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Latest news about Oil Gas possible discovery

EXXON is responsible and mature company. they will only announce when they will find something confirmed


That is what I meant, that all these sensational news channal reporting "huge discovery" means nothing to me. I will only believe when ExxonMobil itself announce something.
Why are they drilling if there is nothing there??

They are doing deep drilling which is done only once positive results are obtained from shallow drilling, oil/gas is definitely there. The deep drilling is to accurately measure the total amount of oil/gas deposit at the drilling point.
Had Pakistan invested on education, our awam would have kicked out these two families in early 90s... Only education is the way forward..
PhD jaylas and matwals will disagree...
i use to think the same but its the educated lot who support them more..you will see the most educated people voting for PPPP and PMLN..
PhD jaylas and matwals will disagree...
i use to think the same but its the educated lot who support them more..you will see the most educated people voting for PPPP and PMLN..

I see the opposite ... Most educated people prefer PTI. Me being one of them and also the rest of my family and relatives..

All university (western) educated.
Pakistan was energy rich in 1970s we had gas we had cheaply hydro power but we wasted that...

No amount of oil and gas is going to help you if bilawal and maryum are back....
Look at nigeria energy rich, exporter but whats the benefit ?
You don't want to know how we wasted it, but i'll tell you people let there gas oven on because it was considered cheaper than lighting a match.
We wasted sui gas because of fix gas bill policy of government .I remember in Lahore people left gas stove on all the time because what ever amount you use the bill will not exceed 250rs
I used to pray to Allah day and night to give us huge oil and gas reserves and check my phone as soon as I woke up. Everyday the first thing I did when I wake up — despite the fact that I use an old alarm clock — is reach for my phone and check the latest news about oil and gas reserves in Pakistan, I continued to do it for a long time until I devoted some time to thinking that do we Pakistanis really deserve such blessing?:( An Afghan told me that many Pakistanis are vulgar and not good Muslims like Saudis, one Saudi even insulted me because of my country and said that Allah will turn Pakistan upside down just like he sent earthquakes in 2005 in Pakistan as he has seen the current situation and Aurat March in Pakistan, many Afghans made fun of Pakistanis calling them "heera mandi nasal" just because of some immoral ways of our society as he has seen some shameful people of this country but still I will never stop praying, they should not poke their noses in other country's affairs or paint everyone with the same brush, hurtful generalizations have become so widespread that it has also become common to lump a whole group of people with their radical counterparts.
I urged them to drop the stereotypes, I am confused because of those people, don't know whether to continue to pray or not, only Allah has right to judge, not them.

I will continue to pray, Pakistan will InshaAllah rise again. :pakistan:

Always ought to stand up for yourself and make a retort when you disagree with what others say, learn to shut out other people's opinions I am 100% sure other Pakistanis faced the same situation like me, I don't know why those people hate Pakistan so much and try to find bad sides of it after All, we are also Muslims like them.

Then pray that the dicovered oil is used for the country not and pakistanis reap the benefit of it. And pray that corruption is eradicated from society ... otherwise Pakistan will be next Nigeria
There has been so many news of Gas and Oil discoveries in Pakistan and all were proven to be false news. So this news is also fake news until it makes Pakistan self-sufficient in oil and gas.
There has been so many news of Gas and Oil discoveries in Pakistan and all were proven to be false news. So this news is also fake news until it makes Pakistan self-sufficient in oil and gas.
Your words hurt but they are true
We wasted sui gas because of fix gas bill policy of government .I remember in Lahore people left gas stove on all the time because what ever amount you use the bill will not exceed 250rs
even today by using old outdated geaser placed outside in cold we waste gas and cry..when oil minister said that either use new geaser or boil water on stove..he was ridiculed..to me he was saying the truth..this is kind a soceity we live in..
This news was good when it was announced initially. Now it is dragging on for months and we are still hearing about discovery stage.

Unless we don’t hit the jackpot this news needs to be given some rest.
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