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Lebanon prime minister resigned in Saudi Arabia

I wonder if a fake Islamist like you (pretending to be an Islamist in order to have Shias on PDF support you as otherwise they share very little in common with you as an Iranian nationalist and thus your agenda) will like this speech of your "hero"?
Well, our leader supports Palestinian aspirations which belongs to Sunnis. you are the sectarian boy here not me.
Well, our leader supports Palestinian aspirations which belongs to Sunnis. you are the sectarian boy here not me.

No it does not belong to Sunni Muslims. It belongs to all Palestinians regardless of religion and sect. Palestinian Christians and Christian Arabs in general are some of the biggest Arab nationalists out there and Palestinian Christians have played a KEY role in the Palestinian resistance. It shows your lack of knowledge as usual.

Your "Islamic" regime only supports Palestine because it would lose face if it did not do so otherwise. On the other hand that same regime was not shy to receive Israeli military assistance with open arms when they fought Iraq. So much for that.

I am not the least sectarian. Calling out Hezbollah for what it is (they are not a religious authority but a terrorist cult) is not sectarianism but merely stating facts that MANY Shia Arab Lebanese agree with themselves. Secondly Hezbollah does not represent Lebanese Shia Muslims anymore than your Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's represent Shia Twelver Islam. Islam and various dominations of Islam are not the property of 40 year old regimes or less than 40 year old terrorist groups.

I'm Chinese Canadian. And you?

Sure, and I am a half Papuan and half Eskimo.
No it does not belong to Sunni Muslims. It belongs to all Palestinians regardless of religion and sect. Palestinian Christians and Christian Arabs in general are some of the biggest Arab nationalists out there and Palestinian Christians have played a KEY role in the Palestinian resistance. It shows your lack of knowledge as usual.
Yeah, since French colonialism there are a Christian minority. Not in my concern anyway.
Your "Islamic" regime only supports Palestine because it would lose face if it did not do so otherwise. On the other hand that same regime was no shy to receive Israeli military assistance when they fought Iraq. So much for that.
Iran-contra and Mc Farlane case, again? hahhah what can you guys say if it didn't exist? That was actually an exchange, American detainees for military equipment. BTW that exchange has remained as a shame on US face until now. Israeli case is lie and full of doubt
Yeah, since French colonialism there are a Christian minority. Not in my concern anyway.

Iran-contra and Mc Farlane case, again? hahhah what can you guys say if it didn't exist? That was actually an exchange, American detainees for military equipment. BTW that exchange has remained as a shame on US face until now. Israeli case is lie and full of doubt

Are you drunk or high on Iranian heroin?

The earliest Christians in the world, outside of the few Jewish converts, are Christian Arabs of Northern Arabia and Sham. To this day there are Arab tribes that have remained Christian in what is today Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.

It has noting to do with France. They were Christian 300 years before France or even the first Frankish kingdom existed.:lol:

Sure, it is well-established that the Iranian Mullah's, just a few years after arriving from Europe, were given Israeli military aid that they gladly accepted. Just like you, jointly with Israel, before that, helped coordinate the Israeli attack on the Iraqi nuclear facility.

Anyway left with no answer as usual whenever I counter your nonsense. It's a waste of time but informed users will know what this is about.

Anyway good luck to our Lebanese brothers and sisters of all religions and sects. May you unite and make Lebanon a strong and prosperous country and not let a few traitors hijack and undermine your country and unity or let them serve the agenda of hostile foreigners.

Terrorist cults have no place in such plans and all of them regardless of sect, affiliation or proxy supporters, will be removed from all Arab land eventually. This is where the tide is going.

Both sides are playing into the great game of Jews

Saudia is now a new puppet of Israel doing what Israel wants

Iran has to come out clean so Israel cannot manuplate states like KSA and co

Israel get chance to manuplate Saudis that Iran is danger Iran should do few things to better relationship with ME so we cut the Jew game
Sure, it is well-established that the Iranian Mullah's, just a few years after arriving from Europe, were given Israeli military aid that they gladly accepted. Just like you, jointly with Israel, before that, helped coordinate the Israeli attack on the Iraqi nuclear facility.
sod off liar.
Ba'athi regime had announced it's enmity with Israelis and with that lie had gained the public support among Iraqi people. However Saddam won the presidency with coup and i can say that he defamed Ba'ath party in Iraq and abused it's popularity among Iraqis and waged war on Iran.
Iran had no coordinations with Israelis and you have to talk about your collaboration with Israelis in Yemen.

I said that's a lie because there is no evidence for it. But Israeli bombing campaign on Yemen is a well known fact. They used your air space to reach Yemen.

Israeli attack on Iraqi facilities was due to anti Israeli policies of Ba'athi party in both Syria and Iraq. Israel did it to Syrian facilities too.

You look over drunk man. Take you red pills and spare yourself from terrorist-Sheik's propaganda
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sod off liar.
Ba'athi regime had announced it's enmity with Israelis and with that lie had gained the public support among Iraqi people. However Saddam won the presidency with coup and i can say that he defamed Ba'ath party in Iraq and abused it's popularity among Iraqis and waged war on Iran.
Iran had no coordinations with Israelis and you have to talk about your collaboration with Israelis in Yemen.

I said that's a lie because there is no evidence for it. But Israeli bombing campaign on Yemen is a well known fact. They used your air space to reach Yemen.

Israeli attack on Iraqi facilities was due to anti Israeli policies of Ba'athi party in both Syria and Iraq. Israel did it to Syrian facilities too.

You look over drunk man. Take you red pills and spare yourself from terrorist-Sheik's propaganda

The only pathetic liar here is you.



Israel has no involvement in Yemen. There is zero proof of that. The only proof is some Youtube video that a nobody created of a weapons depot in Sana'a being targeted by the Arab coalition. It's called an Israeli nuclear bomb in the title.

This is your "likes" evidence.:lol:

I do not take any substances. That is more of an Iranian tradition seeing that you are home (percentage wise) to the biggest number of heroin addicts in the world.

Iran's drug problem: Addicts 'more than double' in six years
  • 25 June 2017

Anyway fact of the matter is that this undermining of the Lebanese state will be dealt with and eventually end.
Hezbollah is Lebanon's counterpart of Ukraine's Right Sector. It does great services to citizens. It is not terrorist.
The only pathetic liar here is you.



Israel has no involvement in Yemen. There is zero proof of that. The only proof is some Youtube video that a nobody created of a weapons depot in Sana'a being targeted by the Arab coalition. It's called an Israeli nuclear bomb in the title.

This is your "likes" evidence.:lol:

I do not take any substances. That is more of an Iranian tradition seeing that you are home (percentage wise) to the biggest number of heroin addicts in the world.

Iran's drug problem: Addicts 'more than double' in six years
  • 25 June 2017
Just look at his sources. hahhhah
BBC and times of Israel. Indeed you should use those fake websites desperately, Queen Elizabeth's propaganda machines. LOL, i know you owe to Elizabeth your mama, the one who helped you establish that illegal kingdom in Najd.

After French colonialism, Christians found a way to empower their position in ruling Palestine and Lebanon. that was my meaning.

BTW this is a useless discussion. It is Iran that equipped Hamas and Hezbollah with lethal weapons and supported them against Israelis. Still i can smell the Kebab from liquidated Israelis by Fajr-5 missiles.

Take a look at your Israeli brothers dying while screaming :
Just look at his sources. hahhhah
BBC and times of Israel. Indeed you should use those fake websites desperately, Queen Elizabeth's propaganda machines. LOL, i know you owe to Elizabeth your mama, the one who helped you establish that illegal kingdom in Najd.

After French colonialism, Christians found a way to empower their position in ruling Palestine and Lebanon. that was my meaning.

BTW this is a useless discussion. It is Iran that equipped Hamas and Hezbollah with lethal weapons and supported them against Israelis. Still i can smell the Kebab from liquidated Israelis by Fajr-5 missiles.

Take a look at your Israeli brothers dying while screaming :

The facts speak for themselves. Well-established facts by all accounts confirmed by 100's of sources back then and nowadays.

As for your useless firecrackers based on North Korean design (which themselves are based on Ukrainian who themselves were based on old USSR missile technology), they will not save you or anybody.

The heroin is surely working as it is supposed to work. Maybe if you take a large enough doses you will stop meddling in internal Arab affairs as a foreigner and worry about your failed entity instead? One can only hope as the noise is quite annoying on the long run although it is completely irrelevant. Like a passing swarm of flies.
Lebane PM Al-Hariri: Iran hands will be cut off EN لبنان الحریری: دست‌ ایران در منطقه قطع میکنیم
Lebane PM Al-Hariri: Iran hands will be cut off EN لبنان الحریری: دست‌ ایران در منطقه قطع میکنیم

Puppet is barking. BTW he is where he belongs to by now.

Quran beautifully tells us the truth : (((ولقد کتبنا فی الزبور من بعد الذکر ان الارض یرثها عبادی الصالحون )))

I can see the day in which Arabian Muslim of peninsula kick English monarchs out of their motherland.
Who is winning in Syria exactly? There are no winners. Syria is destroyed thanks to the stupidity of the Al-Assad regime (first and foremost) and secondly the stupidity and mistakes of the Syrian opposition. As for Daesh, it is self-evident.

And do you really believe that the only "Wise" people in this conflict was Saudia, who tried it's best to get the power by spending Billions of dollars and giving weapons even to al-Qaida to fight for Saudi interests?

You are very mistaken if you think that the Al-Assad regime can ever rule all of Syria again or that Bashar al-Assad (he will be the last ruler of the Al-Assad dynasty) will rule for a long time.

Assad need not to rule over "all" Syria in order to become "victorious". The area which he has been ruling over, is enough to defeat the Saudi/Israeli/America plots.

And yes, after this win, Assad is going to stay in power for a long time as Syrian population has no other option against the Saudi backed Salafi Jihadists or against the Qatar/Turkey backed Ikhwani Jihadists.

Or most importantly, that a highly sectarian Alawite minority dictatorship who compromise less than 12% of the Syrian population can have "control" of Syria forever when 80% of the population is Syrian Sunni Arab. Too much blood has been spilt.

The highly "Secular" population of Syria seems Alawites as friends, while they see the Saudi backed Salafi Jihadists (al Nusra and others) as a threat to the Syria's future.

Assad got the majority vote even before the civil war. You must come out of the Saudi propaganda and see the reality. Just read this article:
Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media

And after the war, surely Assad stands much more popular even then before.

The Syrian revolution erupted after 40 years of frustration with the regime (one of the most oppressing and brutal in the world) and you think that 10 times the destruction willthat? It will only make it stronger.
You don't understand that war has made the Assad Government 20 times more stronger than before.

Opposition is divided among Saudi backed Salafist al Nusra, and then ISIS, and then Ikhwanies, and then American backed FSA, and then nationalists etc. None of them has any chance to win the presidential election against Assad. They don't have any chance even if the opposition unite (which is almost impossible).

Well, Hezbollah never attacked Israel. There you have your answer. So much for the non-existent "resistance" which is another propaganda tool to control sheep with. No such thing.

Yes, Israel was kind enough to leave the Lebanon's land at it's own.

I don't even need to consider this claim from you to answer. If you really want to see which "Islamic Mujahids" Israel really supports, then just see the Saudi backed Mujahids along with the borders of Golan heights.
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