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Le Vietnam, La France et la Francophonie

joining in Greater China means great benifit for vietnam——safety ,money ,higher living standards.......

A Union of equals in a distant future? maybe, who knows?
Say never No.
Does police and security forces in Vietnam use round cap.

it is a combination of soviet-chinese-vietnamese style


Vietnam ready to host Francophone Summit in 2014


(VOV) - Assistant to the Foreign Minister, Nguyen Ngoc Son, has announced Vietnam’s facilities, international prestige, and previous experience qualify it to host the 15th Francophone Summit in 2014.

During a four-day working visit to Ottawa in Canada from October 1-4, Son who is also a Francophone Special Envoy of State President Truong Tan Sang met with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s advisor and the assistants of the Canadian Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Francophone and Asia).

Son expressed his hope that Vietnam’s organisation of the event will successfully contribute to cooperation within the community of French-speaking nations. He also asked the Canadian Government to support Vietnam’s bid.

Meeting with Mr. Peter McGovern, Asia Assistant Deputy Minister and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade’s Chief Trade Commissioner, Son submitted a letter from Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh to his Canadian counterpart John Baird.

Both sides discussed ways of celebrating the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Canada.

While visiting Quebec, Son also presented a letter from State President Truong Tan Sang to Quebec Governor Pauline Marois.

Established in 1970, the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) connects French-speaking nations and territories with the aim of maintaining and developing cooperation in all fields. Cultural matters are a special focus of member countries.

The Francophone Summit is held biennially, with the 14th summit scheduled to take place in Congo later this month.

Vietnam ready to host Francophone Summit in 2014 | VOV Online Newspaper
What's the benefit for joining the British Commonwealth?

To be honest, I as an Indian don't know the benefits of being a part of the commonwealth. It was good when we were a basket case in the 60s and 50s but today with UK going down, being part of commonwealth doesn't give us much strategic depth. In fact, personally speaking, I don't know why our government hasn't withdrawn India's candidature in the Commonwealth.

My personal advise to the Vietnamese:

Stick to making ASEAN strong. Make sure that everyone from Myanmar to Indonesia is strongly united as a political-economic-military wing along the lines of NATO. Make sure that you all respect each others' sovereignty so that no outside takes advantage of your disunity.

If ASEAN becomes NATO together as a strong union, Vietnam doesn't need to join any former colonial club.
What is the benefit and purpose to joint this club?

The most visible benefit, which is France supports Vietnam in the training of French language in Vietnam.
If France did not support, we still have to train French language for diplomatic demand.

Further benefits, which is the investment cooperation between Vietnam and other Francophone countries, especially the club has many members from the Dark Continent...

joining in Greater China means great benifit for vietnam——safety ,money ,higher living standards.......

But even the Chinese themselves now do not achieve them: not reunification country, no safety (particularly in Tibet, Xinjiang,...) and the standard of living is much lower in comparison with the US, Europe, Japan, South Korea, some ASEAN countries...
To be honest, I as an Indian don't know the benefits of being a part of the commonwealth. It was good when we were a basket case in the 60s and 50s but today with UK going down, being part of commonwealth doesn't give us much strategic depth. In fact, personally speaking, I don't know why our government hasn't withdrawn India's candidature in the Commonwealth.

My personal advise to the Vietnamese:

Stick to making ASEAN strong. Make sure that everyone from Myanmar to Indonesia is strongly united as a political-economic-military wing along the lines of NATO. Make sure that you all respect each others' sovereignty so that no outside takes advantage of your disunity.

If ASEAN becomes NATO together as a strong union, Vietnam doesn't need to join any former colonial club.

Well, the 10 Southeast Asian Nations are united as ASEAN, including free flow of capital, freedom of travel (no visa necessary), free in doing business, work, labor, all in economics with import/export taxes near Zero. But not in potilics, nor military today. We must wait to see how things develop, whether ASEAN will cooperate in the future. Some latest signs say yes.

I don´t think we will join NATO as Russia and China will see it very negative.

I disagree to your view. Joing the French club brings us many benefits. Indeed we were one of the founders of the French-speaking community. We make friends, promote trade, tourism, increase our presence and influence in the world.

Last but not least many Vietnamese like France. It is a rich country not only in money terms, but full with cultures, French is a beautiful language. And don´t forget France is a permanent Member of UN Security Council. If we successfully tie closer with France, they could become our voice in the UNSC.
Signature d’une convention entre le Vietnam et l’OIF
13/10/2012 11:14 | Le courrier du Vietnam |


Cérémonie de signature de la convention entre le Vietnam et l’OIF, le 12 octobre à Kinshasa. Photo : Hoàng Giang/CVN

Une convention sur la formation au et en français dans le secteur de la diplomatie et la fonction publique du Vietnam a été signée le 12 octobre à Kinshasa entre l’administrateur de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), Clément Duhaime, et l'assistant du ministre vietnamien des Affaires étrangères, Nguyên Ngoc Son, en marge du 14e Sommet de la Francophonie qui a lieu du 12 au 14 octobre.

Cette convention de partenariat est destinée à renforcer les capacités de travail en français des diplomates et fonctionnaires vietnamiens en charge de dossiers internationaux, ainsi qu’à promouvoir l’apprentissage, l’usage et la présence du français au sein de l’Académie de diplomatie du Vietnam.

I don´t think we will join NATO as Russia and China will see it very negative.
I think Tshering22's mean that we should develop ASEAN nations to become as strong as NATO .
ASEAN as defence bloc? unrealistic, I believe.
But that's the only way to counter China and US. History prove that both of them can collude to harm VN again and again at any time and we can't count on any other nations to fight against them ,too.

We can't unite with other ASEAN nation like Thailand, Singapore bcz chinese is dominating the economy and the politic of those nations. If China-US push us into the corner like in 1979 again, then it's time to kick out all of chinese in Thai-Sing and set up pro-VN govt. there. Then, not only Laos-Cam joint with our defence bloc but also Thai,Sing will jont, too :P

Don't forget we punished Thailand in 10 years bcz they dare to side with China-US to fight against us .:cool:
does that mean vietnam is a Southeast Asian hegemony?
We helped native Thai to kick out bad chinese in their contry only :cool:

Bcz of bad chinese in ASEAN region that's why ASEAN nations like Thai-Sing-Viet can't stand side by side against China-US expandsionist .

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