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LCH v/s AW-129 comparison

Correct me if I'm wrong but, all that T129 is superior in appears to be speed & climb rate.

LCH still holds upper hand in Max take off weight, Service ceiling, range and stealth features as well.

If you can provide any more info about T129, please do.

Well Tbh I just copy pasted from wiki but on this thread there's two LCH stats that are different. I'm not sure how it's more stealthier as neither look like stealth or we don't know RCS (I'm no expert). There both good helicopters and similar with some being better than other in some categories but T129 is considerably better than A129. I see LCH has higher service ceiling because it's going to be used in high mountains, which is our one is quite high as well as we intend to use it in high areas as well. Also most of the T129 will get Turkish electronics and weapons.

They are both good and similar and just little minor differences.
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