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Lashkar readies para-gliders to launch suicide attack on India: Intel

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I have every right to say anything based on my thinking and what I see the reality.

This isn't the first time such warning have been issued, all it is for heighten the tension and for their own internal and external game.

Sir, in that case do you allow me the right to say that all your army is doing in NWFP is also a game and covertly they are allowing the key assets to disperse while making unsubstantiated claims about killing TTP terrorists?

Its very easy to rubbish the efforts of someone and call it a game but then the same can be applied back as well
This time, its not worth taking a chance for. I think the bitter experiance of not acting on the Intelligence on sea based LET attacks previously is doing the tricks here.

I guess such kind of eternal vigil is the chief reason that we had not a single terrorist attack in India in 2009.

As far as your claim, I would call it yet another conspiracy theory.

Call it whatever you want. doesn't matters to us.

All it matters to us, that don't point at us, if your own house isn't in order.

If 50 of these things got into India, it was smuggled in by Indians, being transported around India by Indians, not ISI or Pakistanis.

If that is so, then sorry to be saying this but now India has its own LeT. LeT Indian Chapter. So that has to be destroyed first. Or else, God forbid, such attacks will happen and if India wishes to go to war on that, most welcome. neither will we expect leniency, nor will give any.

Ask the Indian Muslims that why do they give support to such barbarians ???
Sir, in that case do you allow me the right to say that all your army is doing in NWFP is also a game and covertly they are allowing the key assets to disperse while making unsubstantiated claims about killing TTP terrorists?

Its very easy to rubbish the efforts of someone and call it a game but then the same can be applied back as well

Whatever makes you happy :cheers:

By the way our keep assets are someone else, not TTP.

But if wanna think that and gives you happiness, be my guest.
I think LeT has a military base on the moon and they are planning an attack on India with the help of the Martians. Beware India
Para gliding and therby bypassing the external security cordons, with explosives laden suit, to sensitive nuclear installations/ ISRO facilities and blowing themselves up or killing many nuclear/ Space scientists, taking them hostages or maybe even harming the reactor, causing a nuclear disaster.

It isnt that stupid.

don't give them idea:lol:
Call it whatever you want. doesn't matters to us.

All it matters to us, that don't point at us, if your own house isn't in order.

If 50 of these things got into India, it was smuggled in by Indians, being transported around India by Indians, not ISI or Pakistanis.

Hats off to your logic sir.

So I expect you wont be whining about Indias (alleged) involvement in Baluchistan and RAW sponsoriing TTP attacks. Primarily because the groundwork is being carried out by muslims of pakistan, no matter who provoked and financed it.

So in essence all those threads discussing Indian interference in pakistani internal issues should be called BS.
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All the way to Delhi with a para glider -- to me, the article makes no sense

y did u delete my post????

i said i agree to ur points.....But the same will apply to pakistanis also
my post was related to to ur post...
if u dont have answer to the post...dont call it BS..

if u dont like the answer..u just delete it???...tats a nice way...

I wonder, why Indians never see into their own self.

We are much better then you guys, that if we blame India for our internal woes, atleast we do accept our own mistake and say that our own people are involved being helped by foreign elements.

But you guys always point at us, but never catch those who are inside India, who are Indians and helping such thugs.


And not a single BS post, if someone has a decent answer, then reply or else don't bother, as enough of this BS allegation game.

see the above quote..at one point u this is not BS allegation game..then u allege that y indians dont introspect...


P.S: i guess u will delete this post too...coz ur moderator..bt i will anyway post it....
Terrorist use of paragliders is usually a matter of infiltration. Actually using them for attack implies control of the surrounding territory.

That situation doesn't apply to India. It does, however, apply to Afghanistan and Pakistan. How many attacks against U.S., Afghani, and Pakistani facilities have failed because the attackers were stopped at gates or walls? A lot. If suicide bombers have access to paragliders, that security is threatened.
All the way to Delhi with a para glider -- to me, the article makes no sense

not necessary..they can attack any coastal city like 'mumbai' or border cities like 'amritsar'.

Terrorists need not attack Delhi to cause panic...they just need to kill a large number of ppl...
A few out of 170 milllion in india, surely not a comment on all indian muslims. but what about the following people supporting barbarians?

43% Pakistanis have a favorable opinion of LET

If 78% say that LeT did not carried out the 26/11 attack and LeT is not involved in internal attacks the way TTP is doing, then what else are you gonna get out of such surveys.

If LeT had been proven guilty, the way TTP has proved itself, then definitely the result would have been much opposite.

The way the attacks got carried out, the so many unanswered questions regarding the attack, the Indian war hysteria and other stuff, would definitely change the perspective of the people.

Media plays a very important in changing peoples mindset.

How Indian media played the game and how Pakistani media played the game, made hell lot of difference in making peoples mindset on both sides of the border.
Para gliding and therby bypassing the external security cordons, with explosives laden suit, to sensitive nuclear installations/ ISRO facilities and blowing themselves up or killing many nuclear/ Space scientists, taking them hostages or maybe even harming the reactor, causing a nuclear disaster.

It isnt that stupid.

don't give them idea:lol:

I agree :cheers:
Terrorist use of paragliders is usually a matter of infiltration. Actually using them for attack implies control of the surrounding territory.

That situation doesn't apply to India. It does, however, apply to Afghanistan and Pakistan. How many attacks against U.S., Afghani, and Pakistani facilities have failed because the attackers were stopped at gates or walls? A lot. If suicide bombers have access to paragliders, that security is threatened.

Exactly, Its only a matter of time untill these logistsics could possibily be used against pakistani sensitive installations as well. Maybe then people would realise that this is not a fun theory. The Intel here mentioned that LET has got access to such tools, but what could be their specific target, India or Pak, only God and Hafiz Saeed could tell
If 78% say that LeT did not carried out the 26/11 attack and LeT is not involved in internal attacks the way TTP is doing, then what else are you gonna get out of such surveys.

If LeT had been proven guilty, the way TTP has proved itself, then definitely the result would have been much opposite.

The way the attacks got carried out, the so many unanswered questions regarding the attack, the Indian war hysteria and other stuff, would definitely change the perspective of the people.

Media plays a very important in changing peoples mindset.

How Indian media played the game and how Pakistani media played the game, made hell lot of difference in making peoples mindset on both sides of the border.

It depends on what u believe...:hitwall:

LeT openly proclaims that their aim is to islamize india..kill all the hindus..

to u they r gr8 organisation isnt it??

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