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Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals


Oct 12, 2010
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Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

The assassin of the outspoken Pakistani governor was showered with rose petals by lawyers and people as he made his appearance in a court room to face murder charges, laying bare the increasing radicalisation of the Pakistani society.

Mumtaz Qadri, the police bodyguard who killed the Punjab governor Salman Taseer, appeared unrepentant in court, where waiting lawyers showered him with rose petals and others in the crowd slapped his back and kissed his cheek as he was led out amid heavy security, British newspaper The Guardian reported.

The paper said that religious organisations applauded the murder of the moderate governor and hailed his killer as 'Ghazi', religious warrior underscoring Pakistan's journey from a nation defined by moderate Islam to one increasingly influenced by fundamentalists.

The internet in Pakistan has been flooded by fan pages for Qadri, with one facebook page attracting over 2,000 followers before being taken down and there were even small demonstrations in favour of the killer in the country's turbulent Northwest.

While the big mainstream political parties condemned the murder and a tearful thousands attended his funeral, the big and small religious outfits declared that he deserved to be killed for his views.

The Guardian quoting police officials said that Qadri, 26, was a known radical in the police service who had previously been declared unfit by superiors for guarding VIPs. Qadri told interrogators that he was proud to have killed a blasphemer.

"We pay rich tributes and salute the bravery, valour and faith of Mumtaz Qadri," acclaimed Jamaate Ahle Sunnat Pakistan, one of the biggest organisations of Barelvi, representing 500 religious scholars.

The assassination has further deepened turmoil in nuclear-armed Pakistan, where the economy is barely scraping by and suicide attacks by Islamic extremist groups are mounting.

The government is struggling with the collapse of its ruling coalition.

"Words like liberal and secular have become demonised in the nation," The Guardian said quoting political leaders.

Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals - World - DNA
if its true - its shame to man kind not just to paksitan, country has not much to do with it. they can only force law,

but how low the human have stooped its not joke.
nothing new its similar to how BAL THACKREY AND COMPANY got respect for over running babri masjid!

or how MODI & BABU BAJRANGI were appaluded and MODI reelected in gujrat!

or how sikhs applauded the man who killed indra gandhi.......
You people still cry over Babri masjid.That is the hard part.everywhere we have hardliners and they are gaining more and more
Need of the hour is for the saner minds to prevail.
In India noone has killed Arundhati Roy .Nor has China killed Xiabao.
People can have dissenting voice.we should respect their space.

Everyone can have differences but hailing a murderer as a Ghazi is wrong . so wrong......
and that is why the world is worried.That liberal voices will be thrown out of Pakistan and
it might turn a Talibani den like Afghanistan.

We are not making fun or raising accusations.
We point out because Pakistan is crucial.NOt just for India , or asia but for world.
For a safer world.Peace needs to prevail in Pakistan and sadly seeing the views of these lawyers , it gets people across globe worried.
The lawyers are the politicized scum of Pakistan, no good can be expected of them. As for the religious parties they represent the views of a microscopic minority within Pakistan. The actions of a dozen or so lawyers should not be taken as a representation of this countries views on this sad incident. Most Pakistani condemn this sort of blatant disregard for human life.
^^^... But they are the ones who will put Qadri to trial. Does anyone think it will be a fair trial then?
^^^... But they are the ones who will put Qadri to trial. Does anyone think it will be a fair trial then?

He will be tried under Anti-Terrorist courts, I'm hoping that the judges there will not be influenced by his "I did it for Islam" card.
He will be tried under Anti-Terrorist courts, I'm hoping that the judges there will not be influenced by his "I did it for Islam" card.

I sure hope so... The repercussion of an unfair trial will set up a very dangerous precedence for the nation.
I sure will be following the trials intently through this forum.
I sure hope so... The repercussion of an unfair trial will set up a very dangerous precedence for the nation.
I sure will be following the trials intently through this forum.

I doubt he can escape justice since there is no shortage of evidence of his complete involvement in the killing. I think the killer knew that he would become famous within extremist circles and thought that it could help him avoid justice because he asked fellow police officers that should he ever kill Taseer, they shouldn't shoot him as he would surrender without resistance. Sounds too well planned for an assassination plan hatched in 3 days.......
I consider myself a moderate muslim, having seen the 'world' , studied in UK , Lived in Europe , Studied books from the multi-million pound Learning Resource centre of University of Hertfordshire all the way to the small cabinet 'library' of my local masjid . The 'murder' is wrong however i am willing to give some benefit of 'doubt' here to the killer .
That elite force guard was deployed with ST atleast 5 times before , ST may have said something (not covered by any camera ) which the guard was a witness to and thus confirmed to him that TS was a blasphemar.
I consider myself a moderate muslim, having seen the 'world' , studied in UK , Lived in Europe , Studied books from the multi-million pound Learning Resource centre of University of Hertfordshire all the way to the small cabinet 'library' of my local masjid . The 'murder' is wrong however i am willing to give some benefit of 'doubt' here to the killer .
That elite force guard was deployed with ST atleast 5 times before , ST may have said something (not covered by any camera ) which the guard was a witness to and thus confirmed to him that TS was a blasphemar.

He mentioned no such comment, in his confession he says he killed him for calling the Blasphemy Laws as being "Black Laws".
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