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Featured Largest Iranian Navy ship sinks after mysterious fire

Turns out you guys are also quite incompetent, no wonder we turned into a shithole country
You turned into a Shithole because your beloved Saddam Hussain was a total genocidal moron who managed to take a thriving Iraq into two wars and totally ruined your country but hey keep blaming it on us "Majoos" you silly little clown!
Considering that the ship stayed afloat for 20 hours while Iran was trying to extinguish the fire, it is unlikely to be a sabotage. Sabotages tend to destroy the hull and make water gush in, thereby sinking the ship quickly. It is most likely to be an accident. Considering that Iran had shot its own ship with a missile last year, there is a good chance that it is the incompetency of Iranian navy that is responsible
This must be the ruthless response that Iran warned Israel about. First they blow up an airliner as revenge for Soleimani, now destroy a ship for Gaza. Go IRGC go.


Remind me what everyone else has done to back the Palestinian Resistance, versus Iran's considerable military support extended to the latter? Some shame won't hurt.

No wonder it is Iran and sardar Soleimani whom Hamas, PIJ, PFLP and PRC leaders as well as their rank and file have been thanking and praising consistently and repeatedly all over the past weeks, not any other state or non-state actor. No wonder it is shahid Soleimani's posters and pictures which Gazans brandish and embrace, not some other commander's.

In that sense: go, all others than Iran, go! Your anti-zionist engagement has been an inspiration to us all... not.
Tehran, Iran – One of Iran’s largest navy ships has sunk after catching fire near the Strait of Hormuz under unclear circumstances.

The Kharg, named after an island nearby that serves as a key oil terminal, caught fire in the early hours of Wednesday local time and more than 20 hours of rescue operations failed to save it, the army said.

An image taken late at night showed crew in life jackets running away with a fire raging behind them. Another image, taken in daytime, showed heavy smoke billowing to the sky and fire still burning.

Iran’s army also identified the Kharg as a “training ship” and confirmed there were almost 400 crew and trainees on board, before adding all of them were safely evacuated.

Translation: PR of the second maritime district of Jask has announced that after a fire broke out at the Kharg vessel and personnel were moved to the beach, the rescue operation for the training vessel failed after 20 hours of all-out work due to the spreading of the fire and the vessel rested in the Jask waters.

A local army official told the semi-official Tasnim news agency that 20 people suffered minor burns.

No reason was provided for the cause of the fire.

The vessel sank close to the port of Jask in the south of the country, near the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway.

The vessel was built in Britain and launched shortly before Iran’s 1979 Revolution and entered the Iranian navy in 1984 after several years of negotiations.

The army official told Tasnim that much of its equipment had been overhauled by Iranian engineers in recent years.

It was capable of providing replenishment at sea to help other ships, could lift heavy cargo and also had launch and landing pads for helicopters.

The Kharg’s sinking marks the latest big naval incident for Iran in recent years.

Last year, a missile was mistakenly fired during a military training exercise at sea, killing 19 sailors and wounding 15 others.

An Iranian navy destroyer also sank in the Caspian Sea in 2018.

The Kharg is certainly NO "training ship",it was the iranian navies only fleet class replenishment ship,essentially it was this vessel that made long duration voyages outside of the persian gulf possible.
If this had happened before the makran was ready,then it would`ve effectively crippled the navies ability to deploy for any length of time outside of the persian gulf.
Regardless of whether it was sabotage or just straight up incompetence,a ship of this importance should not be lost at the dockside,heads need to roll over this,tho if sabotage is confirmed then far more serious measures will need to be taken,ideally the targeting of any facilities that are even suspected of being used by the israelis in any of the gulfie vassal nations
Hopefully the kharg can be salvaged and repaired,tho how long this might take is anyones guess.
This must be the ruthless response that Iran warned Israel about. First they blow up an airliner as revenge for Soleimani, now destroy a ship for Gaza. Go IRGC go.

Meanwhile of course NUCLEAR ARMED pakistan did NOTHING while the us OPENLY MURDERED YOUR OWN CITIZENS FOR FOURTEEN YEARS.....,well apart from a couple of weak protests that were ignored of course. :sarcastic:
You turned into a Shithole because your beloved Saddam Hussain was a total genocidal moron who managed to take a thriving Iraq into two wars and totally ruined your country but hey keep blaming it on us "Majoos" you silly little clown!

Khomeini's export of the revolution attempt led to that war
One of the biggest issues/challenges in navy surface and sub surface vessels is fire. That is why there is so much emphasis on fire handling in the naval profession. Ships are a walking/talking tinder boxes, with lots of combustable materials. If a fire goes outside of a set limit it is very difficult to handle. So yes there is a chance this was just accidental fire. The part that gives me some pause is the sinking. Vessels can burn for hours sometimes longer and often will not sink. The fact the vessel sank speaks to a breach of hull. Furthermore water compartment failed as well. So either this was a multiple massive failures on a number of fronts or this was a major breach and sabotage. If I were a betting person, I would say given the speed of sinking this was a sabotage.
Remind me what everyone else has done to back the Palestinian Resistance, versus Iran's considerable military support extended to the latter? Some shame won't hurt.

No wonder it is Iran and sardar Soleimani whom Hamas, PIJ, PFLP and PRC leaders as well as their rank and file have been thanking and praising consistently and repeatedly all over the past weeks, not any other state or non-state actor. No wonder it is shahid Soleimani's posters and pictures which Gazans brandish and embrace, not some other commander's.

In that sense: go, all others than Iran, go! Your anti-zionist engagement has been an inspiration to us all... not.

Lol you should really go look up what happens in the end to some of these pics of soleimani and co in gaza. You'll be quite surprised at how the locals treat them. It's apparently far from the embracement seen in the PR vids by Iran funded factions. I've seen them being ripped right off.

I actually watched an interview of a Palestinian with roots in Gaza and he did not paint a pretty picture of how most Gazans view ayotollahs. Gaza isn't like Pakistan where you have groups of people legitimately buying into Iran's propaganda. Gazans mostly hate/dislike/detest your ayotollahs.

Hamas boosting Soleimani is just politics. They need money, Iran pays because it needs PR in the arab world and in return Hamas fakes respect. Although that is a dangerous game. Iran once started their own group in Gaza and Hamas shut down those little terrorists pretty quickly.

Meanwhile of course NUCLEAR ARMED pakistan did NOTHING while the us OPENLY MURDERED YOUR OWN CITIZENS FOR FOURTEEN YEARS.....,well apart from a couple of weak protests that were ignored of course. :sarcastic:

Well that's because our traitorous leaders let the Americans do it and didn't mind. I'm not pretending that my country is high and mighty here.

Although we've done more to thwart american goals in Afghanistan than what Iran has done against Israel so...
This must be the ruthless response that Iran warned Israel about. First they blow up an airliner as revenge for Soleimani, now destroy a ship for Gaza. Go IRGC go.

and some pakistanis want to go head to head with ishraeel
Khomeini's export of the revolution attempt led to that war
Too bad your beloved moron bought the lie from your American friends that Iran would only be able to last 3 weeks against Iraqi invasion and totally bankrupted your economy just in the first 2 years of the war alone with only defeat to show for it. Then your beloved Moron went into debt to the tune of $80 billion( 1980's dollars) just to your Saudi and Kuwaiti buddies leading to the invasion of Kuwait once they demanded their money back and your clown Saddam had no way of paying them back. Too bad so sad! No wonder you hate us "Majoos" so much. May that hatred continue to blind you like it has over the last 42 years!
One of the biggest issues/challenges in navy surface and sub surface vessels is fire. That is why there is so much emphasis on fire handling in the naval profession. Ships are a walking/talking tinder boxes, with lots of combustable materials. If a fire goes outside of a set limit it is very difficult to handle. So yes there is a chance this was just accidental fire. The part that gives me some pause is the sinking. Vessels can burn for hours sometimes longer and often will not sink. The fact the vessel sank speaks to a breach of hull. Furthermore water compartment failed as well. So either this was a multiple massive failures on a number of fronts or this was a major breach and sabotage. If I were a betting person, I would say given the speed of sinking this was a sabotage.
Khark burned for 20 hours before sinking. enough time to breach the hull and sink her. People love to see Israeli sabotage in every incident that happens in Iran. As if Israel is really as powerful as people like to imagine.

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