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Lal Shabaaz urs: Scorching heat claims 34 lives

Agree...I have no problems accepting prophets...It is part of my faith...everyone needs guidance in 1 form or another...My question is why and how from dead people?

Now my understanding:

You have a prophet/ guru guiding you through the forest and teaching you all his skills (holy scriptures ...giving you map and survival points, tips) as you go ...suddenly he is dead (not with you) will you ask a dead body to protect you from animals? or will you utilize the knowledge he gave and continue going on?

Just my 2 cents! :)
As far as my minimal understanding goes, once a holy prophet/guru takes birth, it is for a specific reason god has sent them. Once they are "dead", their mysterious influence does not end If at all that is the case, then what is the difference between your death, my death and that of the holy prophet's? Their life is an example for us to learn and follow to the extent possible without deviating from the path they have shown us. . Sai baba of shirdi, who calls himself as a fakir and still accepts hindu form of worship, says that whatever your problems might be, their answers will be given from his samadhi(grave). And since he always chants "Allah Malik", I'm sure he cannot be wrong.
And pardon my lack of writing abilities. Actually, I have a lot of things to say but I'm just unable to put it into sentences. :D
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You're right its not obligatory, but its not Haram either
Its not about halal and haram but to go for suicide for something which is not fard/wajib is not sane idea. Auliah of Allah will be sad that 34 people lost their lives just to visit their annual urs....by the way if you guys believe that Aulia Allah are alive in their graves and listen to your prayers then can not they listen to it when you do make dua at home ?

First the link is missing second how is it any of your business what people do please explain it to me?
here is link

I am Pakistani and Muslims and i do care the lives of fellow Muslims and How its your business to ask me this?
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Its not about halal and haram but to go for suicide for something which is not fard/wajib is not sane idea. Auliah of Allah will be sad that 34 people lost their lives just to visit their annual urs....by the way if you guys believe that Aulia Allah are alive in their graves and listen to your prayers then can not they listen to it when you do make dua at home ?

here is link

I am Pakistani and Muslims and i do care the lives of fellow Muslims and How its your business to ask me this?
Good for you beta, enjoy! :crazy:
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As far as my minimal understanding goes, once a holy prophet/guru takes birth, it is for a specific reason god has sent them. Once they are "dead", their mysterious influence does not end If at all that is the case, then what is the difference between your death, my death and that of the holy prophet's? Their life is an example for us to learn and follow to the extent possible without deviating from the path they have shown us. . Sai baba of shirdi, who calls himself as a fakir and still accepts hindu form of worship, says that whatever your problems might be, their answers will be given from his samadhi(grave). And since he always chants "Allah Malik", I'm sure he cannot be wrong.
And pardon my lack of writing abilities. Actually, I have a lot of things to say but I'm just unable to put it into sentences. :D
Interesting view ....

I agree totally with the bold part....We do agree but have differences in how to interpret what we understand...

To my understanding their examples do carry on...in the Quran we have examples of at least 25 messengers....their life story and inspiring moments for us to ponder and follow...

But My question is not on this but about the grave bit and you have written something on that ...the answers from the grave bit I dont agree...But no problem...Agreeing on something is better than fighting over it :agree:

My view point is the example is there to follow while the rest as usual is from God/ ALLAH...

What is the differences between us and the prophets...Well, they came with a msg directly from GOD and show us the msg by living the life (example) while we are asked to follow that example. Apart from that at least in the Quran Prophet Muhammad the last prophet (according to Islam) is said to be a man....nothing more...

Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.[Quran 33:40]

Hence from this I derive my thinking....But it was nice to read your bit of share :enjoy:
I asked question which you did not answer

and what is there to enjoy?
See I'm not going to discuss this with you because you sound very immature and won't be able to comprehend real knowledge and won't accept it.
And about enjoying you said that you are so worried about Muslims, you are sitting at home in a safe room behind your computer, while Muslims in Places like Kashmir and Palestine are struggling, So I said stay home and enjoy your concerns about these Muslims.
Interesting view ....

I agree totally with the bold part....We do agree but have differences in how to interpret what we understand...

To my understanding their examples do carry on...in the Quran we have examples of at least 25 messengers....their life story and inspiring moments for us to ponder and follow...

But My question is not on this but about the grave bit and you have written something on that ...the answers from the grave bit I dont agree...But no problem...Agreeing on something is better than fighting over it :agree:

My view point is the example is there to follow while the rest as usual is from God/ ALLAH...

What is the differences between us and the prophets...Well, they came with a msg directly from GOD and show us the msg by living the life (example) while we are asked to follow that example. Apart from that at least in the Quran Prophet Muhammad the last prophet (according to Islam) is said to be a man....nothing more...

Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.[Quran 33:40]

Hence from this I derive my thinking....But it was nice to read your bit of share :enjoy:
Thanks for your appreciative words . :)
Regarding the bold part, actually, when I was a kid, I too didnt agree on the bold part you have quoted. But, as I grew up, I've learnt that we should not find logic for whatever we read in holy scriptures. If we do, we wont find reasons for why a son was born to a virgin, why a person considered a mad one goes to a jungle and becomes enlightened and why a person who was considered as "dead" for 3 days suddenly was alive and taught highest form of vedanta. (Sai Baba).
So, atleast I am glad that you were patient to read what I have posted and in return had some appreciative words to spare for me. :)
See I'm not going to discuss this with you because you sound very immature and won't be able to comprehend real knowledge and won't accept it.
And about enjoying you said that you are so worried about Muslims, you are sitting at home in a safe room behind your computer, while Muslims in Places like Kashmir and Palestine are struggling, So I said stay home and enjoy your concerns about these Muslims.
You are talking to me as if you are typing this from battle field of Kashmir and palestine and sorry to say only those who dont have answer give this pathetic logic that i am not going to tell you because you will never understand it. May be someone else can understand it if not me
You are talking to me as if you are typing this from battle field of Kashmir and palestine and sorry to say only those who dont have answer give this pathetic logic that i am not going to tell you because you will never understand it. May be someone else can understand it if not me
Okay you want an answer? fine Let me ask you something first, do you believe in Hadiths and Do you recite the Durood O Salam? answer this and I'll know what sect you from and then I will give you an answer accordingly
Thanks for your appreciative words . :)
Regarding the bold part, actually, when I was a kid, I too didnt agree on the bold part you have quoted. But, as I grew up, I've learnt that we should not find logic for whatever we read in holy scriptures. If we do, we wont find reasons for why a son was born to a virgin, why a person considered a mad one goes to a jungle and becomes enlightened and why a person who was considered as "dead" for 3 days suddenly was alive and taught highest form of vedanta. (Sai Baba).
So, atleast I am glad that you were patient to read what I have posted and in return had some appreciative words to spare for me. :)
Well I was always interested in different religions, always pondered on why we had soo many sects in Islam itself which are diverse and tried to reason why they are diverse...Yea I seem to have too much time at hand :D

I guess just that the Quran's 1st word was Iqra which means read with understanding or recite and all over the Quran ALLAH keeps telling us to ponder...I kinda took it literally :enjoy:
yaar yaha bhi bahut garmi hai...
pata nai kab barish hogii...dimag ka dahi kar rakha hai garmi ne...
Well I was always interested in different religions, always pondered on why we had soo many sects in Islam itself which are diverse and tried to reason why they are diverse...Yea I seem to have too much time at hand :D

I guess just that the Quran's 1st word was Iqra which means read with understanding or recite and all over the Quran ALLAH keeps telling us to ponder...I kinda took it literally :enjoy:
All the best and may Allah/God bless you with highest form of wisdom for the efforts you are putting to understand his works. :)
Okay you want an answer? fine Let me ask you something first, do you believe in Hadiths and Do you recite the Durood O Salam? answer this and I'll know what sect you from and then I will give you an answer accordingly
Sect? i don't believe in any sect.. I am neither brelvi not wahabi or deobundi.. I am Muslim who try to follow Islam to the best of my understanding. I don't follow any sect or Mulalh blindly ..I don't divide mosques and maullahs that this mosques/Imam is for brevli ..this one is for deobundi..If some deobundi take literal interpretation of jihad and kill innocent in the name of jihad i speak against them. If some braevli practice jahalut and dont offer fard prayers but go to mazaar ask pir baba to give them wordly things then i also speak against them

Bola ha..have some patience and read my reply :D
All the best and may Allah/God bless you with highest form of wisdom for the efforts you are putting to understand his works. :)
thank you :D

@GreenFalcon @Proudpakistaniguy cut it out you both! Everyone has their own way of thinking...just ask ALLAH for guidance and pass your msg...No need to enforce it coz we are not enforcers of a law we are only to deliver the msg! ALLAH guides whom he pleases!
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