than people thought. A power shift there could alter reality of the region....
Sa'ad Hariri is also under charge of murdering his own father. And helping KSA to tranfer opium and drugs into Lebanon to destroy Lebanese youth.

It is interesting that if he is charged with the murder of his own father. Is there an investigation going on about his some sort of collaboration. It would be like a hollywood movie as he is the closest guy to the target but continiously accuses others without proof like Syria or Hezbollah for the assasination for more than a decade for his and ofcourse israeli-Usa political gains.
Lebanese prime minister resigns amid tensions with Hezbollah

BEIRUT — Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri resigned from his post Saturday during a trip to Saudi Arabia in a surprise move that plunged the country into uncertainty amid heightened regional tensions.

In a televised address from Riyadh, Hariri fired a vicious tirade against Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah group for what he said was their meddling in Arab affairs and said “Iran’s arms in the region will be cut off.”

“The evil that Iran spreads in the region will backfire on it,” Hariri said, accusing Tehran of spreading chaos, strife and destruction throughout the region.

Hariri was appointed prime minister in late 2016 and headed a 30-member national unity cabinet that included the Shiite militant Hezbollah. The government has largely succeeded in protecting the country from the effects of the civil war in neighboring Syria.

The country is sharply divided along a camp loyal to Saudi Arabia, headed by the Sunni Muslim Hariri, and a camp loyal to Iran represented by Hezbollah.

Hariri’s resignation Saturday was expected to sharply raise tensions in the country. In his speech, he suggested he feared for his life and said the atmosphere in the country is similar to the one that existed before his father, the late prime minister Rafik Hariri, was assassinated in 2005.

Several Hezbollah members are being tried in absentia for the killing by a U.N.-backed tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. Hezbollah denies any involvement.

He said Hezbollah’s policies have put Lebanon “in the eye of the storm.”

“Hezbollah was able in past decades to impose a status quo in Lebanon through its weapons directed at the chests of Syrians and Lebanese,” he said.

Earlier this week, Saudi State Minister for Gulf Affairs Thamer al-Sabhan sharply criticized Hezbollah, calling for its “toppling” and promising “astonishing developments” in the coming days during an interview with the Lebanese TV station MTV.

Al-Sabhan met with Hariri in Saudi Arabia when the now resigned prime minister was visiting first earlier this week. Hariri abruptly returned to the kingdom later Friday before his bombshell announcement Saturday.

In tweets after meeting Hariri, al-Sabhan described it as “long and fruitful meeting” that resulted in agreements over many issues that concern the Lebanese. “What comes is better, God willing,” al-Sabhan tweeted on Tuesday. In a series of tweets, al-Sabhan criticized the Lebanese government for tolerating Hezbollah’s criticism of the kingdom.

He earlier said that those who cooperate with Hezbollah must be “punished.”

The attacks on Hezbollah came on the heels of new U.S. sanctions on the group.

Harriri resignation is linked to recent MBS action against few princes . Because Hariri family is from KSA. There are too may prime suspects in recent crackdown by MBS.
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Sounds like BS. The Lebanese security apparatus had no info/intelligence of an assassinatin plot.
What would be the motive? Hariri was a party the the forming of a coalition government, with Aoun as president, which is widely seen as a political victory for Hezbollah.
Its obvious Hariri’s resignation was forced from KSA (where he announced his resignation). Pretty desperate.

The leader of Lebanon-based Shia group Hezbollah has said that Saudi Arabia forced the Lebanese prime minister to resign.

Saad al-Hariri stepped down in a televised broadcast from Saudi Arabia on Saturday, denouncing Hezbollah and its Iranian backers, and saying he feared for his life.

But the chief of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said it was a Saudi decision "imposed" on him.

Saudi officials have denied this.

"It was not his intention, not his wish and not his decision to quit," Sheikh Nasrallah said in a televised address.

He questioned whether Mr Hariri would be able to return from Saudi Arabia, but also called for calm, amid fears that violence could erupt in Lebanon.

'No death plot'

Separately, despite Mr Hariri saying he feared assassination, the Lebanese army says it has not discovered any assassination plots in the country.

In addition to the army, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, the head of Lebanon's General Security intelligence agency, has also said he has no information about any plots to kill politicians in Lebanon, Reuters news agency reports.

The Lebanese Internal Security Forces, meanwhile, have denied reports that they foiled a recent assassination attempt in Beirut, Lebanon's capital.

However Saudi Gulf Affairs Minister Thamer al-Sabhan has said Mr Hariri's bodyguards had confirmed that there was an assassination plot against him.

He also denied in an interview with a Lebanese TV station that Saudi Arabia pushed Mr Hariri to resign.

New political crisis
As he resigned on Saturday, Mr Hariri blamed Iran for meddling in several countries, including Lebanon, and said he felt the climate was similar to that which "prevailed" before his father, former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, was killed by a bomb in 2005.

The attack was widely blamed on Hezbollah, which wields considerable power in Lebanon but denies it was involved.

Iran has denounced Mr Hariri's assertions, with an adviser to the Supreme Leader accusing the US and Saudi Arabia of being behind the move.

The ex-PM is close to Saudi Arabia, Iran's chief rival for regional influence.

Saudi princes held in 'corruption' purge

Correspondents say Mr Hariri's sudden departure has plunged Lebanon into a new political crisis and raised fears that it may be at the forefront of the regional rivalry between Shia power Iran and Sunni stronghold Saudi Arabia.

Image copyrightAFP
Image captionMr Hariri's father, Rafik al-Hariri, was assassinated in 2005
Mr Hariri became prime minister in December 2016, after previously holding the position between 2009 and 2011.

He has made several recent visits to Saudi Arabia. His announcement on Saturday came a day after a meeting in Beirut with Ali Akbar Velayati, an adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

After taking office last year, Mr Hariri promised a "new era for Lebanon" after two years of political deadlock.

The coalition government he led brought together almost all of the main political parties in Lebanon, including Hezbollah.
Hizb is terrorists entity, Lebanon should be allowed to keep respectable National army/ air power for defence and internal security so these militia can fvck their masters alone.
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Hizb is terrorists entity, Lebanon should be allowed to keep respectable National army/ air power for defence and internal security so these militia can fvck themselves with their masters alone.
Baseless accusation by the ones who commuted numerous crimes against humanity in last century.
Baseless accusation by the ones who commuted numerous crimes against humanity in last century.

Political parties should not have military wings. i consider it terrorism and harassment. 2nd its know fifth column of Iranian Mullah.

I don't care about what zionists or GCC say. just like i dont care about what Iran say.

would you like fifth column of Saudis or US in your country? its recipe of civil war thanks to the Mullah lebanon is on path of destruction :wave:
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Political parties should not have military wings. i consider it terrorism and harassment. 2nd its know fifth column of Iranian Mullah.

I don't care about what zionists or GCC say. just like i dont care about what Iran say.

would you like fifth column of Saudis or US in your country? its recipe of civil war thanks to the Mullah lebanon is on path of destruction :wave:
And I consider hariri as 5th column of KSA in Lebanon as his fake terror attempt show that don't forget both Lebanon army and intelligent services denied the existence of any terror attack against him.
A question how you like a 5th column of Kremlin or Tehran as prime minister of your country. thanks to KSA Lebanon is now in path of unrest and destabilization.

By the way they should have or should not have military arm is up to Lebanon parliament and their laws nor me and neither you. By the way Hezbollah is the only Lebanese group that never opened fire on Lebanese military and whenever Lebanese army asked them backed them with their full might .
Also have you forgot when ksa sponsored groups wanted to destabilize Lebanon several year ago what happened Hezbollah defeated them decisively in one day and instead of taking recent hand all the captured who were incidentally supported by Mr. Harriri to Lebanon army and give all the pacified territory they captured to army to control . they never took a single hostage or a square meter of Lebanon land for themselves . completely unlike some other terror group supported by the ones who today cry wolf.
wow he resigned in Saudi Arabia lol, What an embarrassment, Wonder how much he got payed. :omghaha:
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