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laser-guided missile system will be installed on the IRGC helicopters

well lets be honest here cobra is outdated design no matter how much we update it .
57 years past when bell designed it

Outdated design compared to what exactly?

Russian Mi helicopters hold same design For decades and look like flying cows.

Helicopter is a different world than fighter jet. Most helicopters can be upgraded and modernized with equipment upgrades and avionics. If cobra can fire same armament as a more modern helicopter design than it is doing it’s job.

Building “stealth” helicopters is a waste of time and resources for a country that has one of the largest helicopter fleets in the Middle East and doesn’t deploy outside its borders. So iran is absolutely taking the right approach in keeping its helicopter inventory flying yet modernized.

Helicopters and tanks are the lowest priority items Iran needs right now.
Well considering the number of flir based optronic systems that iran produces ranging from relatively simple sniper scopes right up to targeting pods and hd stabilized optronic mounts for drones and aircraft,where else would iran get all of the components from,I honestly doubt that it would be importing them at this point in the game.
Unfortunately theres just very little information [in english] to be found online about iranian optics and optronics industries,especially of a military nature.About one of the few sources would be information sheets for various products and an old defunct iranian chinese front company store on alibaba that was a front for the iranian rayan roshd company to sell its various products through.
Theres also a thread here that features the different iranian IR/EO systems

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