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'LCA-Tejas' undertaking air-to-air refueling from an IL-78 Tanker aircraft.

Pakistan humilates India in 2019, India gets its ancient Mig21 shot down

China beats 20 Indian soldiers to death

Honestly where is Tejas, what's the point of this plane when so many years go by and so many incidents and this plane is still sitting in hangor or getting tested or something

JF17 has been there, when we needed it last year it was there armed and dropping bombs on Indian military sites
On mission to protect our skies and borders

Even you Indians must be a little tired of the endless Tejas saga
Pakistan humilates India in 2019, India gets its ancient Mig21 shot down

China beats 20 Indian soldiers to death

Honestly where is Tejas, what's the point of this plane when so many years go by and so many incidents and this plane is still sitting in hangor or getting tested or something

JF17 has been there, when we needed it last year it was there armed and dropping bombs on Indian military sites
On mission to protect our skies and borders

Even you Indians must be a little tired of the endless Tejas saga
it's one of their "i got a big Di_k project"
Indians are very intelligent race, look at the CEO line up of MNC's.. the academic excellance.. wow beyond what ur country ever able to achieve.

We've reached. MARS and u poor still at LOC... move on dear.. do something productive, make ur country proud.

You will see Indian as old as 25 being CEOs of INDIAN SPACEX. Not one but 3.
Wait till Nov 2020, You will see, what I mean.

For indians there is a world beyond LOC and LAC.

Get used to it.

PS : if you still face issues , please use Burnol.

What race are Indians lmao ?

You guys are rambling as if Indians are some special race dropped by the powers that be smack bang in the middle of the sub continent and for what ?

It's true there are many CEOs of Indian heritage but that's mostly their personal achievement as individuals, not India's national achievement.

It's all about education and opportunity, this is what defines who has how many CEOs, as if having CEOs is a measure of national development.

India is set to remain a poor country for decades to come, the real race we should be gearing up for is which one of us is the first nation to eradicate poverty, hunger, malnutrition and the first to ascend to the annals of developed nations.

Good luck to all nations of South Asia in this regard.

Anyhow, just needed to point out the obvious, don't bash me, I have no beef with normal Indians.

You will see Indian as old as 25 being CEOs of INDIAN SPACEX. Not one but 3.
Wait till Nov 2020, You will see, what I mean.

For indians there is a world beyond LOC and LAC.

Get used to it.

PS : if you still face issues , please use Burnol.

What that has to do with anything defense related? After all, those MNCs are either American or European based it brings no value to India GDP etc.


Why are Indians panic buying foreign made aircrafts if LCA is ready for prime time ?

Any thread on Tejas and Pakistanis have their feather ruffled. I never understood it.
Is that because -

1) They still cannot name a single product designed, developed, manufactured from Pakistan in the JF-17?

2) Is that because they still cannot manufacture even the airframe a 100%?

3) Is that because they truly cannot show off any contribution on that plane?

4) Is that because they cannot even overhaul the aircraft on their own?

5) Is that because every upgrade, every improvement has to be made in China?

6) Is that because they have learnt 0 in airplane design, development? They have no testing facilities at all?

7) Is that because even the missile that is fired from the plane also has to come from China?

8) Is that because they can't even attempt a hot-refueling since they don't know what to expect.

I can go on but I rest my case. Indians should go easy on them. Honestly, I would feel the same too if Tejas was produced like the Jf-17.

LCA is designed by Dassulat , its engine is US .. rest just here and there stuff is Indian but still its not capable enough to be used as a front line fighter , no surprise for us , we know anything that has just a handful of made in India parts will be very poor in quality , though Indians will generate a lot of gas about it being all that it never will be
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