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Lashkar readies para-gliders to launch suicide attack on India: Intel

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No, Pak cannot afford a war at this stg, India still can. That said I think war is not the answer. Pak, I think, has realised that " doorsron ke liye gadda khodnene waala apne banaye gadde men gir jata hai" No offence. India learnt that too in a different cardinal dirn.
Times of India is involved in Aman ki Asha, and for that I give them much respect. I can understand that as a news organization they must inform the people. However, such unsubstantiated reports from unknown sources do nothing to help the mutual distrust. An Indian reading this will think, "Those Pakistanis, they want to attack India, well let them come, we'll destroy them". On the other hand, a Pakistani reading this would think, "Here we go again, Indian media on a war-mongering rampage, their politicians and public will follow suit. If they want war, let's show them what real terror is". This certainly doesn't promote "Aman ki Asha".

There is a very remote possibility that the LeT may be able to use para-gliding in their ops (Tamil Tigers had an Air Arm as well as a Naval Arm). However, it is foolish to say that the ISI has ordered them to do so, or that they can even pull something like this off. If the Indian forces have amped up security, then good for them, they must do so rather than regret later. However, simply because certain exercises were held doesn't mean the threat is very credible, it just means that the Indians want to take no chances.

I, personally, would not support any attack on any Indian civilians within any Indian city or elsewhere. I do, however, support the struggle for freedom by Kashmiris in every form; political, social or military. It would be inhumane not to.
News Break - Times of India

Lashkar E Taiba has managed to acquire US Tomahawk cruise missiles with daisy cutter warheads and have threatened to hold India to ransom. Beware of this enemy......we have always said Pakistan helps LeT, this now proves our claim, see, we used to say this all along, now I told you so........
Times of India is involved in Aman ki Asha, and for that I give them much respect. I can understand that as a news organization they must inform the people. However, such unsubstantiated reports from unknown sources do nothing to help the mutual distrust. An Indian reading this will think, "Those Pakistanis, they want to attack India, well let them come, we'll destroy them". On the other hand, a Pakistani reading this would think, "Here we go again, Indian media on a war-mongering rampage, their politicians and public will follow suit. If they want war, let's show them what real terror is". This certainly doesn't promote "Aman ki Asha".

There is a very remote possibility that the LeT may be able to use para-gliding in their ops (Tamil Tigers had an Air Arm as well as a Naval Arm). However, it is foolish to say that the ISI has ordered them to do so, or that they can even pull something like this off. If the Indian forces have amped up security, then good for them, they must do so rather than regret later. However, simply because certain exercises were held doesn't mean the threat is very credible, it just means that the Indians want to take no chances.

I, personally, would not support any attack on any Indian civilians within any Indian city or elsewhere. I do, however, support the struggle for freedom by Kashmiris in every form; political, social or military. It would be inhumane not to.

Out of topic but this needs response.
Pakistan dreams of merging Kashmir into itself not freedom of Indian state.
Pakistan dreams of merging Kashmir into itself not freedom of Indian state.

So does Indians also dream about a lot of things related to Pakistan, so you guys have your dreams and let us do ours. Future will tell whose dreams get fulfilled and whose not.

Till then :cheers:
Pakistan dreams of merging Kashmir into itself not freedom of Indian state.
I don't think it's off-topic at all. It is the overt objective of LeT who are under discussion.

I made it plain, my concern is freedom for Kashmiris and their right to determine what that freedom is. I can't speak for all Pakistanis, I do not have that right, but I have never met a Pakistani who said the Kashmiris should be denied the right to choose, which is more than I can say about my Indian friends.

However, even if we take what you said to be true, about half or more of the valley's population also seems to support the idea of merging with Pakistan (as reported by the BBC). Why else would half a million people defy the BSF and show up to a rally in Srinagar? Why would thousands of youth violate a curfew and demonstrate in the streets? Why is it that every Kashmiri I have ever met (more than a couple in Canada and a few in UAE) seems to love Pakistan more than many Pakistanis? There must be something to it, right?

"Freedom" means different things in different parts of Jammu and Kashmir, and I admit that there is a minority pro-Indian support as well. You may choose to disagree, but you can't deny that whatever "freedom" means, for most, freedom is impossible under Indian rule.

And you're right, now I'm going off-topic, so I'll shut up before the mods shut me up.
I don't think it's off-topic at all. It is the overt objective of LeT who are under discussion.

I made it plain, my concern is freedom for Kashmiris and their right to determine what that freedom is. I can't speak for all Pakistanis, I do not have that right, but I have never met a Pakistani who said the Kashmiris should be denied the right to choose, which is more than I can say about my Indian friends.

However, even if we take what you said to be true, about half or more of the valley's population also seems to support the idea of merging with Pakistan (as reported by the BBC). Why else would half a million people defy the BSF and show up to a rally in Srinagar? Why would thousands of youth violate a curfew and demonstrate in the streets? Why is it that every Kashmiri I have ever met (more than a couple in Canada and a few in UAE) seems to love Pakistan more than many Pakistanis? There must be something to it, right?

"Freedom" means different things in different parts of Jammu and Kashmir, and I admit that there is a minority pro-Indian support as well. You may choose to disagree, but you can't deny that whatever "freedom" means, for most, freedom is impossible under Indian rule.

And you're right, now I'm going off-topic, so I'll shut up before the mods shut me up.

That is so true, when the freedom fighters in Kashmir call for a strike, every Muslim shop in the valley is shut throughout, that is called support.

And anyway, if the people of Kashmir did not support the freedom struggle then this struggle would not have lasted this long.....that is simple logic, only when the masses support you can freedom fighters too get around.

Remember the term I use, FREEDOM FIGHTERS......not terrorists.
Time is near when CARTOON NETWORK Channel will be finish and people watching and listening

INDIAN News Indian Military chief and US Statements especially lol


by the way kudh ko regional power kehnay wala suport mangta hey har baar America say against Pakistan aur kudh ko REGIONAL power kahtah ye lol exactly ye 90s nahe hey lolzzzzzzzzz

abhe tu 80% tank raath ko kaam nahe kartay tu baki kay jo 20% hain woh din may kaam karna chordengay lol aur eek waqt may China aur Pakistan dono say jang larloogay is movie ka title kya hey ?? lol

LASHKAR-E-TAIBA planning to buy SU30 MKI and Superhornet.... loll just waiting for this news and thread on defence.pk soon lol

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Most funniest Thread i have ever seen on any FORUM!
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Stealth, i agree with you mate, but most these armchair experts won't know that.

Anyways, I could have read your message in normal text man, don't have to go that big, leave that to the Indian media
above news is kinda movie script ??????or is it real....if real then Indian security forces waiting for what ?????
Don't know whether the article is true or not, but one thing is for sure: US & India, both are cooking up something against Pakistan.

US warning the world about Al-Qaeda, operating in N Waziristan, doing this & doing that; while India giving out warnings about a possible terror strike by Let.

Not to forget the firing incidents at eastern borders few days ago & Gate's comment in New Delhi two days ago.

Let's hope & pray for the best. Weather, however, is not looking nice :(
I do, however, support the struggle for freedom by Kashmiris in every form; political, social or military. It would be inhumane not to.

Political or Social support is acceptable.

Military support to secessionists in Kashmir constitutes terrorism, which in turn implies Pakistan sponsoring terrorism in India.

Do know that the same organizations that Pakistan has supported materially, logistically and ideologically have been the very ones who have carried out terrorism in the rest of India as well. And none but Pakistan carry the blame for that.

Be clear in your definitions.
Political or Social support is acceptable.

Military support to secessionists in Kashmir constitutes terrorism, which in turn implies Pakistan sponsoring terrorism in India.

Do know that the same organizations that Pakistan has supported materially, logistically and ideologically have been the very ones who have carried out terrorism in the rest of India as well. And none but Pakistan carry the blame for that.

Be clear in your definitions.

Well, an eye for an eye comes to mind.....

When Indian Security forces carry out state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, with kidnapping, murder, rape and genocide, then you Sir, need to understand that the answering will be given in kind.

Please keep your lecture about innocent people being killed, that does not hold merit in a War unless you are directly effected, then you know the consequences and emotions.

Let me explain, if you go by that logic that NO CIVILIANS should be killed but conduct the killings yourself, as LeT freedom fighters have said, then the LeT would be loosing the Psychological warfare as well as allowing Indians to play ignoring to the plight of the Kashmiri people who are suffering.

Where do you draw the line that no civilians should die. Because I can tell you now, if India and Pakistan, IF, God forbid this ever happens, but if they launch a nuclear strike on the other, whoever gets hit first, during the retaliatory strike, who do they target, quite obviously civilians......by that logic, it would mean they knowing killed INNOCENT UNARMED CIVILIANS. Does not matter about the numbers killed, its the principle of killing civilians.

So, If the terrorist forces in Kashmir stopped the genocide, and basic human rights, like the mobile phone usage fiasco, then Kasmiris (LeT) wouldn't find the need to attack other parts of India.

You attempt to try to disc redit LeT and rally support in Pakistan against it just will not work.

I think India needs to worry now more about the Maoists it has just launched an attack on in 5 States, wonder how that'll turn out......anyway, going off topic there
Political or Social support is acceptable.

Military support to secessionists in Kashmir constitutes terrorism, which in turn implies Pakistan sponsoring terrorism in India.

Do know that the same organizations that Pakistan has supported materially, logistically and ideologically have been the very ones who have carried out terrorism in the rest of India as well. And none but Pakistan carry the blame for that.

Be clear in your definitions.

Ohh, so now we are being told about definitions. And what was that in 71 to Mukhti Bani ?? That in Indian dictionary was helping the freedom seeking people of East Pakistan being butchered, raped by PA, and when we do the same thing, it becomes terrorism.

Perfect example of hypocrisy at its best.
That is so true, when the freedom fighters in Kashmir call for a strike, every Muslim shop in the valley is shut throughout, that is called support.

The same so called freedom fighters boycotted the Indian elections and did you see what happened.. People came out and voted in numbers greater than the national average for the party that does not support seperation from India.

And yes I have heard excuses like, they voted for local governance and not against the seperatists or fudged numbers but thats exactly what they are .. excuses for an attempt fast becoming an Aboriginal boomerang that is now coming back and hitting the same folks who sponsored these so called freedom fighters.
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