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Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

In that case Erdogan could have sent some water cannons, hoses and tear gas to support Assad instead of wasting them on poor protestors in Gezi Park. Serioulsy does this ottaman think the same thing won't happen in turkey where the good secular turks and the army is waiting to get rid of Erdogan.
In that case Erdogan could have sent some water cannons, hoses and tear gas to support Assad instead of wasting them on poor protestors in Gezi Park. Serioulsy does this ottaman think the same thing won't happen in turkey where the good secular turks and the army is waiting to get rid of Erdogan.

Don't insult Turkey by comparing it with the shtholes of ME.
whereis mods please delete off topic posts friends dont answer that guy again a jealousy crisis from special a country
guess it :partay:
perfect azeri song i always respect azerbaijan people
ey turanım

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revived rafidi, is obviously not British, guess three times from where he is?

Hint: his Mullah hypocrisy might give it away..

I do happen to be british but I like to leave my national identity out at forum door before entering, we are all the same, this title as Turksih, Syrian, Paksitani, Saudi, Iranain, british are man given, we all have a right to have opinion and discuss what we see as important and be critical of what we think is wrong with public figures who make decision that effects direclty or indirectly.

Any single loss of life be it muslim or non mulim is troubling and any Zalim (Oppressor) should be held accountable irrespective of if they wear the hat of Erdogan, Assad, Qataris, Saudis or for that matter Mosri. I have visited the countires these people present (include azerbijan) and seen how syria was living in peace before the war. Using military force, voilence and terrorism is no solution to economic harship.

These all are war criminals just like Omar Al-bshir who sacrificed innocent lives of thier own countries gains and of interferring with other countries (Erdogan in case of Syria) for their worldly interests, it does not make them right or justifies their invasions. My question was to ask what gives this Erdogan the right to forge economic ties with the so called 'turkish speaking allegience' where as at the same time he helps to destroy the neighbouring syria's economy by assisting to bring the terrorsits and ammunition from all around the world to destroy and slaughter innocent chirstians, muslims, others in syria.

So my question to my 'turksih' friends is what Erdogan has done for Islam if he represents Islam, and whats he all about? why is he trying to do by helping to economically destroy syria, help kill its habitants. Is the blood of syrian childeren, women, men not the same value as the 'turkish' blood in azerbijan, turkey, turkmanistan etc? Is livelyhood of syrian massess not as important as the turkish livelyhood?
Is livelyhood of syrian massess not as important ?
You should ask Assad and his supporters that. Supporting dictatorships is not way to go. If Assad and his supporters really cared about Syrian lifes they would stop supporting Assad and start supporting democracy. But clearly democracy would damage their interest. One has to understand that first. Iranian mullahs only care about their interest they have to concept of democracy. Assad and his father has been very bad towards Turkey if you act like they were angels that would be unfair. It is time for payback and to show that supporting terrorism against Turkey and separatism in Turkey will be punished heavily. Syria even protected PKK terrorist leader once. Sooner or later he will get what he asked for. Iran will taste this too before the end.
Iranian mullahs only care about their interest they have to concept of democracy. Assad and his father has been very bad towards Turkey if you act like they were angels that would be unfair. Iran will taste this too before the end.

Yes all Zalims (Oppressors) be it, Assad and his dady, or Iranian khameini and his dady Khomeni all have used force and violated human sanctity, suppressed the people they rule and committed crimes against humanity.

Does this justify Erdogon's actions in taking syrian blood? or is he not a war criminal? Is he not an equal Zalim who committed crimes against humanity?
Yes all Zalims (Oppressors) be it, Assad and his dady, or Iranian khameini and his dady Khomeni all have used force and violated human sanctity, suppressed the people they rule and committed crimes against humanity.

Does this justify Erdogon's actions in taking syrian blood? or is he not a war criminal? Is he not an equal Zalim who committed crimes against humanity?
Obviously you are a hypocrite. If Assad just step down and let democracy speak. There wouldn't be any blood spilling. To put it in an example. You don't blame the guy who shot his wife but the police because they intervened. I still don't believe you are British by the way. Even your name gives a way you are a secterian biggot. You don't care about blood of the innocent but a dirty dictator to stay in power who by the way supported terrorism against their neighbor.
Obviously you are a hypocrite. If Assad just step down and let democracy speak. There wouldn't be any blood spilling. .

What is hypocracy?
Assad is committing crimes against humanity by killing his own people.
Erdogan is a international war crimnal who instiging and facilitating war against and accelerating syrian bloodbath and considers syrian blood cheaper than turkish coffee.
Both are zalim and criminals.

Even your name gives a way you are a secterian biggot

Explain your stand. Whats wrong with the term Rafidi which stands for Rejecting all Zalims (including Asad, Erdogan, khameni and others). Where did you sense the biggotory?

Do you agree with Erdogon being a Zalim, war crimnal who is unncessaryily sheding syrian blood, destroying syrian civilisation and economy on one side while on the other hand foging economic ties with other 'turkic' nations . Does he not deserve the wrath of the protestors, the likes of ghazi park and turkish armed foreces, and should be brought to justice (just like Assad)? Don't you think such a Erdogan 'muslim' leader will not wrath of the Prophet?
rustam minnikhanov

Tatarstan's President holds contacts in Ankara

31 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe 10:00

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu came together with Tatar President Rustem Minnikhanov for a working breakfast on Wednesday, which was followed by a joint press conference. "We are not allowing any hindrance in our economic and cultural relations with either the Republic of Tatarstan or its friendly, neighboring Russian Federation. Following the abolishment of visa requirements for travel between Turkey and Tatarstan, mutual visits dramatically increased and were followed by the development of bilateral economic relations,"

Does it mean you can visit Tatarstan without a visa but not other oblasts/republics/krais of Russia?
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