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Lal Masjid/Janiah Hafsa website - shut them down !!!

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where do we complaint???? if you know any link post that aswell plz.
Domain was registered in August 2007. Why it has surfaced now?
Where should we complain? FIA,PTA?
Why not look at the other side of the coin? Why escape for the ugly face of reality?

Lal Masjid was the trigger event for the TTP, and Shangla / Swat operation. Its significance cannot be denied.
Why not look at the other side of the coin? Why escape for the ugly face of reality?

Lal Masjid was the trigger event for the TTP, and Shangla / Swat operation. Its significance cannot be denied.

I believe that Lal-Masjid operation was the turning point in History of Pakistan(which is still being written). But, we should not allow our enemies to take advantage of our mistakes.
Why not look at the other side of the coin? Why escape for the ugly face of reality?

Lal Masjid was the trigger event for the TTP, and Shangla / Swat operation. Its significance cannot be denied.

If they were so much serious in their agenda for implementing of Shariah, then they should have adopted other methods too before going for the method of violence.

Islam has not been spread by a danda or by sword, otherwise we would not have been seeing non-muslims in any of the Muslims countries.

If they had such huge balls then instead of barricading themselves like cowards behind the masjid walls, should have come out to face the music in the open. It was their fault to have made Lal Masjid the scene of all this shameful event.

Place of prayers should have never been made the event for such conflict. Both sides were on the wrong side, neither they should have made the masjid a scene for their cowardly hiding place, nor the govt should have done the way it was, other options to neutralize the issue should have been used.

And don't make this event a reason for allowing legitimacy to the TTP thugs or Swat TTP thugs. If they are so much concerned for the lal masjid, then these wahabi takfiri thugs should go to Saudi Arabia and fight the Saud Wahabi dynasty, who have & under whose watch hundreds have been killed in the holiest & most sacred of the Muslims place.
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Please demonstrate some courage and lead a peaceful demonstration to the President house with a single demand …. Break off diplomatic relations with Wahabi Takfiri Saudi Arabia.

Maulana Ghazi and his few zealots were not capable of implementing Shariah or any ideology on anyone. They were about as serious a threat as the speakers who condemn British Royalty at the Hyde Park corner. The whole episode would have fizzled out in a few weeks.

Instead Musharraf saw it as an opportunity to strengthen his credentials with the US and other western benefactors. Pak Army was misused to launch assault on a mosque, on a scale that Indian or Israeli armies had not dared to, at least till that time. It is very unfortunate that the commercial interests of Mrs His Excellency the Chinese Ambassador played a significant part, reality about the massage parlors and bars being public knowledge in Islamabad.

As for leaving the barricades and confront the Army in an open field, that “courage” is unfortunately being demonstrated by those who are fighting in Swat and FATA, to great detriment to national integrity.

It was the most unfortunate turning point. Having served the Army you know it very well that the BHARAM is usually hanging by a thread. One slap can demolish the prestige earned over decades.

TTP does not earn any kind of legitimacy by a darn website. Do not muzzle dissent. Let people speak out their minds, even if it is ***** (your opinion)
And there are those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity to disunite the Believers and in preparation for one who warred against Allah and His Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is noting but good; but Allah doth declare that they are certainly liars. (At-Tauba: 09 verse 107)

Never stand thou forth therein. There is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of thy standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and Allah loveth those who make themselves pure. (At-Tauba: 09 verse 108)

This revealed the conspiracy of disbelievers. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) through some companions at Medina got demolished “Masjid Zarar.”

The mischief-making is never acceptable in Islam. If “Lal Masjid” really had any believe in God than why they used human shield for their protection? and by the way there is another important point…….10 innocent people were martyred on the first day of incident by “Lal Musjid” before the starting of military operation………and in Islam killing of one innocent person is equivalent to the killing of all humanity…….according to the sharia law………the families of victim reserve the right to take “Kasas” or forgive…….so, if they did not forgive then its govt. responsibility to done justice accordingly. At the first place, both sides did wrong…………but still “Lal Masjid” shares the majority blame of the incident.
""10 innocent people were martyred on the first day of incident by “Lal Musjid” before the starting of military operation""

When and where did they kill 10 people before the operation. You need to check your facts.
"On July 3, 2007, a gun battle erupted between the students of Lal Masjid and Pakistani security forces when Jamia Hafsa students stole radio sets and weapons from the Pakistan Rangers deployed in a nearby post. Riot police then fired tear gas shells to disperse the students. About 150 Lal Masjid students attacked the Ministry of Environment office building, setting fire and setting many vehicles ablaze. The fighting continued and left nine people dead and about 150 injured."

All these people were innocent civilians and were martyred by the students of Lal Masjid and after this..........army deployed and so on.......
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