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Language identity in India

Obviously hate for Muslims by Indians is shown in this post

If Muslims dont want to accept pagan culture which their ancestors conquered they should be deported back to Arabia?
Who are you to say where they should go?

as the saying goes when in Rome, do as the Romans do in india if anyone be him whatever does not respect local culture he should be kicked for eg Dawoodi Bohras who were prosecured in their place of origin who were give refuge by Hindus similar like parsis, Tibetans, bahais etc respect the local Gujarati culture and thus are generally viewed favourably by general populace over other Muslim communities and they have hardly faced any prosecution in India well except during Aurangzeb's times

sorry buddy but Muslim ruled India for 1000 years and didnt even try to destroy your religion + whoever born in India stays in hind im sure every indian agrees except RSS bjp goons like you...

lol what India they only managed to rule some regions of north in my state for example Muslim rule didn't even lasted 250 years in my state (Maharashtra) lol and who told you they didn't tried to destroyed Muslim invaders tried to do the same with what they did in other regions they invaded but sadly we Hindus were not in the mood to let happen to our religion what happened with others and fought hard against all odds in preserving it like when Aurangzeb tried to do that he ended up with disintegrating of his mighty empire with courtesy of my community (marathas) :D
I personally think India should break up in to different countries, this is the only way to solve hindu racism against others. I think, Muslims, Sikh, Christians, Jain, Buddhists all should have their own land and their own identity, not hindu identity being forced down their throats.

They all have their own states their own identities no body is forced to do anything. People have the Right to Religion.
Make your wishes carefully kid...last time a Pakistani kid wished the same thing and Bangladesh was created...

Karnataka seems to be a state created without putting any thought into it....Belgaum is largely Marathi speaking area and it ended up with Maharashtra...Similarly many Tulu speaking areas are struck with karnataka...

On the other hand there are many kannada speaking areas in Maharashtra near Karnataka border...something needs to be done about this soon..

There is only one solution give representation to people of all classes and get development to reach the people and all talks of statehood and discontent will cease to exist.

Personally i don't like creating states based on languages. Just create states on a more scientific basis such as based on connectivity, economics etc.
There is only one solution give representation to people of all classes and get development to reach the people and all talks of statehood and discontent will cease to exist.

Personally i don't like creating states based on languages. Just create states on a more scientific basis such as based on connectivity, economics etc.

That is not possible...we can never ever give away our mother tongue....states based on language are created so that every major language gets special status in her respective state...

Imagine how a kid will learn to read, write and speak in his mother tongue if language based states are dissolved and thus dissolving our current education system...
For thousand of years,India has been a place where cultural,racial and religious synthesis has been taken place quite successfully than any other part of the world.This makes it not only impossible but dangerous to make a state exclusive for certain religion or language. The diversity has been and hopefully will continue to be practiced with mutual respect.
In India we have more than 20 languages and we all are proud of them all. Personally I can speak Hindi, English,Marathi,Gujarati,Bhojpuri fluently and understand Punjabi,Haryanvi,Bangali,Nepali but can't speak well.

as the saying goes when in Rome, do as the Romans do in india if anyone be him whatever does not respect local culture he should be kicked for eg Dawoodi Bohras who were prosecured in their place of origin who were give refuge by Hindus similar like parsis, Tibetans, bahais etc respect the local Gujarati culture and thus are generally viewed favourably by general populace over other Muslim communities and they have hardly faced any prosecution in India well except during Aurangzeb's times

lol what India they only managed to rule some regions of north in my state for example Muslim rule didn't even lasted 250 years in my state (Maharashtra) lol and who told you they didn't tried to destroyed Muslim invaders tried to do the same with what they did in other regions they invaded but sadly we Hindus were not in the mood to let happen to our religion what happened with others and fought hard against all odds in preserving it like when Aurangzeb tried to do that he ended up with disintegrating of his mighty empire with courtesy of my community (marathas) :D

Mitra rahu de....to kay edjhawa aahe. Tela kahi kadnar nahi.lols
Did you know, in America/Britain/Germany etc. they have all mandated one specific language as the de facto language of education and government?

Modern America was made up of a large number of immigrants, mostly ethnic German. But today, they pretty much all speak English as their mother tongue, even the ones who were originally of Italian/Scottish/Irish/Polish descent.

Even the Scottish in their own land (Scotland in the north of Britain) all speak English today, less than 1% of Scottish people have any ability to speak Scottish Gaelic, same with the Irish.

As for China, the problem of standardizing language is easier, since we consider all Chinese dialects to be part of the same language. And written Chinese is the same anyway.

not possible with india. diversity of u.s is not a native characteristic.its diversity is because of immigration as u said so its easy for them to "choose".but india do not have a common culture,language,religion of customs and traditions.even in the same religion customs differ according to place.so and languages have evolved here from centuries so its not apt to choose one particular language and force people to follow it.that may lead to anarchy.so there are vernacular educational institutions and also english medium education institutions.people go by their choice.but for the govt official communication central govt wud use hindi of english..and all the states may follow their respective languages or english.
There is only one solution give representation to people of all classes and get development to reach the people and all talks of statehood and discontent will cease to exist.

Personally i don't like creating states based on languages. Just create states on a more scientific basis such as based on connectivity, economics etc.

and who told u that creating a state based on a language is not a scientific basis?? communication plays a prominent role in administration..people of same language tend to have a largely common culture and common set of interests.u must study fazal ali report of states reorganization committee which acepted language can be taken as a base to form a state..im not sayn its the only factor which must be considered.im sayn its also important.
Obviously hate for Muslims by Indians is shown in this post

If Muslims dont want to accept pagan culture which their ancestors conquered they should be deported back to Arabia?
Who are you to say where they should go?

Sorry buddy but Muslim ruled India for 1000 years and didnt even try to destroy your religion + whoever born in India stays in hind im sure every indian agrees except RSS bjp goons like you...

Yes muslims ruled India for 1000 years and had a great empire ... but when muslims started ruling muslims for the past 65 or so years look where it brought them .... heck they are even ready to destroy their own religion. A little bit of introspection would go a long way. Stop spazing over past glory work for the future.
This article reflects something that is extremely difficult to answer with any degree of certainty.How much is the identity of non-Hindus/Buddhists/Jain/Sikh i.e. primarily Muslim & Christian connected with Indian culture? How can a connection be established? Is the answer being "culturally Hindu" as the BJP & RSS say? Can one be culturally Hindu & still be a "proper" Muslim or Christian? Or is a certain dilution of identity required? Which identity is more amenable to dilution? Is that the correct way to look at it? Your opinions would be welcome.
(While Pakistan may not have a direct question of religious identity, language produces much the same issues & even religion is not as clearly definable & open to interpretation by various sects leading to much the same angst.)

The answer is as simple as you want it to be ......

What is culture ? .......its the language we speak, food we eat, jokes we tell, our stories, legends and Mythologies, crops we grow, value systems we imbibe, Names we give our children, how we treat others, social behavior we unconsciously follow, political structure we take to naturally, natural knowledge systems that has taken roots and all this stems from Continuity of Existence.

What is the essence of religion ? ...is it the rituals, the culture, or the fundamental belief system, is it the philosophy or is it all of it together ?

Hindus dont eat beef because Cow is God .........hindu's dont eat beef because we sustain ourselves on the milk the cow gives and hence we call it our mother. Hence not killing our 'mother' and eating her to satisfy our greed is part of our value system. Sacrifice is part of our value system. controling our panchendriya (five senses) is part of our culture.

When you abandon that value system, You throw away a LARGE part of who you are and who your ancestors were, your culture. That is why eating beef is/was considered a important necessity in conversions rituals in India, be it Islam or christian. This is why beef is so controversial. It represents much more than proteins and carbohydrates.

How do you grow roots ? ...by linking to your ancestors and their fore fathers.

So when you ask yourselves what is the name your are going to give your kid, the stories you are going to tell him/her, the food you will give, language you will speak, etc ...you are going to define your culture, they way your parents did for you.

But Trees with shallow roots that try to link with roots in Arabia or Europe will always live in fear of being toppled by the wind.
Obviously hate for Muslims by Indians is shown in this post

If Muslims dont want to accept pagan culture which their ancestors conquered they should be deported back to Arabia?
Who are you to say where they should go?

Sorry buddy but Muslim ruled India for 1000 years and didnt even try to destroy your religion + whoever born in India stays in hind im sure every indian agrees except RSS bjp goons like you...

oye bohra,

jiski laati uski bhains,bakwaas bandh kar.
India is a powder keg.

One ethnicity is bound to be exploited and announce their independence.

I always found Tamil Indians different from the rest.

They are usually smart, nice, and don't have hate towards Muslims or Pakistan.

I feel like Indians in general ride on the backs of the successful segments of their society.
India is a powder keg.

One ethnicity is bound to be exploited and announce their independence.

I always found Tamil Indians different from the rest.

They are usually smart, nice, and don't have hate towards Muslims or Pakistan.

I feel like Indians in general ride on the backs of the successful segments of their society.

I always find it amusing that the pakistani and chinese trollers have an obsession with Tamils .
India is a powder keg.

One ethnicity is bound to be exploited and announce their independence.

I always found Tamil Indians different from the rest.

They are usually smart, nice, and don't have hate towards Muslims or Pakistan.

I feel like Indians in general ride on the backs of the successful segments of their society.

Im a Tamilan, we belive in "yaathum oore yaavarum kelir".

we never have hate towards muslims/christians/jews/parsis/white/black/yellow. but never friendly of like whom ever want to hurt or to divide us, I stands with my India with my Bro's & sis's from all over India, we fight with us like how a bro-sis-bro-sis fights at home. when ever we have a external enemy we stand united...

Tamil Punch to whom want to divide us: "poongada pikalii payaluingalaaaa...!"

Details of "yaathum oore yaavarum kelir"

சங்க இலக்கியத்தைச் சேர்ந்த, எட்டுத் தொகை நூல்களுள் ஒன்றான புறநானூற்றில், கணியன் பூங்குன்றனார் என்னும் புலவர், "யாதும் ஊரே, யாவரும் கேளிர்'' (புறம் 192) என்று தொடங்கும் இப்பாடலில் உலகம் முழுவதையும் ஒரு குடும்பமாகக் காணவேண்டும் என வலியுறுத்தியுள்ளார். மனித குலம் முழுவதையும் ஒன்றாகக் கண்ட அவர்தம் விரிந்த பரந்த உள்ளம் இதில் புலனாகிறது. ஔவையார் அவர்கள், ஒரு நாடு பெருமையும் சிறப்பும் அடைய வேண்டும் எனின், அதில் வாழும் மாந்தரே அதற்குப் பொறுப்பாக வேண்டும் என்று, அதாவது வாழ்வாங்கு வாழவேண்டும் என்று

எவ்வழி நல்லவர் ஆடவர்
அவ்வழி நல்லை வாழிய நிலனே'' (புறம் 177)

என்று அழகாகப் புலப்படுத்தியுள்ளார்.

ரிக் வேதத்தின் ஒரு பகுதியான புருஷஸுக்கத்தில் "உலகத்திலுள்ள அனைவருக்கும், விலங்குகள், பறவைகள் போன்ற எல்லா உயிரினங்களுக்கும் மங்கலமும் நன்மையும் ஏற்பட வேண்டும். நிகழ்காலத்திலும், எதிர்காலத்திலும் ஏற்படும் துன்பங்களுக்கு அமைதியை அளிக்கவல்ல நல்ல செயல்களையே நாங்கள் வேண்டுகிறோம்'' என்னும் பொருளை உடைய மந்திரம் காணப்படுகிறது. இந்த மந்திரம், சமூதாய ஒற்றுமைக்கு அடிக்கல்லாக விளங்குகிறது. உலக சகோதரத்துவத்தின் பெருமையையும் சிறப்பினையும் இது விளக்க வல்லதாகத் திகழ்கிறது.

பவபூதி என்பவர் எழுதியுள்ள 'மாலதி மாதவம்' என்னும் நாடகத்தில் (7ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில் வாழ்ந்த புகழ் பெற்ற வட மொழிக் கவிஞர்)

"சிவமஸ்து ஸர்வ ஜகதாம்
பரஹிதநிரதா பவந்து பூதகணா >
தோஷா ப்ரயாந்து சாந்தி
ஸர்வ த்ர ஸுகம் பவது லோகே >>

என்னும் உயர்ந்த கருத்தினை வெளிப்படுத்தியுள்ளார். உலகத்தில் அனைவருக்கும் எல்லாவிதமான ஸௌபாக்கியங்களும் இருக்க வேண்டும். பிறருக்கு நன்மையே செய்ய வேண்டும் என்னும் எண்ணம் வரவேண்டும். தவறுகள், குற்றங்கள் போன்றவை நீங்கப்பெற்று, எல்லா வழிகளிலும் அனைவருக்கும் மகிழ்ச்சியும் அமைதியும் கிடைக்க வேண்டும் என்பது இதன் பொருளாகும்.

"பாவ அத்வைதம் ஸதா குர்யாத்''

என்று சமூகத்தில் ஒற்றுமையுடன் அனைவரும் சேர்ந்து இருக்க வேண்டும் என்னும் எண்ணம் ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் வர வேண்டும். 'நான்' என்பதைச் சற்றே விரிவுபடுத்தி, 'நாம்' என்னு எண்ணும் பழக்கமும் வர வேண்டும். பிறருக்கு உதவி செய்வதற்காகவே இவ்வுடல் நமக்கு அளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது என்று வேதம் கூறுகிறது. இத்தகைய எண்ணமானது. (பிறருக்கு உதவ வேண்டும் என்னும் எண்ணம்) யாரிடத்திலும் பயனை எதிர்பார்க்காத அன்பைப் பொங்கச் செய்கிறது.

"வஸூதைவ குடும்பகம்''
"ஸர்வதேசே புவனத்ரயம்'' என்று

"பன்னரும் உபநிட நூலெங்கள் நூலே
பார்மிசை ஏதொரு நூலிது போலே'' (பாரதியார் - எங்கள் நாடு)

என்று மகாகவியால் பாராட்டப்பெற்ற உபநிடதங்களில் அனைவருக்கும் ஒற்றுமை உணர்வு ஏற்பட வேண்டும். சகோதரத்துவம் வளர வேண்டும் என்னும் உயர்ந்த நோக்கத்தின் பின்னணியில், "இஷ்டம்'', "பூர்த்தம்'' என்று இரு செயல்முறைகள் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன. வடமொழியின் நிகண்டான அமரகோசத்தில்

"த்ரிண்வய ருதுகர்மஷ்டம் பூர்தாதி கர்ம யத்''

என்று இவைபற்றி குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன. இஷ்டம் என்றால் எல்லா உயிரினங்களுக்கும் நன்மை ஏற்பட வேண்டும் என்று செய்யப்படும் செயல்களும். பூர்த்தம் என்றால், கிணறு தோண்டுதல், குளங்களை வெட்டுதல், சாலைகளைச் செப்பனிடுதல், மரங்களை நடுதல், கல்வி நிலையங்களை ஏற்படுத்துதல், கோயில்களைக் கட்டுதல் போன்று அனைவரும் சேர்ந்து செய்யத்தக்க செயல்கள் ஆகும்.
and who told u that creating a state based on a language is not a scientific basis?? communication plays a prominent role in administration..people of same language tend to have a largely common culture and common set of interests.u must study fazal ali report of states reorganization committee which acepted language can be taken as a base to form a state..im not sayn its the only factor which must be considered.im sayn its also important.

Its important factor but it divides the people.
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