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LEAKED - India is burning Pakistan through TTP: Latif Ullah Mehsud TTP's 2nd In Command speaks out.

Want to loose Balochistan?
You people have already done whatever u could in Balochistan and guess what U were fucked there by the Baloch people themselves by brushing aside your propaganda.Rest was done by FC and PA.:sniper:
Now its time for payback...So what u wanna lose....Um Kashmir or Nagaland or Manipur or Assam or Punjab or Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram...........So watch your back kid....:cheers:
sorry, but such a serious allegation from the site admin, I'm compelled to come to the defence of my homeland.

my main point is, that even if some external forces are trying to destabilize your country, what makes it so easy for them to find willing Pakistani nationals so eager to be cannon fodder for these outsiders' nefarious intentions... is there not a bigger problem within certain sections of Pakistani society itself that needs to be dealt with before you can do anything about the foreign hand ?

and might Saudi funded sallafist/wahhabi ideology have anything to do with it ?

so much chaos and terror, surely some introspection is in order.
yes! Bangladeshis saying, BSF is corps eater killing force! and hindus are more vicious than others!

just google it "felani murder by bsf"
Right ... that's why there are more than 20 freaking million Bangladeshis illegally living in India , because its intolerant.
none of course
all such weapons used by proxies cant be traced back to sponsor source if it chooses to keep itself a secret. example is American aid of Afghans in the beginning it was only based on WW2 era weapons and only in later stages very reluctantly gave stingers .
the weapons will be mostly sourced from black market or very common and have their serial numbers removed or any other trace removed that can betray its source

other than that. any Latif Ullah's alleged statement is as valid and authentic as any poster on this forum. he will admit to fake Moon landing as well.
even if we know Indian hands are involved ..it doesn't really help if the case is not made effectively internationally by the government and the media etc.

proxy war is he bread and butter of two nations and the terror has been kick started in Balochistan as well .. too close for us now Quetta and Zhob.

Regarding charsadda attack, I have heard some terrible news that is not available on the media or the internet.

So here it goes.

In this specific attack, girls were murdered with knifes? In front of others, cousin provided me with this information, she was in girl’s hostel during the attack. Further on it has been confirmed by doctors from Peshawar, government officials in charsadda and Peshawar.

How true is this?

I just dont believe it.....

@Spring Onion @Abu Zolfiqar @Oscar and others.
You people have already done whatever u could in Balochistan and guess what U were fucked there by the Baloch people themselves by brushing aside your propaganda.Rest was done by FC and PA.:sniper:
Now its time for payback...So what u wanna lose....Um Kashmir or Nagaland or Manipur or Assam or Punjab or Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram...........So watch your back kid....:cheers:

Did everything we could?????? More mental masturbation.

We never even tried to do $hit. CIA and MI6 both had stopped RAW from doing anything in Pak, what you see is your own "kia dhara".

LOL trying since 1940s.:omghaha:

Nothing major has happened since the 80s.

NSCN signed a treaty only recently, so expect more of such.:coffee:

That's right, enjoy denial.
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If you don't know chain of events happened in your country and the mess going their

1. Soviet occupation-Is India responsible ?
2. Your country and US created these monsters against soviets-Is India responsible ?
3. Sept 11 happened and the US declared war on terror- Is india responsible?
4. Your country fought war with US against the monsters-Is India responsible ?
5. These monsters strikes back in your country as a revenge-Is India responsible ?
6. You declared zarb e azb-Is India responsible ?
7. They again doing revenge of your zarb e azb-Is India responsible ?

If you don't know your real enemy, then god save your country !
You probably need a history lesson if u can`t distinguish between these two monsters......
You people have already done whatever u could in Balochistan and guess what U were fucked there by the Baloch people themselves by brushing aside your propaganda.Rest was done by FC and PA.:sniper:
Now its time for payback...So what u wanna lose....Um Kashmir or Nagaland or Manipur or Assam or Punjab or Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram...........So watch your back kid....:cheers:
:nono:and they say I troll:hitwall:
Regarding charsadda attack, I have heard some terrible news that is not available on the media or the internet.

So here it goes.

In this specific attack, girls were murdered with knifes? In front of others, cousin provided me with this information, she was in girl’s hostel during the attack. Further on it has been confirmed by doctors from Peshawar, government officials in charsadda and Peshawar.

How true is this?

I just dont believe it.....

@Spring Onion @Abu Zolfiqar @Oscar and others.

NO not true. and no doctor/official confirmed any such thing.
Time to wake up Pakistan, its time the Indians see their blood flowing in their streets just like they made us and our children see it. Its time the old enemy is given a taste of its shameful history. Lets give Brahmins a fight they are itching for..we have survived their onslaught..can they survive that is coming their way? - Guess the time will reveal...its time to pay India back in a way which makes Taimur look like a human rights activist.
"Time to wake up"??? This is EXACTLY what Pakistanis have been spouting for YEARS, after every attack in Pakistan- "RAW, Mossad, CIA, MI6 conspiracy".

To this day, not a shred of verifiable evidence to support it.

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