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LCA MARK 2 network centric diagram

The Maverick

Jan 4, 2016
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United Kingdom
Photo depicts an A-400M Atlas military transport aircraft. Such an aircraft does not exist in the indian Air Force. Are indians in the habit of depicting aircraft which are not present in their inventory, nor have they been indicated as a deal signed for procurement?
@JamD I think it's safe to say that the IAF is about to buy into (if it hasn't already) air-teaming UAVs. This is definitely an area the PAF needs to double-up -- maybe even prioritize ahead of the NGFA (which tbh I think the IAF is doing). If the 'shortfall' is not having enough platforms to deploy BVRAAMs, then I would think low-cost air-teaming UCAVs would be the solution (?)
I think the giant strides in satalite capability , new found radar and computimg networking tech has helped india in its aerospace indengious plans

The Tejas & Amca will be fully networked to all systems be it unmanned drones wing men , satalites comms and radars and ground based missles not to mention naval assets.

India looks to be really upping the ante in aerospace now THANK GOD for Tejas esco system
Love this picture guys

Tejas mark 2 will be fully networked with indian satalites , warships awacs and other fighters

This will be a super sper hit. The IAF is going to have a ball with this one :laugh: 8-) 8-)
Whoah flashback from 2005

Keep your flashbacks to yourself
I think the giant strides in satalite capability , new found radar and computimg networking tech has helped india in its aerospace indengious plans

The Tejas & Amca will be fully networked to all systems be it unmanned drones wing men , satalites comms and radars and ground based missles not to mention naval assets.

India looks to be really upping the ante in aerospace now THANK GOD for Tejas esco system

Yes but mor fundamentally....all designs are evolutionary.

a) Tejas Mk2 FBW is basically an upgraded one of Mk1
b) Tejas program started with no Radar and Mk2 will have an upgraded Uttam system
c) So much experience working on mission computers and Avionics (MKI, Tejas Hawk etc.)

Fact is Mk2 is just a blending of a lot of tech we already have into a super capable product. The poor buggers who started LCA were told;
a) We don't have radar so build one from scracth
b) we don't have FBW so build one from scratch and so on.

LCA Mk2 actually has several advantages helping it off unlike Mk1
Photo depicts an A-400M Atlas military transport aircraft. Such an aircraft does not exist in the indian Air Force. Are indians in the habit of depicting aircraft which are not present in their inventory, nor have they been indicated as a deal signed for procurement?
I think they by mistake posted it instead of the Airbus C-295 that we have purchased.
my guess india will feild 6 sqds of tejas by 2028 or 20 % of total combat fleet by 2028

by 2035 they will add mark 2 in similar now ie 12 sqds tejas 1 and 2 or 40%0 of fleet

by 2040 I expect to see 60 Amca fighters,

that's 300 tejas,1 and 2 and Amca
the remain 300 fighters mix of Rafale su30mki super and potential su57 in small.nos maybe.

regardless 50%of our air Force fleet will swadeshi Indian
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