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Leaders not impressed by new Russian fighter


Feb 13, 2010
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Leaders not impressed by new Russian fighter - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times

By Bruce Rolfsen - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Mar 22, 2010 9:50:52 EDT

The flying debut of Russia’s answer to the F-22 Raptor isn’t wowing Air Force leaders.

Dubbed the T-50 or PAK-FA, the fifth-generation stealth fighter jet made its maiden flight Jan. 29 — 47 minutes over eastern Russia — and has flown at least twice since then. The twin-engine jet will replace the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker, both fourth-generation front-line fighters.

The first operational T-50s should be delivered in 2015, the same year the Air Force expects its first F-35 Lightning II. Also a fifth-generation fighter, the F-35 has a single supersonic engine and stealth capabilities.

“I didn’t see anything … that would cause me to rethink plans for the F-22 or F-35,” Air Force Secretary Michael Donley told reporters Feb. 18 at the Air Force Association’s winter conference, held in Orlando, Fla.

“Russia has a robust [aircraft industry],” Donley added. “This is not a surprise in that context.”

The PAK-FA resembles the F-22 — distinctive tilted rear tail fins and all — and has many of the same high-tech features, including digital avionics, a phased-array radar and communications equipment to link the fighter to command and control centers, according to the Russian news agency Tass.

The Air Force ordered the last of its 187 F-22s in 2009. Russia has not had a new fighter in nearly 20 years; the Indian air force is also sponsoring development of a version of the T-50.

“It looks like a plane we’ve seen before,” Gen. Roger Brady, the air boss for NATO and commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, said at the conference.

Gen. Gary North, commander of Pacific Air Forces, made clear his impression of the fighter: “I guess the greatest flattery is how much they copy you.”

Still, the four-stars wonder whether the T-50 will live up to its fifth-generation billing.

“I don’t know if it’s really a fifth-generation aircraft,” Brady said. “What I do know is that it’s very clear that they’re working on a fifth-generation technology.”

For Brady, Russia’s push on the development front signals that the U.S. cannot settle for the status quo.

“The key is, we must continue to do fifth-generation and sixth-generation research and put money against it because other people clearly are,” Brady said.

North added that the Pentagon must ensure fourth-generation jets such as the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18 are continually upgraded.

“If we’re not going to buy more, what we’ve got to have is the very best that our sons and daughters go out to fight with,” he said.

In tandem with the T-50 project, Russia is developing a long-range bomber.

“We won’t limit ourselves to just one new model,” Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said March 1. “We must start work on a prospective long-range aircraft, our new strategic bomber.”


The Associated Press contributed to this report.
It remembers me the famous title 'The Game Afoot Again' :azn:
I'm sure you are not the only one.... all of indian policy makers might have been thinking quite same.
Its back to square1. ;)
Some moron that knows nothing about the aircraft or its capabilities is all of the sudden coming to the conclusion that it's not a fifth generation fighter and not very capable, why am i not suprised this is comming out of an Americans mouth?
Some moron that knows nothing about the aircraft or its capabilities is all of the sudden coming to the conclusion that it's not a fifth generation fighter and not very capable, why am i not suprised this is comming out of an Americans mouth?

Its meant to be a 5th generation fighter. But at its current configuration, its not a 5th generation fighter. I think this project will be delay by at least 10 years. By 2025, the first one will be inducted into the Soviet Air Force. I'm not sure when India will be able to get it. This follow the same time line as the first FY-22 fly in 1989 and USAF doesn't get the first plane until 2003.
Its meant to be a 5th generation fighter. But at its current configuration, its not a 5th generation fighter. I think this project will be delay by at least 10 years. By 2025, the first one will be inducted into the Soviet Air Force. I'm not sure when India will be able to get it. This follow the same time line as the first FY-22 fly in 1989 and USAF doesn't get the first plane until 2003.

Do you know the meaning of the word prototype?
the thing is that everybody starts jumping to conclusion without knowing a thing...if russians have said that they will deliver the plane in 2015 then least we can do is to wait ..theirs is the second best tech. in fighter aircrafts....and what else could be be expected from americans as russia has again started to live its old glory..
Its meant to be a 5th generation fighter. But at its current configuration, its not a 5th generation fighter.

We have another pak-fa expert.

the first one will be inducted into the Soviet Air Force. I'm not sure when India will be able to get it. This follow the same time line as the first FY-22 fly in 1989 and USAF doesn't get the first plane until 2003.

Have you been in a coma for 19 years? The Soviet Union is no more.

Comon guys Raptor first flight was way back in 1997 and was inducted in 2005....I know when mighty USSR broke they lost a decade or so in research and modernization....Even if we go by that standards PAK-FA has its first flight in 2009 and they are claiming for its induction in 2015...sounds very reasonable...We all know that MKI is one of the best 4.5 generation plane out their in the market..so just don't right off ruskies and their avionics industry...They were second to none...The only road block that i can see is money...With Russian economy improving complemented with India being a 50% partner i don't think even that is going to be a problem...

In short if USA can do it Russia can do it as well....History is there for all of us to see and learn...Secondly it was just a prototype so not sure how much claims are valid by looking merely on a prototype...

Comon guys Raptor first flight was way back in 1997 and was inducted in 2005....I know when mighty USSR broke they lost a decade or so in research and modernization....Even if we go by that standards PAK-FA has its first flight in 2009 and they are claiming for its induction in 2015...sounds very reasonable...We all know that MKI is one of the best 4.5 generation plane out their in the market..so just don't right off ruskies and their avionics industry...They were second to none...The only road block that i can see is money...With Russian economy improving complemented with India being a 50% partner i don't think even that is going to be a problem...

In short if USA can do it Russia can do it as well....History is there for all of us to see and learn...Secondly it was just a prototype so not sure how much claims are valid by looking merely on a prototype...

Why state that Russian avionic were 2nd to none when they never at any given point of postwar history ever close to that of US. Know your history before you make generalizing comments like that.
wow this article is as stupid as one can get. What do you expect the American's to say really. lol
Why state that Russian avionic were 2nd to none when they never at any given point of postwar history ever close to that of US. Know your history before you make generalizing comments like that.

Excuse me?? You are referring to what era?? Are you saying during peak of cold war USSR avionics industry was inferior to that of USA???
Why state that Russian avionic were 2nd to none when they never at any given point of postwar history ever close to that of US. Know your history before you make generalizing comments like that.

And at what basis are you making the assumption that Russian wasnt 2ns to none before, you know facts yourself before questioning someone else's statements.
Why state that Russian avionic were 2nd to none when they never at any given point of postwar history ever close to that of US. Know your history before you make generalizing comments like that.

Yes you're right we have AESA and PESA with a range of 400km and A2A missle with a range of 175 km and our avionics are ****, our avionics and technical know how is so bad that the Americans even bought rocket engines from us.
Gen. Gary North, commander of Pacific Air Forces, made clear his impression of the fighter: “I guess the greatest flattery is how much they copy you.”.

Thatz funny!!

Hitler's Stealth Bomber


B-2 Spirit


come on now:rolleyes:

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