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Leader of peoples aman committee killed in attack near lyari

Arshad Pappu killed in Karachi’s Lyari area | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
it was known that, ARSHAD PAPU,s revenge would be carried out at some point?
sooner or later, & it looks like the score is levelled up?
shuldnt be blammed everything on MQM, kids know ita tussle between many criminal groups in liyari?
a crrminal is allways a criminal, even though he was the political enemy of MQM, but i think MQM doesnt hve any reach in liyari?
Looks like a typical MQM style attack.. However, one down at least..

Even if it was , I would say good riddance seriously !

The Leaders of Aman Committee aren't really working for peace and stability , this is just another group on the block working for its interests and influence .
Some are looking very happy,don't forget we all have to die one day,leave it on Allah,don't use bad words for a late.
if a dead one was criminal, gangster, or a traitor he is going to be called like that, no body can stop it?
whats was AMMAN COMMITE, whole liyari knows it?
so dont get dejected, if he is been called a active member of liyari gang war?

Even if it was , I would say good riddance seriously !

The Leaders of Aman Committee aren't really working for peace and stability , this is just another group on the block working for its interests and influence .

war between arshad papu & uzair baluch groups, is a well established fact, which shou
dnt be denied just to gain political advantages?
cause it can bring dengerous fire in karachi, the heart of pakistan?

Are you somehow from this city ? :what: Yes it can , surely , but is the point of living in the fear of criminals and terrorists ?
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if a dead one was criminal, gangster, or a traitor he is going to be called like that, no body can stop it?
whats was AMMAN COMMITE, whole liyari knows it?
so dont get dejected, if he is been called a active member of liyari gang war?

war between arshad papu & uzair baluch groups, is a well established fact, which shou
dnt be denied just to gain political advantages?
cause it can bring dengerous fire in karachi, the heart of pakistan?

One down three to go

Are you somehow from this city ? :what: Yes it can , surely , but is the point of living in the fear of criminals and terrorists ?

yes i was born & razed in karachi?
even though my father was a educated NIAZI!
known many of these characters since the days of NSF, thn after my special duty times, went to know them too deep?;);)
was a student at urdu arts college?
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Some serious gang war really !! Conflict b/w Baloch & Kutchi gangs in Lyari ! Are Kutchis Sindhi's or Muhajir's ?

And on whose side is this Uzair Baloch, Baba Ladla and three slain men namely Arshad Pappu, Saqib Boxer and Zafar Baloch ? PPP or MQM
That rhymes ! :D

my mother was from a educated urdu speaking family, even though allways got beaten up by her more often?:lol:
she was voilent, abu was cool? cause everytime after beatings he keep giving money to me?;)
& was vocal against me going in ARMY, cause he thought nt strong enough, bt i did proved him wrong after kargill?:smokin:

Some serious gang war really !! Conflict b/w Baloch & Kutchi gangs in Lyari ! Are Kutchis Sindhi's or Muhajir's ?

And on whose side is this Uzair Baloch, Baba Ladla and three slain men namely Arshad Pappu, Saqib Boxer and Zafar Baloch ? PPP or MQM

double hai , double hai aglla stop dabbaa key, @W11

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