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Leaked documents suggest GEO sought Indian funding.

@Magnet I'll suggest you to delete your post#74. You have made your point and requested for a review. Now, please move on.

Anything that comes from India = bad.

If Saudia funds something in Pakistan, that's cool, even though many die as a result. But if someone asks genuine investment from indian group = traitor.

I suppose geo would ask them for investment because geo is watched in India and language similarities. Foreign language speaking countries wouldn't care to invest in Urdu speaking channels.

Starplus(and other channels) is newscorp controlled. It was under their control that hit shows were produced and starplus gained alot of market share.
rotana (arabic channel), newscorp has investments in it...

There are other examples...Language is not a barrier.
Did quick research on edelweiss and it looks like they are a privately held diversified financial services company. I don't know how much Geo is worth in total but I would imagine that they are a lot more expensive than 50M. I also don't know how OP is tieing this to an Indian state led conspiracy.

Anytime a financial services company is looking into an investment, the deal team allocates a project name to the Investment. This is solely for confidentiality reasons because they don't want one of their competitors to find out what they are doing, who they are looking into and how much. I know the admin made the OP like this was some super secret code but this happens around the world until the deal is finalized.

In the real world (which Pakistanis seem to be unaware of), when a company isn't doing well financially, they go out and raise funds to stay afloat and get through the rough patch. i would imagine that this is what this is about. There is a campaign going on in PK to run GEO into the ground and they are doing what they can to survive. This is happening everywhere around the world.

Not everything involving Indians has to be a conspiracy. When will we grow up and realize there is a reason why our neighbor across the border is doing significantly better than we are?
People talk about the geo a lot but dawn is not far behind, they trying to take over the leftovers of geo. I am totally against of independent news channels who brings nothing but anarchy to the country.


it was the first to blame Pakistan for Mumbai attacks. Question is when they were lying about Samjhauta can they really be trusted? How was Karkare who was investigating Samjhauta one of the first people to die in said attack.
A person who want to be selective will always be one irrespective. You claim so many things only coz of one casualty. Use common sense. He was ATS chief. Any attack and head is in forefront. Unlike local guerrilla bombers this tym out was Pakistani military trained terrorists and everyone s caught off-guard. Is so but natural. But no one explains why Kasab parents disappeared overnight after being shown on media? Please tell us it's all by RAW.

With this pathetic attitude you still cry rivers to why innocent souls are shot unnecessarily in your country. I would suggest, stay on Denial. Good for you.
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